日期:2007-10-16 Version 64 (11/1)=V24 第一篇 the basic knowledge of interview,先是填空,问美国的失业是因为_or_,下一个空是_and_,另一个是_and_,不难,在第一段最后部份原文就有and,or,and;然后8-12是MATCHING 和排序,从A-L选项中选5个INTERVIEW S ORDER 面试技巧,在文章... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 一月25日阅读(G)V70=V42Version 42(G类) SECTION 1 关于买鞋子有问题的(T/F/NG) 1. 顾客需要保留一张什么票 F 2. 鞋子有问题一定要退还给厂家 F 3. 鞋店更希望顾客以买其他产品代替退货 NG 4. 可以要求任一店子将鞋送到一个测试机构去测试 F 5. 顾客(还是店... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 很多学生可以把阅读方法掌握的很好, 考试考到6分,甚至七分. 可是依然有学生希望考到8分, 甚至满分. 事实上这就不是只有方法就可以了. 大家要靠文章本身的理解和速度来决定. 那么文章看不懂是怎么会事呢. 我个人认为有语法的问题, 那就是看句子结构的能力没有, 不清楚主... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 做阅读和打兔子的道理是一样的 如何打兔子:认识兔子-推测兔子的出没地-找兔子-提防狡兔三窟----打 (打不打得到只有上帝说得算,所以不需要费神) 做阅读:认识答案形式-推测答案可能出现位置-文章中找答案-分析常见出题陷阱-界定答案 (对不对只有考官说得算,所以也... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 单词 根据自己的英语基础制定出每天能够坚持的,切实可行的背单词计划。 结合阅读文章记忆单词是颇为有效的方法。如脱离语言环境孤立地背单词汇,就很容易把单词的意义和正确用法遗忘或者混淆。而且,枯燥的单词书和字母表容易让人疲倦和产生挫败感。在精读雅思文章的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 在IELTS考试中,我得到了听力7.5,阅读9.0,写作7.0,口语7.0,平均7.5的成绩。虽然觉得略有一些小小的遗憾,听力还有提高的余地,但总算完成了既定目标。特别是阅读得了满分,也是颇出乎自己的意料(考完自己估分在8.0到8.5之间)。如果听力、写作和口语期望目标为7.0... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 上课每当我说到雅思阅读最重要是把题做完,而不是把题做对时,很多同学都觉得好笑。很多人认为把每道题做对才是第一位的,其实不然。事实上如果你能够在规定时间内把题都做完的话,正确率一定不会低,因为雅思阅读,答案是靠定位定出来的,所以能把题做完(而不是胡猜... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 剑桥雅思1 Reading Passage 1 Reading Passage 2 Reading Passage 3 Test 1 A spark, a flint: How fire leapt to life Zoo conservation programmes ARCHITECTUREreaching for the sky Test 2 Right and left-handedness in humans MIGRATORY BEEKEEPING TOURISM Test... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 下面这篇在2004年考过两次,内容比较难写,很多考生都构思不出内容,因此,我请我的美国朋友按照雅思作文的套路写了篇范文,大家可以学习一下里面的语言和内容。 Unlike most countries, the police in the United Kingdom do not normally carry guns. Some people th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 很多学习英语的人都会有这样一个困惑,英语学了这么多年了,可是在阅读一些原文材材或做阅读练习的时候还是会嗑嗑巴巴的。其实大多数人在英文阅读中碰到的难题无外乎单词和长句两点个大骨头: 第一招:吃定单词 对于不少学习英语的人来说,首当其冲的应该就是单词。 很... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 鉴于市面上总是流行什么阅读技巧,在大多数人眼里,阅读技巧就是看不懂文章也能做对题,或更有甚者,不看文章就能做题!这种引导不知害了多少人。 现在已经很多英语考试了,阅读技巧是否真的有用,或者说是否适用于各种考试呢?! 至少雅思的阅读并不完全适用以前大学4... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 Mammas pick their sons' brides on Italy reality TV. Often seen as mommy's boys, Italian men are now letting their mothers choose their future wives live on television. Italy's state TV aired the first episode(1) of a new reality show this week in... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 Eggs will raise your cholesterol, and other myths. Avoid eggs. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Eating carbs will make you fat. Nutritional(1) advice such as this has been touted(2) for years but is it accurate? 别吃鸡蛋;一天喝八杯水;碳化物会让... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 summary题也是雅思阅读中较常见的一种题目。关于它的做题技巧很多,本文从介词的角度讨论summary题的做题技巧。做summary题时,在根据数字时间等关键词定位原文以后,还要根据空格前后的词汇确定答案,巧妙运用介词是一个很好的方法。 一、基本方法 如果空格前后为介词... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 Infants and Apes Remember Things Similarly Infants and apes apparently adopt the same tactics(1) for remembering where things are, but as children develop their strategies change, a new study shows. The findings might reveal in part how the minds o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 Ancestor of humans not so brainy A monkey-like animal seen as an ancestor of monkeys, apes and humans was not as brainy(1) as expected, according to scientists who analyzed its nicely preserved 29-million-year-old skull. The finding indicated that... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 Kids With High IQs Grow Up to Be Vegetarians As a childs IQ rises, his taste for meat in adulthood declines, a new study suggests. British researchers have found that childrens IQ predicts their likelihood of becoming vegetarians(1) as young adults... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-16 Artificially bred China panda dies in the wild The worlds only artificially bred panda living in the wild has fallen to its death less than a year after it was released, possibly after a fight with other pandas, Xinhua news agency said on Thursday.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-09 81. Not only are liver transplants never rejected,but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs, such as skin,from that donor are accepted permanently. 但是,我们已经发现,在许多种老... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-09 61. There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already sa... 阅读全文>> |