• 为什么大人也爱泰迪熊?

    22-01-22 泰迪熊是许多人从小就熟悉的玩具。这个毛茸茸的伙伴给童年带来了欢乐和慰藉。一些人即使已经长大,对它的喜爱也丝毫不减。这是为什么? One thing we always remember from our childhood is our favourite teddy bear. This soft, ragged toy was our comfort and com...

  • to toy with somebody 对一个人的感情不认真

    21-08-19 短语 to toy with somebody 表示对一个人的感情不认真、不看重,说得重一些就是玩弄某人的感情。 例句 Peter has been going out with Mary for five years but he never talks about marriage. He is just toying with her feelings. I have been working really hard...

  • 《玩具总动员》第5章

    21-06-23 A few days later, Andy and his mom decided to take a break from packing to go to Andys favorite restaurant, Pizza Planet. Mrs. Davis told Andy that he could bring a toy. But only one. Woody wanted to be that toy. He sneaked a peek at Buzz, who was s...