• 《魔发奇缘》第2章

    22-09-07 Opening the towers shutters, Rapunzel leaned out over the windowsill, breathing in the fresh morning air. It seemed to smell better out there than inside the tower, and the air always felt cooler and fresher at the window. From a potted strawberry p...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第1章

    22-09-07 For many years the people of the kingdom searched and searched, but they never found their princess. No one knew that far away, hidden in a boxed-in valley, Mother Gothel was raising the child as her own. To prevent her from leaving, Mother Gothel k...

  • 埃菲尔铁塔顶部安装天线 高度增至330米

    22-03-22 巴黎铁娘子埃菲尔铁塔即将年满133岁,但仍在长个儿。3月15日,法国一架直升机将长达六米的数字音频广播天线安装在埃菲尔铁塔顶部,使得铁塔高度从324米增至330米。 The Eiffel Tower grew by six meters (nearly 20 feet) on Tuesday after engineers hoisted a new co...

  • a tower of strength 中流砥柱

    21-12-17 在英语里 a tower of strength 用来形容一个非常可以信赖的人,一个支柱般的人,一个中流砥柱。同义短语是 a pillar of strength. 例句 After losing my job, Stefan was a tower of strength and encouraged me to start looking for new employment. Jane was a real...

  • mainstay 中流砥柱

    21-11-10 中流砥柱,比喻能担当重任,在艰难环境中起支柱作用的集体或个人。可以翻译为mainstay,tower of strength,pillar of something等。 例句: 那五位具有真才实学的工程师是这个小厂的中流砥柱。 The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of the small f...

  • to tower over 高过、胜过

    21-08-30 短语 to tower over 的意思高过、胜过某人或某物。 例句 Joan towers over her husband when she wears her smart high heel shoes. The new skyscraper towers over the buildings downtown. 请注意 短语 a tower of strength 可用来形容在关键时刻可信赖和依靠的人。...

  • to tower over 高过、胜过某人或某物

    21-08-04 短语 to tower over 的意思高过、胜过某人或某物。 例句 Joan towers over her husband when she wears her smart high heels. The new skyscraper towers over the buildings downtown. 请注意 短语 a tower of strength 可用来形容在关键时刻可信赖和依靠的人。 例句...

  • to tower over 高出、胜过

    21-08-03 短语 to tower over 的意思高过、胜过某人或某物。 例句 Joan towers over her husband when she wears her smart high heels. The new skyscraper towers over the buildings downtown. 请注意 短语 a tower of strength 可用来形容在关键时刻可信赖和依靠的人。 例句...

  • 苏州塔桥翻修将完工

    19-01-31 Renovations of Tower Bridge in the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province are set to be finished in March. 苏州伦敦塔桥修复工作将于3月完工。 The bridge, which is very similar to Tower Bridge in London, opened to traffic in 2009. Xiangcheng Traffic Inves...

  • 比萨斜塔经历地震为何还能屹立不倒

    18-05-19 New research has revealed how the iconic Leaning Tower of Pisa has managed to stay standing - and intact - in the face of four strong earthquakes and a precarious lean of five degrees. 意大利的标志性建筑比萨斜塔有5度的倾斜度,而且还历经4次大地震,却...