日期:2007-10-07 单词要不要背?肯定要背。想想看我们学中文,学到高中还要记生词呢!更何况我们中的大多数学生没有良好的英语环境,词汇关必须过!积累词汇量在考试中背单词至少有下述两个好处:1)降低表达难度:对于大多数非英语专业的学生来说很难做到用简单词汇表达复杂意思。提高... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 英语和汉语在否定的表达形式上存在着许多差异,我国学生往往会以中国人的思维方式和习惯用法去套英语,这样在汉译英时难免会出现一些错误。部分常见的错误举例如下:1、未经允许,任何人不得入内。 误:Anybody can not come in without permission. 正:Nobody can com... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 一句话、一个段落、亦或是整篇文章,无非是要表达几个信息点,即:时间、地点、人物、情节、结果。具体反映在语言上,是通过特殊疑问词来表达的。也就是说,如果我们牢牢地把握住这几个Ws和一个H,我们就可以掌握作者所要表达的信息点。 例如: 对照上例来看,英语说话... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗? 2 Is there any earlier one?还有更早一点的吗? 3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please?请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗? 4 Can I get a seat for todays 7:00 a.m. train? 我可以买到今天上... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 65. by all means means 是「方法、手段」,by all means是「必定、一定、无论如何」的意 思,有of course「当然」之意,通常是加强语气之用。比如人家邀请你去吃饭,你就 可以说I'll come by all means.「我一定会来的。」要注意的是,by any means同样也 是「一定、... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 31.I wouldn't look at it like that. 「每一件事都有两面。」There are two sides of a story.而对于同一件事的看法, 每个人或许都不尽相同。下次当有人所提出的看法,你自己不能苟同之时,就可以用上这句话I wouldn't look at it like that.「我不会用这个角度来看。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 1. It's not like that.不是那样的。 这句话是用来辟谣的。当别人误会了一件事的来龙去脉,你就可以跟他说It's not like that.「不是那样的。」当然随着语气及情境的不同,It's not like that. 这句 话也有可能是你用来硬拗的藉口。 2. There is nothing good playing.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 客观性试题多项选择、选择配伍 半客观性试题改错、填空、简单概括等 主观性试题短文写作、翻译、口试 各级考试采用的具体题型详见相关的考试大纲。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-07 国民经济 NATIONAL ECONOMY 中国化 chinization 对外经济贸易 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELA TIONS AND TRADE 经济指标 economic indicators 社会总产值 total product of society 国民生产总值 GNP(Gross Domestic Product) 国内生产总值 GDP(Gross Domestic Product) 人... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 22 What is a Profit Entrepreneurship is directly responsible for production. The business person (entrepreneur) takes a cue from consumers in deciding what they want - or, in the case of a new product, __1__. Profit means different things... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 20 Financial Risks Several types of financial risk are encountered in international marketing; the major problems include commercial, political, and foreign exchange risk. Commercial risks are handled essentially as normal credit risks enc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 20 Financial Risks Several types of financial risk are encountered in international marketing; the major problems include commercial, political, and foreign exchange risk. Commercial risks are handled essentially as normal credit risks enc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 18 The Dollar in World Markets According to a leading German banker, the U.S. dollar is the most frequently discussed economic phenomenon of our times. He adds, the dollar's exchange rate is at present the most important price in the world... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 16 Don't Mind if I Smoke The French surprised even themselves when they banned tobacco ads three years ago, and created smoke-free zones in public spaces. Even then, ___(1)___ seemed a little too American. Now some French lawmakers are pr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 14 Looking to the Future The future is much too important to simply guess about, the way the high school students did, so experts are regularly asked to predict accurately. By carefully studying the present, skilled businessmen, scientis... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 12 Supermarket Supermarket is a type of retailing institution that has a moderately broad product assortment spanning groceries and some nonfood lines, that ordinarily emphasizes price in either an offensive or defensive way. As a method, s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 8 Einstein Named Person of Century Albert Einstein, whose theories on space time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe, was chosen as Person of the Century by Time magazine on Sunday. A man whose very name is... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 4 The Importance of Agriculture in China ? Today, although agriculture accounts for only a quarter of the Gross National Product, it is still the main determinant of the standard of living and the principal occupation of at least 70 percen... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 1 Teamwork in Tourism Growing cooperation among branches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned. Government bureaus, trade and travel associations, carriers and properties are all working together to bring about optimum conditions... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 20 Will We Take Vacation in Spaces? When Mike Kelly first set out to build his own private space-ferry service, he figured his bread-and-butter business would be lofting satellites into high-Earth orbit. Now he thinks he may have figured wr... 阅读全文>>

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