• 《蓝精灵:寻找神秘村》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. The rotten apple doesnt fall too far from the tree after all. 毕竟有其父必有其子。 2. Youre grounded. 闭门思过。/你们被禁足了。 3. So, everybody, whatever you do, dont eat all your rations. 所以大家无论如何别把自己的口粮给吃光了。 4. Ruining thin...

  • 黑猩猩敲打树根“击鼓”传讯

    22-11-25 This chimpanzee is about to send a message. 这头黑猩猩马上就要发送一个信息。 The drumming can travel 1km through the jungle. 敲打声可以在丛林中传播一公里。 Drumming on tree roots allows them to say where they are and what theyre doing. 敲打树根可以...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第17章

    22-09-08 Mother Gothels dagger had been very convincing to the thug she had met outside the Snuggly Duckling. He had told her exactly how to get to the exit from the tunnel into which Rapunzel and Flynn had escaped. Having found her way to that very exit, Mo...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第5章

    22-09-07 Give me that! Flynn yelled as Maximus finally sank his teeth into the satchel. Man and horse engaged in a tug-of-war until Flynn used all his might to pull the satchel free, flinging it well out of reach. It landed at the far end of a fallen tree th...

  • money spinner 摇钱树

    22-09-01 摇钱树,原本指神话中的一种宝树,一摇晃就有许多钱落下来(a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken),后多用来比喻可借以源源不断地获取钱财的人或物(ready source of money)。英文可以翻译为money spinner或money tree。 例句: 这些电影已成为巨大的摇钱...