• The Three Fishermen <2>

    16-06-10 Barely had coffee, Ed LeBlanc said, the most vocal of the four of us, quickest at friendship, at shaking hands. Weve got a whole pot almost. Have what you want. The pot was pointed out sitting on a hunk of grill across the stones of our fire, flames...

  • 奥巴马讲话 保护中低收入者 推加班费新规

    16-06-08 Hi everybody. Last summer, I got a letter from a woman named Elizabeth Paredes from Tucson, Arizona. Elizabeth is the mom of a 3-year-old boy, and an assistant manager at a sandwich shop. She earns about 2,000 a month, and she routinely works some 5...

  • brownout 动力减退

    16-06-05 The idea of burnout at work has been with us for decades. But recently, executive coaches and business psychologists have started talking about brownout , which is a sort of junior sibling. Staff affected by brownout become disengaged, demotivated a...

  • mushroom management 蘑菇管理

    16-06-03 Mushroom management is a style of management in which the personnel are not familiar with the ideas or the general state of the company, and are given work without knowing the purpose of this work. Open-book management is the opposite of mushroom ma...

  • Jackass of all trades 砸锅专业户

    16-06-03 Jackass of all trades describes someone who is exceptionally bad at everything. It is very hard to work with this kind of person because they are likely to screw up everything in process but would never admit that its their problem. Jackass of all t...

  • human cloud 人才云

    16-06-03 Recent developments in cloud computing have seen the addition of the human element to the cloud and consequently the birth of the human cloud . 云计算的发展见证了云技术中人才因素的引入,由此导致了人才云的诞生。 The idea behind the human cloud is to...

  • 法国人工作时长最短 最忙碌的蜜蜂在香港

    16-05-30 If you work to live rather than the other way around, a jaunt across the Channel could be a wise career move. 如果你是为了生活而工作,而不是为了工作而生活,那么越过英吉利海峡吧,也许你为职业发展迈出了明智的一步。 French people worked the fewest hour...

  • deadline drive 期限动力

    16-05-26 Deadline drive refers to the strong motivation you feel when a deadline is drawing closer. The closer you get to a deadline the more motivated you are to complete the assigned work. Your procrastination will disappear, and all kinds of ideas will co...

  • 无人机将会取代哪些人类工作领域

    16-05-24 Google and Amazon were quick to put drones to use delivering orders. 谷歌和亚马逊已经开始用无人机送货,反应神速。 But new research suggests delivery is just one small way drones are going to replace humans. The tiny airborne vessels will soon clean...

  • 伦敦接待员因拒穿高跟鞋被辞退

    16-05-16 A London receptionist was sent home from work after refusing to wear high heels, it has emerged. 近日,一名伦敦接待员因拒穿高跟鞋而被打发回家。 Temp worker Nicola Thorp, 27, from Hackney, arrived at finance company PwC to be told she had to wear sho...