• 克劳德·莫奈《干草垛》卖出1.107亿美元

    19-05-15 A Claude Monet painting from his celebrated Meules (Haystacks) series fetched $110.7 million in New York on Tuesday in an auction. 克劳德莫奈一副著名的《干草垛》系列油画周二在纽约某拍卖会上卖出1.107亿美元。 The sale at Sothebys -- the first time the...

  • 北京制定长城修复时间表

    19-04-23 Beijing has formulated an emergency work plan to repair dilapidated sections of the Great Wall in the next five years. 北京已制定一份紧急工作计划,将在未来五年内对长城破损的部分进行修复。 The work plan has set 2,772 meters of the Great Wall and 17 t...

  • 李克强强调要要努力激发市场活力

    19-03-28 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stressed Wednesday that efforts must be made to better energize market entities and solve difficulties related to development and peoples lives. 中国国务院总理李克强周三强调,必须为激励市场主体、解决关系发展与民生的困难做...

  • 国务院降低企业社会保险费率

    19-03-27 Chinas State Council made arrangements Tuesday on reducing social insurance fee rates, clarified specific supporting measures and decided on the years priorities for improving the business environment. 中国国务院周二做出安排,降低社会保险费率,明确...

  • 职工养老保险单位缴费比例降至16%

    19-03-25 Starting from May 1, China will lower enterprise contributions to urban workers basic aged-care insurance from 20 percent to 16 percent to reduce enterprises burdens, Minister of Finance Liu Kun said Sunday. 5月1日起,城镇职工基本养老保险中企业承担...

  • 中国21.4%的快递员每天工作超12小时

    19-03-04 Nearly half of Chinese couriers have to work 10 to 12 hours a day, and 21.4 percent of them say their daily work time exceeds 12 hours, according to a recent survey. 最近一项调查显示,中国大约一半的快递员每天工作10至12小时,21.4%的快递员每天工作超过...

  • 朱莉娅·罗伯茨获乔治·伊斯曼奖

    19-02-19 Actress Julia Roberts will be this years recipient of the George Eastman Award. 演员朱莉娅罗伯茨成为今年乔治伊斯曼奖得主。 The George Eastman Museum in Rochester says it will honor the Pretty Woman and Steel Magnolias actress on May 2. Past recipien...

  • 印度锡金将为公民提供普遍基本收入

    19-01-29 High in the Himalayas, Sikkim is one of the tiniest states in India. But it is about to embark on an experiment of global interest. 位于喜马拉雅山坡上的锡金是印度最小的邦之一,但这里即将进行一项全球瞩目的试验。 Sikkims ruling party has announced an...

  • 吴彦祖上海站台欧莱雅

    19-01-25 Chinese-American actor and martial artist Daniel Wu showed up at a Loreal Paris promotion activity in Shanghai. 美籍华人演员、武术家吴彦祖现身上海巴黎欧莱雅促销活动。 The Hong Kong-based and US-born actor talked about the challenges he faced shootin...

  • 世界银行行长金墉2月1日将离职

    19-01-09 World Bank Group (WBG) President Jim Yong Kim announced on Monday that he will be stepping down from his position. 世界银行集团行长金墉周一宣布他将离职。 World Bank CEO Kristalina Georgieva will assume the role of interim president effective Feb. 1,...