• 如厕时与别人进行匿名交流的手机应用

    15-08-28 It is certainly a unique idea - an anonymous app that lets you chat from the toilet with others in a similar position. 有一款手机应用,可以让你在如厕时和其他正在上厕所的人进行匿名交流,这个创意不错吧? Called Pooductive, the app was originally launc...

  • 腰缠千钱

    15-08-27 In ancient times, the people of Yongzhou liked to live by the river. They were all very good at swimming. One day, the water in the rivers suddenly rose. Five or six people were crossing the Xiang River in a small boat. When the boat reached the mid...

  • 洛杉矶向露天水库投放遮阳球保护水质

    15-08-17 The city has completed a program of covering open-air reservoirs with floating shade balls to protect water quality. 为了保护水质,洛杉矶市向露天水库投放了9600万个遮阳球,这些球浮在水面上,水库表面已被遮盖。目前该项目已全部完成。 City officials this...

  • 天津爆炸:空气质量正常

    15-08-13 As of 11 a.m. Thursday, the air quality remained normal in the region near the warehouse, the city's environmental bureau said. 天津环保局宣布,截止周四上午11点,货仓附近的空气质量保持在正常水平。 The city immediately began to monitor the air and wa...

  • 井底有人

    15-08-12 The Ding family in the State of Song had no well of its own. someone in the family sometimes had to spend a whole day doing nothing but fetch water from a distance. To solve the trouble they had a well sunk in their courtyard. After the job was fini...

  • 蛤蟆夜哭

    15-08-07 In the past, there was a man named Ai Zi who was fond of sailing on the sea. One night, Ai Zi had his boat moored near a small island Around midnight, he seemed to hear someone weeping or talking under the water. So he listened intently, and soon he...

  • 可在水面跳跃的仿生机器人

    15-08-04 The concept of walking on water might sound supernatural, but in fact it is a quite natural phenomenon. Many small living creatures leverage water's surface tension to maneuver themselves around. One of the most complex maneuvers, jumping on water,...

  • 可以控制洗澡时间的浴帘

    15-08-03 It's an extreme measure to save water - a shower curtain that physically ejects the user after four minutes. 节水出绝招啦洗澡时间超过四分钟,浴帘就会把洗澡的人赶走。 Specifically targeted at those who spend leisurely periods of time in the bathroom,...

  • 纽约:出租卧铺车辆当旅馆

    15-07-31 Jonathan is using the home rentals company Airbnb to rent out his fleet of more than 50 vehicles -- there's even a sleeper taxi -- to adventurous travelers, according to the New York Daily News. 据《纽约每日新闻》报道,乔纳森通过房屋租赁公司Airbnb将...

  • 氧气含量的细微变化导致生命的出现

    15-07-24 If oxygen was a driver of the early evolution of animals, only a slight bump in oxygen levels facilitated it, according to a multi-institutional research team that includes a Virginia Tech geoscientist. The discovery, published Wednesday in the jour...