• 藻类蛋白帮助男子恢复部分视力

    21-06-15 通过利用藻类中首次发现的感光蛋白,一名完全失明男子的部分视力得到了恢复。 The man from Brittany in France was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa 40 years ago. Doctors used a pioneering technique called optogenetics to try to restore his vision. 40年...

  • 你的眼镜多少度

    21-01-28 1 How strong are your glasses? 歪果仁也很有意思,眼镜一般就是越厚度数越高,越厚的镜片越结实- strong。所以就直接用how strong来询问就可以。 2 Whats the power of your glasses? power表示力量,跟上面的strong含义差不多,只不过换了一个表达方式。 你的眼镜力...

  • 无雷世界2025哈里王子讲话

    17-04-27 Its funny for you, isnt it? Twenty years ago, in the last months of her life, my mother campaigned to draw attention to the horrific and indiscriminate impact of landmines. She visited affected areas such as Huambo in Angola and Travnik in Bosnia. S...

  • 侏罗纪时期哺乳动物夜间视力进化史

    16-06-21 Early mammals evolved in a burst during the Jurassic period, adapting a nocturnal lifestyle when dinosaurs were the dominant daytime predator. How these early mammals evolved night vision to find food and survive has been a mystery, but a new study...

  • The Interrogation

    16-05-17 The Interrogation Amit Majmudar When they leathered his arm to the armrest and began like manicurists in a nail salon he says that he retreated from his hand until the part of him that dwelt there once was gone and heard no news from his own outer r...

  • 关于视力的几个常见误解 上

    16-05-14 MYTH #1: IF YOU CROSS YOUR EYES, THEYLL STAY THAT WAY. Crossed eyes occur when your eyes dont look the same way at the same time. There are six muscles attached to each of our eyes that, guided by signals from the brain, control their movements. Whe...

  • exploding head syndrome 爆炸头综合症

    15-09-17 There's this sudden crescendo of noise, then a profound and jarring explosion of sound, electrical fizzing and a bright flash in my vision, like someone has lit a spotlight in front of my face. 噪音突然增大,然后我听到巨大、刺耳的爆炸声,看到电火花...

  • 昆虫视觉有助于提升机器人视觉系统

    15-06-15 The way insects see and track their prey is being applied to a new robot under development at the University of Adelaide, in the hopes of improving robot visual systems. The project - which crosses the boundaries of neuroscience, mechanical engineer...

  • 汪星人看得懂电视上的图像

    15-01-19 Domestic dogs can perceive images on television similarly to the way we do, and they are intelligent enough to recognize onscreen images of animals as they would in real life -- even animals they've never seen before -- and to recognize TV dog sound...

  • 谷歌眼镜可能阻挡部分周边视觉

    14-11-06 Testing of study participants who wore head-mounted display systems (Google glasses) found that the glasses created a partial peripheral vision obstruction, according to a study in the November 5 issue of JAMA. Interest in wearable head-mounted disp...