• get something done once and for all 一劳永逸

    21-12-29 一劳永逸,汉语成语,意思是辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就不再费事了。可以翻译为get something done once and for all等。 例句: 一劳永逸的解决办法 Solution that holds good for all time 自己买个印刷机,才是一劳永逸的办法。 To buy a press of our own is the...

  • Way to go. 好样的!

    21-11-02 Way to go是Thats the way to go的缩写,是用来告诉一个人他做得很好,请继续保持。 例: A: I passed my driving test. 我通过驾驶考试了。 B: Way to go! I think we should go out to celebrate. 太好了!我觉得我们该出去庆祝一下。 这个说法也可以用来讽刺太过离谱...

  • Ars Poetica

    21-06-07 Ars Poetica Janiru Liyanage after Aria Aber I broke into english the way a man once broke into my mother. At the halflight of his bite, pink flesh and all teeth. The way my mother once broke into the neighbors dog with her mouth; stole and ate it ra...

  • give even-handed treatment 一碗水端平

    21-06-06 一碗水端平,中文俗语,字面意思是hold a bowl of water level,意思是处理事情公正,不偏袒任何一方(be fair and just in handling matters),可以翻译为give even-handed treatment,even-handed表示dealing fairly with all; impartial。 例句: 有几家广播公司因...

  • rub someone up the wrong way 把某人惹怒

    21-05-09 很多毛茸茸的小动物都喜欢被人爱抚的感觉。短语 rub someone up the wrong way 原本指 猫会因为人们从下往上逆着抚摸它们身上毛而感到恼火。现在,人们用表达 rub someone up the wrong way 来表示 无意间惹怒某人,触怒某人。 例句 His voice just rubs me up the wro...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 36

    21-05-07 Edmund now believed himself perfectly acquainted with all that Fanny could tell, or could leave to be conjectured of her sentiments, and he was satisfied. It had been, as he before presumed, too hasty a measure on Crawfords side, and time must be gi...

  • be easily solved 迎刃而解

    21-03-13 迎刃而解,汉语成语,字面意思是劈竹子,头上几节一破开,下面的就随着刀口裂开了([of a bamboo] split all the way down once its been chopped open)。比喻主要问题解决了,其他有关的问题就很容易解决。可以翻译为be easily solved。 例句: 思想问题解决了,矛盾...

  • can find no way out 一筹莫展

    21-03-13 一筹莫展,汉语成语,形容遇事拿不出一点办法,没有任何进展。一点计策也施展不出,一点办法也想不出来。可以翻译为can find no way out,be at ones wits end,或be at a loss。 例句: 我一连好几个钟头对这件事一筹莫展。 For hours, I was at a complete loss over...

  • BTW 顺便说一句

    21-01-31 BTW 是一个首字母缩写词,来自搭配 by the way,意思是 顺带提一下,顺便说一句。人们在书写和谈话中用它来引出与谈话主题相关、但非谈话重点的内容。在书写时,by the way 的使用频率高于它的缩写形式 BTW。 注意:BTW 和 FYI 虽然都可以用来引出新内容,FYI(for you...

  • go way back with someone 与某人相识已久

    21-01-14 表达 go way back with someone 的意思是 与某人是老相识。它和 know each other for a long time 的意思相同,都可以描述两个人认识的时间很长,且有共同的经历。 例句 Tim and I go way back we met at primary school. 蒂姆和我是老相识,我们在小学的时候就认识了...