• 《水形物语》精彩词句

    23-01-29 1. Tragedy and delight... Hand in hand. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 2. Id waste away if you werent here looking after me. 要是没你在这照顾我, 我就会日渐消瘦了。 3. I made Brewster pigs in the blanket tonight before leaving. 我今晚走之前给布鲁斯特做了面包...

  • 《机器人总动员》第1章

    22-12-14 Chirrrp! A little cockroach jumped happily onto WALL Es shoulder. As the toxic winds began to pick up speed, WALL E and his only companion motored bouncily toward home. WALL Es treads were wearing thin, and the cockroach held on bravely as they cros...

  • 杰夫·贝索斯:印度的亚马逊(4)

    22-10-25 Is there something you think is a sheer waste of time? 有没有什么事情是你认为纯粹是浪费时间的? Look there are a lot of things that are a waste of time. 看,有很多事情都是在浪费时间。 You know, when you think about your life, I think I often tell peo...

  • 三星研发出无需用水并能把便便烧成灰的马桶

    22-09-09 热心于公益事业的比尔盖茨这些年在环保马桶上没少花钱。自从盖茨基金会于2011年发起了改造马桶挑战后,已有多个机构参与过这一挑战。近日三星研发出一款无需用水并能把便便烧成灰的马桶,既环保又节能,有望投入大规模生产。 For over a decade, Bill Gates has had a...