日期:2016-05-08 A workout impostor is someone who walks around in workout or gym-like clothing to give the effect that they have worked out or gone to the gym today or are planning to work out or go to the gym today when in reality they have not or are not going to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-29 Alice Hart-Davis has a treatment called a handacial which involves injecting fillers into the hands to make them appear younger. Although she believes they now look younger and are softer, it costs 940. 艾丽斯哈特戴维斯体验了一把手部拉皮。整形医生在... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-29 Despite being around for well over a decade, there are few set rules of digital etiquette that everyone can agree on when it comes to using social media, emails and text messages. 尽管进入数码时代已经十多年了,但在使用社交媒体、电邮和短信时大家都认... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-29 Fangirling is a term used to describe extreme excitement over a certain fandom. For example, if you were a Hunger Games fan, and a new trailer came out, you might start fangirling, or freaking out from extreme excitement. 犯花痴用来形容对自己钟爱的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-29 Eddiction is an addiction to electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Eddiction is characterized by the constant need to check your smartphone for the latest Facebook posts, Twitter updates, news, etc. People with eddiction pref... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-29 Princess sickness (or princess syndrome; princess disease) is a term to describe a psychological phenomenon affecting young women, especially teenagers, and can be characterized by numerous physiological disorders, including narcissistic personality... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-29 Idea debt is when you spend too much time picturing what a project is going to be like, too much time thinking about how awesome it will be to have this thing done and in the world, too much time imagining how cool you will look, how in demand youll... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-28 In China, the A4 waist challenge is going viral, especially with women, and social media is flooded with the results. 近日,A4腰挑战在中国,尤其是女性当中,十分流行,社交媒体上已经被A4腰刷屏。 何为A4腰(A4 waist)?比A4纸还要窄的小蛮腰称为A4腰。当然... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-28 The overall size of the Wanghong economy is growing as cyber stars are going beyond the fashion industry and into online gaming, travel and baby products, according to a report. 近日一份报告指出,网络红人们不仅进军时尚业,也正向网络游戏、旅游、母婴... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-28 The She-conomy is on the rise, as pointed out by more than a few reports. 一些报告指出,她经济正在崛起。 Globally women make 65 percent+ of all purchasing decisions, including cars, houses and health. 全球来说,家庭中65%以上的购物决定由女性做出,其... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-27 Emotional eating is playing a substantial role in fuelling Australias obesity epidemic, according to a new research. 一项新的研究发现,情绪性进食是造成澳大利亚肥胖问题加剧的重要因素。 情绪性进食(emotional eating)指的是因为饥饿以外的原因产生的食欲... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 Singapore is holding its first car-free Sunday on 28 February, with special family-friendly activities to be held in the morning. 新加坡将于2月28日开始试行无车星期天计划,28日当天上午还将举行专门的家庭聚会活动。 On the last Sunday of every month fro... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 Perma-youth (also seen as permayouth) is appearance of youthfulness maintained over time by using cosmetic surgery; or a person who maintains such an appearance. Perma-youth指的是由整容手术来维持的青春永驻的外表或面貌,也可以指青春永驻的人。这个词由... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 A makerspace (also referred to as a hacklab, hackerspace or hackspace) is a community-operated workspace where people with common interests, often in computers, machining, technology, science, digital art or electronic art, can meet, socialize and c... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 Spillback is the full or partial blockage of an intersection by one or more cars that dont make it through before the traffic lights turn red. 排队溢出指的是交叉路口被一辆或多辆车完全或部分堵住,导致交通灯变红前路口一直无法通行的状况。 Spillback occ... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 Escalefter is a person who stands on the left side of a busy escalator, thus blocking those who would walk up or down. 自动扶梯上人不少,但却有人站在扶梯左侧不动,堵住想疾行上下的人的去路。 People who stand to the left instead of standing to the rig... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 People have a fear of doctors for a variety of reasons. You may fear hearing bad news from the doctor. You may regularly experience a rise in blood pressure on visiting the doctor. You may be afraid of needles and the sight of blood. 人们害怕见到医... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 Do nails on a chalkboard make you cringe? Imagine if a sound could make you panic or fly into a rage. 指甲划过黑板的声音是否让你难以忍受?或许有种声音会让你惊恐或者勃然大怒。 This is the case with misophonia -- a strong dislike or hatred of specific... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 Chronic lateness is related to procrastination. Latecomers and procrastinators have trouble NOT with time, but with self-discipline. They may also have underlying anxiety about the task theyre faced with. 惯常迟到跟拖延症相关。经常迟到的人和患有拖延... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-04-20 A man chair , also known as husband chair, is the chair that men sit in while their partner is shopping for long periods of time. They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store, some even provide waiting men with newspapers or hi-tech produc... 阅读全文>>

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