• 四个表示“分配”的词:distribute、allocate、assign和apportio

    21-04-01 动词 distribute、allocate、assign 和 apportion 都有 分配 的意思,但它们的用法并不能等同。我们接下来将通过例句和讲解,帮助大家理解这四个看上去比较抽象的词语之间的区别。 首先来看动词 distribute,它也可以读作 distribute,重音既可以在第一个音节上,也可...

  • 地球快要变成“塑料星球”

    21-02-23 气候变化仅仅是地球遇到的挑战之一,我们所居住的星球还面临着堆积如山的垃圾和废弃物,尤其是白色垃圾。一项研究说,自1950年至今,人类已生产出83亿吨塑料制品,并尚未找到有效处理和回收塑料制品的方法。 Heres a staggering statistic. Scientists have calculated...

  • 2021年禁止以任何方式进口固体废物

    20-12-01 China will ban all imports of solid waste from Jan 1, 2021, authorities have said.The dumping, stacking and disposal of waste products from overseas on Chinese territory will also be banned, according to the notice. 《公告》明确,从2021年1月1日起,...

  • 洗衣服产生的人造微纤维可导致环境污染

    20-11-17 我们在洗衣服时,从衣物上脱落并排入外界环境中的人造微纤维总量是一个惊人的数字。美国科学家估计,自20世纪50年代我们开始大量穿戴涤纶和尼龙服饰以来,排入自然环境中的人造微纤维总量达560万吨。 Over the course of the past 65 years or so, our collection of c...

  • 韩国:减少废弃物的楷模

    20-11-04 South Koreans used to not really care about how to sort their waste too, but in the year 1995, their government took a different path from most of the other countries: they establish a systematic and strict waste management standard to ensure the st...

  • 德国:全球废弃物循环利用领先者

    20-11-04 Germany is the country with the worlds number one recycling system. The country has a quite detailed way of sorting their waste down to the colour of the glass waste you wished to throw away, the type of paper that could be put inside the paper wast...

  • 印尼人如何处理垃圾

    20-11-04 One thing for sure: its never too hard to throw your garbage in Indonesia. What Indonesians commonly do is putting our trashes in our personal garbage area which usually located at the front of our house, right at the side of the street. Put it ther...

  • 遍及全球的塑料污染问题

    20-10-11 It is everywhere because its almost endlessly useful. And when its thrown away, if plastic finds its way into a plant like this, a lot of it can be made into something useful all over again. 塑料无处不在,因为它的用途几乎是无穷无尽的。当塑料被丢弃后...

  • wonky food 歪瓜裂枣

    20-09-25 A supermarket in Canada is urging its customers to remember that beauty is only skin deep, as it begins selling smaller, misshapen produce to help cut waste. 加拿大超市Loblaws鼓励消费者铭记美貌不只限于外表,为减少食品浪费,力推歪瓜裂枣。 Loblaws, th...

  • medical waste disposal facility 医疗废物处置设施

    20-09-11 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。 A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical wa...