• forest resources 森林资源

    21-03-21 国家林业和草原局与国家统计局近日联合发布的研究数据显示,我国林地林木资源持续增长,以第九次全国森林资源清查期末2018年为基准测算,全国林地林木资产总价值为25.05万亿元,较2013年增长17.66%。 Chinas forest resources have steadily increased over the years,...

  • 世界各地树屋建筑的兴起

    21-02-09 树屋曾是人们躲避危险的临时住所,但随着时代的进步,树屋的样式和用途也在不断改进和变革。从儿童玩耍的好去处,到现在,越来越多的成年人会选择在世界各地新奇、古怪、有大胆设计的树屋中住上几晚,重拾接近自然的体验。甚至还有些大型公司选择建造树屋办公楼给员工...

  • tremendous effort 九牛二虎之力

    21-01-27 九牛二虎之力,字面意思是九头牛与两只虎的力气的相加(strength of nine bulls and two tigers),比喻其力大不可挡。常用于形容很费力才做成一件事。可以翻译为 tremendous effort;all ones strength。 例句: 我使出九牛二虎之力也没把它拽动。 I heaved with all...

  • 《The Tree of Life》生命之树

    20-11-28 The Tree of Life is a 2011 American drama film with experimental elements written and directed by Terrence Malick and starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain. The impressionistic story of a Midwestern family in the 1950s, chronicling the...

  • 研究发现植物能为人减压

    20-11-17 Scientists gave 38 households in an economically deprived part of Salford in the north of England a tree, a shrub, and some other flowering plants. More than half said the plants made them feel happier. But the scientists also measured cortisol leve...

  • 英国超市出售树叶遭炮轰

    20-10-12 UK-based supermarket Waitrose has been slammed by social media users for selling bouquets of autumn seasonal foliage at 6 apiece. 英国高端超市维特罗斯近日遭到社交媒体用户的炮轰,因为该超市出售成束的秋叶,每束定价6英镑(约合人民币53元)。 Photos of v...

  • witness tree 见证树

    20-08-28 Witness tree refers to an extremely old tree, particularly one that was present at one or more important historical events. 见证树指的是历经沧桑的古树,特别是见证过一个或多个重要历史事件的古树。 Many tourists come to the Laurel Hill Cemetery, and th...

  • 云南发现一棵45米高濒危喙核桃树

    18-08-02 A 45-meter-tall endangered Annamocarya sinensis was found in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in southwest Chinas Yunnan Province, according to the local Forest Public Security Bureau. 一棵45米高的濒危喙核桃在云南省文山壮族苗族自治州被...

  • 马克龙特朗普一起栽的树神秘消失

    18-04-30 A tree brought by French President Emmanuel Macron for his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump mysteriously disappeared over the weekend, according to local reports on Sunday. 美国当地媒体周日报道,法国总统马克龙带给美国总统特朗普的一棵树在周末神奇消失。...

  • 1400年历史银杏树成旅游景点

    17-10-20 A tree that is 1,400 years old in Chinas Shaanxi Province is drawing tens of thousands of people from all over the country, the Beijing Youth Daily reports. 《北京青年报》报道,陕西省一棵有1400多年历史的古树吸引了全国各地数以万计的人们前来观看。 Cro...