• 美国概况 1

    21-10-09 1. In area, the United States is the ____ largest country in the world. A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 5th 2. The 50th state in America is ____. A. Alaska B. Texas C. Hawaii D. Rhode Island 3. Mauna Loa, the worlds largest active volcano, is located in ___...

  • 2021世界环境日:生态系统恢复

    21-06-06 6月5日是世界环境日(World Environment Day, WED),今年的主题是生态系统恢复(Ecosystem Restoration)。 1972年6月5日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开了联合国人类环境会议(Nations Conference on the Human Environment),会议通过了《人类环境宣言》,并提出将每年的6...

  • 小天使们的伤心故事 下

    21-06-02 In recent news, a man had entered into an electrified swimming pool to save his daughter and subsequently died from electrocution. His daughter survived. 最近有个新闻,有个男人进到一个通了电的游泳池去救他的女儿,随后他就触电死亡,但是他的女儿活下来...

  • square the circle 做不可能的事情

    21-05-10 要想把圆变成方的,那几乎是不可能的事。Square the circle 化圆成方 这个说法源于古代希腊几何学的一道作图问题,由于长久以来一直没能找到题解,所以人们现在用 square the circle 或 square a circle 来比喻 做一件很难办到,甚至是不可能的事。 例句 You cant have...

  • global governance 全球治理

    21-04-22 博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会开幕式4月20日举行,国家主席习近平以视频方式发表主旨演讲。习近平指出,亚洲和世界各国要回应时代呼唤,携手共克疫情,加强全球治理,朝着构建人类命运共同体方向不断迈进。 President Xi Jinping called on all countries in Asia and beyond...

  • 英格兰新增一批“受保护历史建筑”

    21-04-07 位于英格兰的二十处独特建筑物今年被英格兰历史建筑暨遗迹委员会(简称英格兰遗产委员会)列入了受保护历史建筑的名单中。英格兰遗产委员会说2017年共有1041个历史遗址被加入此名单中。这项特殊的保护意味着这些建筑或遗址不得被扩建或拆毁。 From Whipsnade Tree Cath...

  • Respected,respectable,respectful区别是什么

    21-04-01 虽然这三个词的意思都和 尊重,尊敬 有关,但它们的意思是有区别的。以下这三句话的意思不同: You are respected.(你受人尊敬。);You are respectable.(你值得尊敬;你很得体。);You are respectful.(你很恭敬有礼。) Respected、respectable 和 respectful...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 23

    21-03-17 Small heart had Harriet for visiting. Only half an hour before her friend called for her at Mrs. Goddards, her evil stars had led her to the very spot where, at that moment, a trunk, directed to The Rev. Philip Elton, White-Hart, Bath, was to be see...

  • 儿童的户外玩耍时间

    21-03-15 What do you remember about your childhood? I have good memories of exploring the fields near my house and riding my bike around the park. Most of my free time, it seemed, was spent outdoors. Today, we are told, children dont spend enough time in the...

  • 科幻小说能帮助人类吗?

    21-03-03 What will the future be like? Good or bad? A lot of science-fiction writing imagines a world which is dark and scary. In Blade Runner, Harrison Ford hunts robots in a chaotic Los Angeles. Planet of the Apes shows a bleak future for humankind. And wh...