• 爸爸笑话 上

    21-01-17 1. Today, my son asked Can I have a book mark? and I burst into tears. 11 years old and he still doesnt know my name is Brian. 今天我的儿子问我能给我张书签吗?我顿时泪如泉涌。他已经11岁了,仍不知道我的名字叫Brian. 网友评论: So sorry Brian, one day...

  • 《The Incredibles》超人总动员

    20-11-28 The Incredibles is a 2004 American computeranimated action-comedy superhero film written and directed by Brad Bird, released by Walt Disney Pictures, and the sixth film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Directed by Brad Bird, The Incredibles revo...

  • Horsing Around

    17-05-17 Brian and his two friends are hanging out at a bar. Theyre talking about life, sports and other guy things when the conversation finally gets around to to their marriages. His first friend says: I think my wife is having an affair with the electrici...

  • 那些年 我们学英语都发生过哪些糗事

    17-04-12 1.刚到美国家庭寄宿的时候,家里的一个小孩给我打招呼:Whats up?我抬头看看上面,很迷茫的说:Roof。 Tips:Whats up?可以用于打招呼表示你好。 2.美国同事问我中午吃了啥?我想说,吃了餐馆打包的东西(应该是doggy bag)话到嘴边变成了dog food。他看着我狂笑三分...

  • 男性遮掩外遇的常用借口

    16-09-18 A new piece of research reveals that telling your wife that youre going for a few rounds of golf with your friends is the most popular excuse adulterers use when sneaking out to meet another woman. 一项新研究显示,当男人要偷偷出门见另一个女人时,他...

  • trophy wife 花瓶老婆

    16-08-24 The trophy wife was wanted for her youth, beauty, and body. She earned nothing on her own and truthfully wasnt someone who was sought after for her brains. 男人想从花瓶老婆那里得到的是青春、美貌和身体。她自己不挣钱,说实话男人也不是因为她有脑子才追...

  • Alpha-wives 阿尔法老婆

    16-08-24 Alpha-wives are prime breadwinners at home. 阿尔法老婆是家里的主要经济支柱。 The alpha-wife is desired for her intelligence and her power as a top money earner. Shes independent and savvy. Her looks, though certainly visible, are secondary. 男人想得...

  • Bar, Bar, Bar...Bar, Barbara Ann

    16-06-21 This man was sitting quietly reading his paper one morning, peacefully enjoying himself, when his wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the back of his head with a huge frying pan. MAN: What was that for? WIFE: What was that piece of paper in...

  • Buy tickets 买彩票

    16-05-12 There was once a large, fat woman. She had a small, thin husband. He worked in a big office and got his weekly pay every Friday evening. As soon as he got home on Fridays, he had to give his wife all his money, and his wife gave him back only enough...

  • Henpecked Husbands 妻管严

    16-05-12 The ruler of all ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the statement that the men of his domain were ruled by their wives. He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be punished sever...