• 死海水位不断下降

    12-04-11 Rapidly dropping water levels of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth's surface heralded(通报) for its medicinal properties, has been a source of ecological concern for years. Now a drilling project led by researchers from Tel Aviv University a...

  • 水可以漂浮在油上

    12-04-05 Defying thousands of years of conventional wisdom, scientists are reporting that it is possible for water to float on oil, a discovery they say has important potential applications in cleaning up oil spills that threaten seashores and fisheries. The...

  • Drizzle

    12-03-27 Hello! My name is Drizzle. I am a tiny water drop. Whew! The sun is heating me up! I am getting smaller and smaller. Oh! I am going up! Up! Up! Into a cloud! Whee! Look at them. They look just like me. It is really cool up here. I like this place. H...

  • 水星极点存在水冰

    12-03-22 A Nasa spacecraft has found further tantalising evidence for the existence of water ice at Mercury's poles. 美国宇航局的一艘航天飞船发现足够的证据证明水星极地存在水冰。 The radar-bright patches line up perfectly with areas of permanent shadow Though...

  • 欧洲水资源告急

    12-03-14 Continued inefficient use of water could threaten Europe's economy, productivity and ecosystems, a report has warned. 一项报告警告,持续低效利用水源将威胁欧洲的经济、生产力和生态系统。 The European Environment Agency (EEA) said that the continent's...

  • 利用医学成像技术深入了解鱼的感官系统

    12-03-13 University of Rhode Island marine biologist Jacqueline Webb gets an occasional strange look when she brings fish to the Orthopedics Research Lab at Rhode Island Hospital. While the facility's microCT scanner is typically used to study bone density a...

  • My Irreplaceable Treasure 2

    12-03-07 The next morning, after breakfast, I did a geography lesson and then Mother said I could go downstairs and play in the boat. I rowed once around the down-stairs, avoiding the mess of timbers in the hall where the terrible accident had occurred. The...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 10

    12-03-06 Rose's Sacrifice There certainly were larks on Campbell's Island next day, as Charlie had foretold, and Rose took her part in them like one intent on enjoying every minute to the utmost. There was a merry breakfast, a successful fishing expedition,...

  • 盐渍土能吸收空气中的水分

    12-02-28 The frigid McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica are a cold, polar desert, yet the sandy soils there are frequently dotted with moist patches in the spring despite a lack of snowmelt and no possibility of rain. A new study, led by an Oregon State Univer...

  • 玛雅文明衰落与降雨量减少有关

    12-02-27 A new study reports that the disintegration(瓦解,崩溃) of the Maya Civilization may have been related to relatively modest reductions in rainfall. The study was led by Professors Martn Medina-Elizalde of the Yucatan Center for Scientific Research...