• 全球变暖使格陵兰岛冰盖更加脆弱

    12-03-13 The Greenland ice sheet is likely to be more vulnerable to global warming than previously thought. The temperature threshold(门槛,极限) for melting the ice sheet completely is in the range of 0.8 to 3.2 degrees Celsius of global warming, with a b...

  • 加拿大北部灌木林面积扩大

    11-12-09 Scientists have used satellite data from NASA-built Landsat missions to confirm that more than 20 years of warming temperatures in northern Quebec, Canada, have resulted in an increase in the amount and extent of shrubs(灌木) and grasses. For the...

  • 公众对缓解全球变暖政策支持不足

    11-11-22 People who believe there is a lot of disagreement among scientists about global warming tend to be less certain that global warming is happening and less supportive of climate policy, researchers at George Mason, San Diego State, and Yale Universiti...

  • 英国某小镇计划用火葬场供暖

    11-01-29 英国伍斯特郡的一个小镇议会最近提出了一条省钱又环保的建议:用当地的火葬场为周边的休闲中心和游泳馆供暖。目前,这条建议还在讨论中,不过殡葬联合会的有关人士也表示,从环境角度来看,这不失为一条好建议。 A council in Britain is proposing to save money and...

  • 全球变暖对热带地区的生物影响最大

    10-10-07 In recent decades documented biological changes in the far Northern Hemisphere have been attributed to global warming, changes from species extinctions to shifting geographic ranges. Such changes were expected because warming has been fastest in the...

  • 女性更容易接受全球变暖

    10-09-15 Women tend to believe the scientific consensus(一致,合意) on global warming more than men, according to a study by a Michigan State University researcher. The findings, published in the September issue of the journal Population and Environment, c...

  • 全球变暖导致水稻产量下降

    10-08-10 Global warming is cutting rice yields in many parts of Asia, according to research. 调查显示,全球变暖导致亚洲许多地区水稻产量下降。 Warmer climates will bring changes to rainfall, potentially causing drought Yields have fallen by 10-20% over the la...

  • 驾车出行对全球变暖影响超过飞机

    10-08-07 Driving alone in a car increases global temperatures in the long run more than making the same long-distance journey by air according to a new study. However, in the short run traveling by air has a larger adverse climate impact because airplanes st...

  • 无冰的海洋可能不会吸收二氧化碳

    10-08-03 The summer of 2010 has been agonizingly(使人烦恼地,苦闷地 ) hot in much of the continental U.S., and the record-setting temperatures have refocused attention on global warming. Scientists have been looking at ways the Earth might benefit from nat...

  • 全球变暖使非洲猿生存艰难

    10-07-23 A study on the effect of global warming on African ape(猿) survival suggests that a warming climate may cause apes to run 'out of time'. The research, published today in Journal of Biogeography, reveals that rising temperatures and changes in rain...