• crunch time 关键时刻、关键时间

    22-01-07 crunch time的意思是关键时刻、关键时间,在crunch time做出的决定都是很重大的决定。 He knew it was crunch time. 他知道这是关键时刻。 carry the day 打游戏的时候我们经常会遇到carry这个词,我carry你啊,带你上分什么的。但是carry the day是什么意思呢?它的意...

  • against the clock 争分夺秒

    22-01-07 against the clock 这个相信很多小伙伴都不陌生,翻译成中文就是争分夺秒。 I worked day and night against the clock to get this done on time. 为了按时完成这项工作,我夜以继日争分夺秒地工作。 call time 的意思是宣布暂停。 I think we should call time on th...

  • hit the big time 大获成功

    22-01-07 big time指巨大成功,hit有命中、击中的意思。所以hit the big time的意思是:大获成功。 After Tony hit the big time, he bought a luxury car. 托尼大获成功后,购买了一辆豪车。 He hit the big time with films such as Ghost and Dirty Dancing. 他因《人鬼情未...

  • Sometime, some time, sometimes, some times

    22-01-05 先来对比 sometime 和两个词组成的 some time。为了帮助大家更好地区分它们之间的区别,来听一个包含了这两个说法的例句。 Example If you have some time, we should catch up sometime. (如果你有时间的话,我们可得找个时间聊聊。) If you have some time, we sho...

  • high time 已经迟了,不能再拖下去了

    22-01-04 短语表达 high time 意思是某事需要尽快办,因为已经迟了,不能再拖下去了。 例句 Im already 42. Its high time I sorted my pension out! The planes due to leave in 30 minutes. Its high time we were boarding. Its high time we got our car serviced. Its been...

  • another day 改天、又一天、新的一天

    21-12-22 another day意思是改天、又一天、新的一天。 改天吧英文怎么说?可以直接翻译: How about another day? Maybe some other time. 而the other day则比较类似于a short time ago或者是recently,表达的意思是不久之前或者是前几天的意思,表示的是一个比较相近的却不是...

  • to fall for someone 迷恋一个人

    21-12-14 Fall for someone 的含义和 fall in love with someone 相似,用来表达对某人产生了感觉、爱意,迷恋上了某人,而且是非常强烈地被这个人吸引住了。 例句 I fell for you the first time I met you. It took a while, but they finally fell for each other after bein...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 1

    21-11-29 No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be an heroine. Her situation in life, the character of her father and mother, her own person and disposition, were all equally against her. Her father was a cl...

  • procrastination 拖延症

    21-11-23 不知道有多少小伙伴,碰到事情总抱着再等等的心态,一切都要拖到最后 近日,一项调查显示,超过97%的大学生都觉得自己或多或少地有拖延症。就连吃晚饭这样日常的事,有人都能拖到晚上9点。 拖延症,表示the act of delaying something that must be done,英文是procra...

  • mediator 和事佬

    21-11-15 面对纠纷时,很多人或许都在无意间扮演或充当过一个角色和事老。 和事老,也写作和事佬,字面意思是调停争端的人(mediator, someone who tries to bring peace)。和事指平息事件或争端、调节纷争(mediate, make peace),佬表示成年男子(guy, fellow)。 和事老通...