• 意大利某镇居民骑车上班可获补贴

    15-11-29 An Italian town will pay people hundreds of euros per year if they cycle to work instead of using their cars. 意大利一小镇鼓励居民骑车上班,不开车。这样的居民每年可获几百欧元补贴。 The council in Massarosa, just north of Pisa, says the pilot scheme...

  • 奥巴马讲话 为退伍军人提供工作机会

    15-11-29 Hi, everybody. This week, America came together to salute our veterans -- to express our appreciation to all who served so that we might live free. But our gratitude should extend beyond what our veterans have done for us in the past. It should remi...

  • 帮你弄清生活意义的几本书

    15-11-23 To be Told : Know Your Story, Shape Your Future Dan Allender tends to use a lot of Christian language in his work, but his writing can help anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and do better in life. The more you know about yourself, the...

  • 以销量排序 10本最成功的书 上

    15-11-23 The Lord of the Rings , Author: J. R. R. Tolkien # of sold copies: 150 million First edition: 1954 Although this series has become even more famous after being filmed, it's fair to say that the tale of Middle Earth is an ingenious work of John Ronal...

  • tall poppy syndrome 高罂粟花综合征

    15-11-18 When you work hard, when that work is awarded, when your body and beauty match societal standards, when you check every box, and still everyone tells you you're doing it wrong, that's Anne Hathaway Syndrome. 当你辛勤工作,当你付出的努力获得了认可,...

  • 乘公交通勤比走路上班更健康

    15-11-15 If you got the bus to work this morning rather than walking, don't feel guilty. A study suggests those who commute by bus or train are healthier than those who walk. 如果你今早不是走路而是坐公交上班的,不用觉得内疚。一项调查显示,乘坐公交和火车通勤...

  • 纽约雕塑家建成世界最高牙签模型

    15-11-15 A sculptor has scaled new heights - by building the world's tallest toothpick model. 一名雕塑家建成了世界最高的牙签模型,攀上事业新高。 Stanley Hayes Munro, 45, from Syracuse, New York, is a toothpick engineer. The former haunted house designer buil...

  • 成功人士早餐前做什么

    15-11-06 Wake up early - according to Laura Vanderkam, 90% of executives wake up before 6am on weekdays. PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, for example, wakes at 4am and is in the office no later than 7am. Meanwhile, Disney CEO Bob Iger gets up at 4:30 to read, and Tw...

  • 有个女儿对CEO的管理方式影响极大

    15-11-06 Research has found that having a daughter significantly impacts how CEOs run their companies. 研究发现,有个女儿对首席执行官管理公司的方式影响极大。 In particular, CEOs with daughters are more likely to offer childcare, let employees work flexible h...

  • 爱沙尼亚将给作家和美术家发薪水鼓励创作

    15-11-06 Ten writers and artists in Estonia are to be paid a salary by the state for the next three years to encourage their work, it's been reported. 据报道,未来三年,爱沙尼亚政府将给十位作家和美术家发薪水来鼓励他们的创作。 The ministry of culture in the B...