• 低头族专用通道引争议

    18-06-06 A special lane painted on a footpath in Xian dedicated to smartphone addicts has triggered discussions online in China, reports Sanqin Metropolis Daily. 《三秦都市报》报道,西安一条专为手机上瘾者设置的特殊通道在网上引起热议。 The one-meter-wide, 100...

  • 2018北京将建首条“自行车专用道”

    17-10-12 Beijing is to build its first bicycle expressway connecting Tiantongyuan with Zhongguancun. Work on the project is due to get underway in 2018, reports the Beijing News. 北京新闻网报道,北京将打造首条连接天通苑与中关村的自行车专用道,这项工程将于201...

  • 北京中小学操场跑道将实行新标准

    16-06-14 Educational authorities in Beijing have begun the process of setting new standards for the construction and inspection of playgrounds and running tracks in primary and middle schools, according to a report by Peoples Daily. 《人民日报》报道,北京市...

  • daughter track 女儿职业道路

    14-11-20 Daughter track is a career path where a woman reduces her chances of advancement by working flextime or fewer hours to look after her elderly parents. 女儿职业道路是指女性为照顾年老的父母,利用弹性时间工作或减少工作时长,从而减少了自己职业晋升机会的...

  • 水中如何追踪鱼群

    13-08-24 How do you track a fish? There's no Google Maps for finding fish. The radio signals that are the backbone of traditional GPS cannot pass through seawater. But sound travels remarkably well, so scientists often use acoustic telemetry(声波遥测) to e...

  • DNA痕迹法追踪海洋鱼类

    12-08-31 Danish researchers at University of Copenhagen lead the way for future monitoring of marine biodiversity and resources by using DNA traces in seawater samples to keep track of fish and whales in the oceans. A half litre of seawater can contain evide...

  • twin-track approach 双轨制

    12-08-29 Japan's new administration has opted for a twin-track approach in its dealings with Beijing, showing caution on security issues but wishing to be cooperative in the economic field, analysts said. 分析人士指出,日本新内阁对华关系选择了双轨制,对安全...

  • 'New' Jackson song penned in 1983 杰克逊“新歌”乃1983年作品

    09-10-14 The new Michael Jackson track premiered on Monday was written in 1983 by the star and singer Paul Anka, it has emerged. 有消息称,本周一发布的杰克逊新单曲是其在1983年与Paul Anka共同创作的。 The stars who have carried on singing from beyond the grave...

  • Piracy officers probe Leona leak 警方介入Leona歌曲泄露案

    09-08-20 An investigation into how an unreleased track by singer Leona Lewis was leaked onto the internet is taking place, it has been confirmed. 有消息证实,歌手Leona Lewis未发行的专辑被非法流传到网上,调查已经展开。 Leona Lewis won The X Factor in 2006 Rec...

  • 附赠曲目 bonus track

    09-08-16 现在唱片店里的专辑,除了有主打歌曲之外,还经常带有附赠曲目,目的是为了吸引顾客,促进唱片的销售。有些唱片,虽然里面的歌曲大多都听过了,但是附赠歌曲很吸引人,我们也许还是会把它买下来。那么附赠曲目的英文说法是什么呢? 请看外电的报道: Nineteen months a...