• 清理沙滩垃圾有助海龟产卵

    16-05-18 Conventional wisdom says removing beach debris helps sea turtles nest; now, as sea-turtle nesting season gets underway, a new University of Florida study proves it. Clearing the beach of flotsam and jetsam increased the number of nests by as much as...

  • 海龟进化史中的关键线索

    15-09-10 A research team led by NYIT scientist Gaberiel Bever has determined that a 260-million year-old fossil species found in South Africa's Karoo Basin provides a long awaited glimpse into the murky origins of turtles. Bever, describes the extinct reptil...

  • 幼蠵龟不会随洋流被动漂流

    14-08-07 Juvenile loggerhead turtles swim into oncoming ocean currents, instead of passively drifting with them, according to a study published August 6, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Donald Kobayashi from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin...

  • 乌龟的甲壳如何形成的

    13-05-31 Through careful study of an ancient ancestor of modern turtles, researchers now have a clearer picture of how the turtles' most unusual shell came to be. The findings, reported on May 30 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, help to fill a 3...

  • 乌龟与蜥蜴是近亲

    11-07-26 BAR HARBOR Famous for their sluggishness(迟缓,萧条) , turtles have been slow to give up the secrets of their evolution and place on the evolutionary tree. For decades, paleontologists(古生物学者) who study fossils and molecular biologists who s...

  • 澳洲昆士兰北海岸发现大量病、死海龟

    11-07-01 Australian officials are investigating why dozens of turtles have been found on beaches in northern Queensland, many of them ill or dead. 澳大利亚当局正在调查为什么许多海龟停留在昆士兰北部地区海滩上,其中许多已患病或死亡。 Sea turtles have been dyin...

  • Three Turtles 三只乌龟

    11-05-20 Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee. Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain. The biggest turtle said to the smallest one, Go home and get the umbrella. The little turtle replied, I will, if you don't drink my offee. We won't, t...

  • 海龟可感知地理经度

    11-02-25 From the very first moments of life, hatchling(人工孵化鱼) loggerhead sea turtles have an arduous(努力的) task. They must embark on a transoceanic(横越海洋的) migration, swimming from the Florida coast eastward to the North Atlantic and then g...

  • 真菌感染龟卵导致大西洋海龟数量减少

    10-10-31 An international team of Mycologists(霉菌学家) and Ecologists(生态学家) studying Atlantic sea turtles at Cape Verde have discovered that the species is under threat from a fungal infection which targets eggs. The research, published in FEMS Micr...

  • 商业捕渔误杀大约数百万只海龟

    10-04-07 The number of sea turtles inadvertently(非故意地) snared(捕捉,诱惑) by commercial fishing gear(钓鱼用具,打捞装置) over the past 20 years may reach into the millions, according to the first peer-reviewed study to compile sea turtle bycatch(...