• 有关钱的句子有哪些用法

    21-07-01 wrong change =找错钱 Give someone the wrong change给某人找错钱 The cashier gave me the wrong change. I gave her 10 dollars to pay for a $5.00 book, and she only gave me 2 dollars back. 收银员给我找错钱了。我买了5美元一本的书,给了她10美元,但她只给...

  • mistake one thing for another 张冠李戴

    21-05-18 张冠李戴,汉语成语,字面意思是把姓张的人的帽子戴到姓李的人的头上(put Zhangs hat on Lis head);比喻认错了对象,弄错了事实。可以翻译为attribute something to the wrong person,mistake one thing for another或put the boot on the wrong leg。 例句: 那是...

  • rub someone up the wrong way 把某人惹怒

    21-05-09 很多毛茸茸的小动物都喜欢被人爱抚的感觉。短语 rub someone up the wrong way 原本指 猫会因为人们从下往上逆着抚摸它们身上毛而感到恼火。现在,人们用表达 rub someone up the wrong way 来表示 无意间惹怒某人,触怒某人。 例句 His voice just rubs me up the wro...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 35

    21-05-07 Edmund had determined that it belonged entirely to Fanny to chuse whether her situation with regard to Crawford should be mentioned between them or not; and that if she did not lead the way, it should never be touched on by him; but after a day or t...

  • not put a foot wrong 不犯任何错误

    21-01-14 短语 not put a foot wrong 用来形容某人不犯任何错误。它既可以描述某人在做一项具体工作的时候 没有出差错,也可以泛指某人总是以正确的方式做事,从不犯错。 例句 We met our daughters boyfriend yesterday. At first I wasnt sure about him, but he didnt put a...

  • 非常不同意

    20-11-25 1. No, youre wrong. 不,你错了。 这句话直接地否定了他人的想法。 2. Thats rubbish. 瞎说。 英国人在口语会话中用名词rubbish指垃圾,它再这里的意思是一派胡言、废话。 注意,这个表达不礼貌。 3. I couldnt disagree more. 我一点也不同意。 记单词:disagree 不...

  • take a wrong path 走弯路

    20-10-28 走弯路,中文俗语,字面意思是没走正确的路而耽误进程(take a roundabout route),比喻在实践中由于犯错误而受挫折。可以翻译为take a wrong path;make a detour。 例句: 少走弯路 avoid making detours 由于缺少经验,我们工作中走了一些弯路。 Owing to lack of ex...

  • don't misunderstand me 别误会

    20-08-27 汉语里别误会说的就是别误解我的意思,而误解就是英语里的misunderstand。 因此,别误会最简单的说法就是dont misunderstand me。 更口语化的一个说法是dont get me wrong。get在这里表示理解,比如I get it(我懂了)。 Dont get me wrong就是不要错误地理解我,也就...

  • 南辕北辙

    15-09-29 One day, Ji Liang went to see the King of Wei and reported: When I was coming here, I saw a man on the road driving a horse carage north in great haste. I asked him: 'Where are you going in such haste?' He replied: 'I am going to the State of Chu.'...

  • 生来为你

    13-05-14 Pencil: You know, I'm really sorry. Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong. Pencil: I'm sorry, 'cause you get hurt because of me. Whenever I make a mistake, you are always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a par...