• 巴西世界杯或将出现新神器caxirola

    13-11-29 Mention vuvuzela to soccer fans, and they may cringe(畏缩,奉承) . The plastic horn rose to prominence during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, where tens of thousands of those instruments blared in packed stadiums. The loud, buzzing noise soon...

  • 2010年最热门词汇新鲜出炉

    10-11-21 Spillcam and vuvuzela were the top words of 2010, reflecting the global impact of the months-long oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the noisy South African horns at the World Cup soccer tournament, according to a survey released on Sunday. 根据周...

  • 亚运会禁止出现呜呜祖拉

    10-11-15 The vuvuzela trumpet, which became the droning soundtrack to the football World Cup in South Africa, has been banned from the Asian Games, organisers have confirmed. 亚运会组织者证实:本届亚运会中禁止出现南非世界杯足球赛中嗡嗡作响的呜呜祖拉。 The vu...

  • 欧足联赛场禁止出现呜呜祖拉

    10-09-06 Vuvuzelas have been kicked out of European competition after UEFA said that the plastic trumpets drowned out supporters and detracted from the emotion of the game. 欧洲足球协会联合会称塑料喇叭呜呜祖拉淹没了球迷的声音,并扰乱比赛情绪,因此呜呜祖拉将...

  • “呜呜祖拉”获评本届世界杯热门词汇

    10-07-17 Vuvuzela has been voted the word of the World Cup by global linguists who said Monday the tournament will be best remembered for the name of South Africa's deafening trumpet. 南非世界杯上球迷吹奏的喇叭呜呜祖拉于本周一获评本届世界杯的主题词,语言学家...

  • “呜呜祖拉滤声器”问世

    10-06-19 An online company has begun marketing an Anti Vuvuzela Filter that promises to silence the sound of the controversial plastic trumpets that have become the trademark of South Africa's World Cup. 备受争议的呜呜祖拉加油工具已成为南非世界杯的一大标志,...

  • 南非球迷“呜呜祖拉”喇叭气势如虹

    10-06-13 South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening game on Friday. 世界杯揭幕战于本周五打响,虽然墨西哥队在比赛后半段扳回一分,与东...
