• 安全高效的代理服务器

    16-07-13 Anonymity networks protect people living under repressive regimes from surveillance of their Internet use. But the recent discovery of vulnerabilities in the most popular of these networks -- Tor -- has prompted computer scientists to try to come up...

  • 手指一滑就可找到对象和朋友的App

    16-03-25 You can now swipe your way to a BFF after dating app Bumble announced it has released a function that allows users to look for friends as well as lovers. 最近,一个名为大黄蜂的手机App出台了新功能用户只消用手指一滑,就可以找到恋爱对象和朋友。 The app...

  • 身体柔韧新挑战 反手夹手机

    15-09-14 A new body challenge has emerged in China following the popularity of previous contortion tests, with the latest relying on flexibility. 前阵子中国掀起了一股反手摸肚脐身体挑战热潮,现在新的身体柔韧挑战项目又诞生了。 The 'reverse praying' trend sees...

  • 如厕时与别人进行匿名交流的手机应用

    15-08-28 It is certainly a unique idea - an anonymous app that lets you chat from the toilet with others in a similar position. 有一款手机应用,可以让你在如厕时和其他正在上厕所的人进行匿名交流,这个创意不错吧? Called Pooductive, the app was originally launc...

  • 新应用可以提前在机场订餐

    15-07-25 Whether there's simply not enough time, or the queues are too big, getting food in the airport terminal is a challenging task. 不管是因为时间紧张,还是排队过长,在机场候机楼,吃饭是一项颇具挑战性的任务。 But an app has been developed that allows use...

  • unlicensed music 未获授权音乐作品

    15-07-21 Online streaming services must stop providing unlicensed music to users, said the National Copyright Administration in a statement published on its website. Service providers were required to remove unlicensed music by the end of July. 据国家版权局...

  • likebait 求赞帖

    15-05-11 Likebait , or like-bait, is web content which is specifically intended to make Facebook users click the 'Like' button associated with it providing content of any value. 求赞帖指专门设计用来让Facebook用户点赞的网页内容,其本身无任何实际价值。 Bait是...

  • 西藏手机用户达到300万

    15-03-02 The number of mobile phone users in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region has reached nearly 3 million, according to the latest data. 最新数据显示,中国西南部西藏自治区手机用户几乎达到300万。 By the end of 2014, Tibet had 2.92 million registered...

  • 青少年不再青睐Facebook

    13-12-30 Facebook is 'dead and buried' to older teenagers, an extensive European study has found, as the key age group moves on to Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat. 一项广泛的欧洲研究发现,一些稍大些的青少年不再使用Facebook,转而使用Twitter、图片分...

  • Internet meme 网络迷因

    13-12-24 An Internet meme , is some kind of idea or piece of information that spreads very rapidly across a large number of Internet users. It's a bit like the online equivalent of an inside joke, a fashionable, attention-grabbing concept that a large number...