• Amateur Hour

    21-01-20 Amateur Hour Charlie Clark The clouds here are beautiful in the manner of my wifes hands. They are pleasures with strange limits, and change color quickly. In this way, they are like most beautiful things. Take songs. In the car, when my wife turns...

  • sing the same tune 一唱一和

    21-01-17 一唱一和,汉语成语,意思是一个先唱,一个随声应和(sing a duet with somebody)。现在比喻二人互相配合,互相呼应。可以翻译为sing the same tune,echo each other。 例句: 那两个国家在中东问题上总是一唱一和。 Those two countries have always sung the same...

  • 你为什么会迟到?

    21-01-12 你经常迟到吗?你的迟到会让周围的人感到恼火吗?也许迟到不是你的错! As the saying goes, time waits for no man. Time is always against us, and we just cant stop it. Maybe thats why some of us are always running late for appointments. But if timekeepin...

  • prime time 黄金时段

    21-01-11 经常看电视的人对黄金时段这个词都不陌生,你知道它指的是什么时间段吗?黄金时段,是指一天中广播电视节目视听率最高的时段。英文可以翻译为prime time,表示the time of day when the TV audience is at its largest。中国电视的黄金时间是每天18∶30到22∶00。 例句...

  • make full use of every minute 争分夺秒

    21-01-09 争分夺秒,字面意思是不放过一分一秒(seize every minute and second),形容对时间抓得很紧,充分利用时间。可以翻译为make full use of every minute; work against the clock。 例句: 他们正在争分夺秒工作,设法把人们从瓦砾中活着救出来。 Theyre working again...

  • 宫崎骏的名言

    21-01-08 ON INSPIRATION 关于灵感 I get inspiration from my everyday life. 我从自己的日常生活中攫取灵感。 ON CHILDREN 关于儿童 We get strength and encouragement from watching children. 观察儿童让我们获得力量和鼓励。 I dont like games. Youre robbing the precio...

  • 50件小事促大改变

    20-12-26 1.Open the door for a stranger. 1. 为陌生人开门。 2. Say, Thank you. 2. 说声:谢谢! 3. Learn from your mistakes. 3. 从错误中学习。 4. Stop whining. 4. 不要再哭哭啼啼。 5. Fear less. 5.要勇敢无畏。 6. Be kind. 6. 要待人和善。 7. Let yourself be insp...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 10

    20-12-20 How will he look? What will he say? Can anything make us forget and be happy again? were the first questions Rose asked herself as soon as she woke from the brief sleep which followed a long, sad vigil. It seemed as if the whole world must be change...

  • Role Model of the Times 时代楷模

    20-12-17 为表彰其为贫困家庭女孩教育所做的贡献,云南省丽江市华坪女子高级中学校长张桂梅日前被授予时代楷模称号。 Zhang Guimei, the principal of Huaping High School for Girls, based in Lijiang city, Southwest Chinas Yunnan province, has been granted the title Ro...

  • 如何区分易混词at the moment和actually

    20-12-13 搭配 at the moment 和副词 actually 都可以用在句首。At the moment 用来描述事情发生的时间是 此时此刻;而 actually 的意思是 实际上,事实上。 1 At the moment 的意思是 此时此刻,目前。 Im studying at the moment because I have an exam tomorrow. Im sorry....