• 修复苏格兰盐沼

    22-03-30 Digging into a changing environment. 他们正在这个不断变化的环境中挖土。 In an area thats surrounded by Scotlands coal mining past and its industrial present, theres a transformation happening beneath our feet. 环顾四周,依稀可见苏格兰昔日开采煤矿的...

  • wetland conservation 湿地保护

    21-02-05 国家林草局表示,过去五年,我国新增湿地面积20.26万公顷,湿地保护率达到50%以上,为净化水质、保护生态环境发挥了显著作用。 Wetlands in China have expanded steadily over the past five years, growing by 202,600 hectares and making a significant contributi...

  • 北京开始打造亚洲最大再生水湿地公园

    19-05-08 Beijing has started to build Asias biggest reclaimed water wetland park in its southeastern part, Tuesdays Peoples Daily reported. 《人民日报》周二报道,北京已开始打造亚洲最大的再生水湿地公园。 The wetland park, with a total area of 638,000 square m...

  • 马达加斯加潜鸭需要一处新家园

    14-08-26 The Madagascar pochard, the world's rarest bird, will not be able to thrive without a new wetland home. 马达加斯加潜鸭,世界上最稀有的鸟类,需要一处新的湿地家园才可能继续繁衍生息。 This is according to a study revealing that 96% of the chicks are dy...
