• 8个美式英语和英式英语中意思不同的词 上

    22-03-02 Bird 在美国,bird就是一种有羽毛啾啾叫的动物而已。 但是在英国,bird通常描述年轻的女性,和美国口语中的chicks类似。千万别称呼你老板的女儿bird哦,一些英国人会觉得这是在贬低自己。 美国:鸟;禽 We watched a flock of birds fly over the field. 我们看着一群...

  • 平壤动物园有只大猩猩会用打火机点烟抽烟

    16-11-04 According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in Pyongyang since it re-opened in July, the 19-year-old female chimpanzee, whose name in Korean is Dallae, smokes about a pack a day. Dallae is short for az...

  • 美国某海底世界鲸鱼袭击驯兽员导致其死亡

    10-02-25 A killer whale has killed a 40-year-old female trainer at the SeaWorld marine park in Orlando, Florida. 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多海底世界一头逆戟鲸杀死一名40岁的女驯兽员。 Tilikum has been involved in two previous deaths Officials described the incident...
