• 拖延症口头禅

    22-08-02 1. Maybe some other time. 也许下回吧! 2. Maybe tomorrow. 明天再说吧! 3. Maybe later. 过阵儿吧! 4. Lets play it by ear. 到时再说吧! 5. How about a rain check? 改天如何? 6. Lets do it another time. 再找时间吧。 7. Lets call it a day. 今天就干到这...

  • Just right place, right time. 只不过是天时地利而已。

    22-07-25 1. Just right place, right time. 只不过是天时地利而已。 大多数的人想到幸运, 都会直觉反应 lucky,但其实 lucky 有很多种表示法。比如你问老美怎么追到这么一个如花似玉的女朋友, 他回答, Just right place, right time. 是不是立刻联想到了中文里的, 天时地利人和...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 62

    22-07-21 Philip did not surrender himself willingly to the passion that consumed him. He knew that all things human are transitory and therefore that it must cease one day or another. He looked forward to that day with eager longing. Love was like a parasite...

  • double time 双倍速,双倍工资

    22-07-15 double time可不是双倍时间 先来看一下这个句子 Now lets play the piece again double time. 让我们再来弹奏一下这首曲子 以双倍的时间吗?并不是哦! double time=double quick 可以理解成二倍速,它的释义为at a faster speed,以一个更快的速度进行 例: Now lets pla...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 12

    22-07-13 As time went on Philips deformity ceased to interest. It was accepted like one boys red hair and anothers unreasonable corpulence. But meanwhile he had grown horribly sensitive. He never ran if he could help it, because he knew it made his limp more...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-点名

    22-06-22 Time to call the roll. 现在开始点名。 Whos absent today? 今天谁缺席了? Present./Not present. 出席/缺席。 Whos gone A.W.O.L.(absent without leave)? 谁没请假就擅自缺席了?...

  • 时间紧迫

    22-06-21 1. against the clock 如果你为了准时完成一项任务,一直掐着表在做,就可以用上这个短语,它的意思是争分夺秒地。 例:On our last project, we were working against the clock. 上一个工程,我们一直都在和时间赛跑。 2. pressed for time Pressed我们都知道有压迫...

  • 一组异曲同工的中英文谚语

    22-06-14 Time tries all. 路遥知马力,日久见人心(字面意思:时间检验一切)。 To error is human. 人非圣贤,孰能无过(字面意思:出差错是人之本性)。 Trouble never comes singly. 福无双至,祸不单行(字面意思:麻烦从不单独出现)。 Two dogs strive for a bone, and a...

  • 没时间,没空

    22-06-13 1,run out of time没时间 We re running out of time. 咱们快没时间啦! 2,in a rush 赶时间 I m in a rush, talk to you later. 我真的赶时间,晚点再找你说。 3, in a hurry 匆忙,赶时间 I was in a hurry, so I took a baozi for breakfast. 我很忙,所以只吃了...

  • 同学聚会——打招呼

    22-05-27 **好久未见,打招呼时吃惊一点才显热情: 1. Oh my gosh, look who it is! 哎呀嘛,快看谁来了! 2. Well if it isnt my old buddy Bill! 这不是我老同学小毕嘛! **回顾一下已经有多久没见到对方了: 3. Hey man! Long time no see! 嘿哥们!好久没见了! 4. Its been...