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以下是引用fuckenielts在2006-12-9 11:52:00的发言: oh my god.. i just took the ielts in new zealand... the listening is fucking hard.. section 2, i miss a lot in filling the name of infrastructrures.. and section 4 is something about .. let me see.. oh yeah.. about crocodies... i miss a lot as well... i am afraid i can't get 6 for listening.. [em06] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reading is quite simply, the first and second sections are old ones... first one is about joining the running race which holds by a bloody1 organization.. second one is something about hotel.. actually it is entertainment place may be.. and provide some delivery2, reserve, accomation and traveling informations.. fourth part is about a bird... a bit long, but not hard... there are 60% are T/NG/F.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the writing is simple.. first one is you lost ur luggage in train. and wirte a letter 2 trainstation officer. 3 requirements: 1. the reason u lost ur property. 2. what does it looks like and the content included. 3. how do you want officer do..
section assay3 is about internet.. the advantages and disadvantages... show some case from ur daily experience. fucking simple..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now i am going to do the speaking.... but my hope has gone due to bloddy listening.... fucking tricky4!!!!!!! who got the correct answers, please put it on... cheers 以下是引用tanniadong在2006-12-9 12:51:00的发言: 不好意思,我只记得第一个是v27s1第四个是v30060s4 另外两个可能也是不过可惜我 记不得! 以下是引用tanniadong在2006-12-9 12:54:00的发言:
作文是关于morden building 和protect culture building哪个好,你同意哪个大概这样的 以下是引用soilboy88在2006-12-9 13:01:00的发言: 以下是引用edisonhan0118在2006-12-9 13:10:00的发言:
听力应该是3旧,题目和机警有些不同,但是也就是把选择变成了填空,其他的都差不多,另外说一下,3g的预测真是个准,服了。。 以下是引用bluemoon7909在2006-12-9 13:10:00的发言:
s1=v27 s1 s2: i don't know s3=v26 s3 s4= v30036 s4 没有写成复数肯定没分吗?机经看是看了,但是印象却不是很深刻,好不容易想起来的,却因为单复数,或是拼写而丢分,真的是冤死了。我的7分又要和我擦肩而过了 以下是引用zhoukan2046在2006-12-9 13:17:00的发言: 晕,原来是三旧啊~~~~气人~!!!我只背了一级预测,竟然是S1N那么简单,不背也对了,郁闷,难的都没背到 看来,果然机警该背到骨头里啊~~~~~~~~~ 另外,我觉得只有一级预测准才是真的准,不然范围也太大了8 以下是引用zhoushu929在2006-12-9 13:42:00的发言: 阅读第1篇讲的好象是2种矿物,其中一种是好象是amber,2种的对比,有什么作用,怎么制成的,从鲸鱼中提取什么的 题型有MATCHING,填空,Y/N/NG
第2篇讲美国垃圾处理,燃烧还是回收,什么值得回收什么不值得,以及美国各个地方对垃圾回收的观念不一样…… 题型有回答问题 ,T/F/NG
题型有4个选择,6个matching,剩下的是Y/N/NG 个人感觉第2,3篇相对简单些,第一篇不好定位~
BTW:今天听力没发挥好~555~~S3,S4填空错了好几个~郁闷中~ 阅读也是做的昏昏沉沉的~开始没找到感觉,到最后一篇的时候感觉才出来~ 明天下午17:15的口语~祈祷ing 点击收听单词发音
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