• 绿地能提高城市居民的幸福感

    13-04-22 Parks, gardens and green space in urban areas can improve the wellbeing and quality of life of people living there, says a University of Exeter study. 埃克赛特大学的一项研究显示,城市地区的公园、花园和绿地可以提高周围居民的幸福感和生活质量。 Using d...

  • urban disease 城市病

    12-10-25 Big cities in China are on the brink of a major shortfall in resources and infrastructure capacity, under a problem termed urban diseases , a new report has warned. 一项最新报道警告,中国大城市正濒临严重的资源短缺、基础设施承载能力不足等一系列城市问...

  • 快速的城市扩张威胁着生物多样性

    12-09-18 A brief window of opportunity exists to shape the development of cities globally before a boom in infrastructure construction transforms urban land cover, according to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers at Ya...

  • 应对城市热岛效应的折衷方法

    12-09-10 A team of researchers from Arizona State University have found that warming resulting from megapolitan expansion is seasonally dependent, with greatest warming occurring during summer and least during winter. Among the most practical ways to combat...

  • 改装市区环境以减少CO2排放

    12-04-15 Imagine a world where the rooftops and pavements of every urban area are resurfaced to increase the reflection of the Sun's light rays. Well, this is exactly what a group of Canadian researchers have simulated in an attempt to measure the potential...

  • 都市生活压力大

    11-06-23 Being born and raised in a major urban area is associated with greater lifetime risk for anxiety and mood disorders. Until now, the biology for these associations had not been described. A new international study, which involved Douglas Mental Healt...

  • 城市不是蝙蝠理想的生存环境

    11-06-01 In the treeless, flat Prairie, you'd think a city would provide a good home for bats who like to snuggle up(偎依) and roost in trees and buildings. But researchers at the University of Calgary made the surprising discovery that the urban landscape...

  • urban planning 城市规划

    11-03-18 Ancient capital aims big in urban planning --Shaanxi governor Yuan Chunqing unveiled an ambitious plan to build Xi'an into an international metropolis by linking it with the neighboring city of Xianyang. 古都城市规划志存高远陕西省省长袁纯清公布了一...

  • 城市生活使人更易患精神病

    10-09-07 The association between psychotic(精神病的) disorders and living in urban areas appears to be a reflection of increased social fragmentation(破碎,分裂) present within cities, according to a report in the September issue of Archives of General P...

  • 生态系统、植被可影响城市热岛效应

    09-12-16 NASA researchers studying urban城市的,市区的 landscapes have found that the intensity强烈,强度 of the heat island created by a city depends on the ecosystem it replaced and on the regional climate. Urban areas developed in arid干旱的,不毛的 and s...