• meggings 男士打底裤

    14-03-06 A new trend for male leggings, known as meggings , is about to hit the mainstream according to a new company which plans to make them accessible for all. 一家计划面向大众生产男士打底裤的新公司称,男士打底裤即将成为主流服装。 Until now the super-tigh...

  • 英国某学校禁止女生穿紧身裤和裙子

    11-07-03 Schoolgirls have been wearing such short skirts a Staffordshire school that theyve been ordered to wear trousers instead. 英国斯塔福德郡一所学校因为女生穿的裙子太短,下令让她们改穿裤子。 All skirts will be banned from September at Paget High School...
