日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 16 Bees and Colour On our table in the garden we put a blue card, and all around this blue card we put a number of different grey cards. These trey cards are of all possible shades of grey and include white and black. On each card a watch-gl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 14 An Observation and Explanation It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby. The usual fondling, cuddling and cleaning requite little comment, but the position in which she holds the baby agains... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 12 Kitchen Design Over the years economic, social and technological factors have influenced the design of kitchens. Since it is often used simultaneously by both family members as well as guests, the kitchen requires not only a glamorous lo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 10 How Men Face the Fat Problem It is a pleasure to see men of a certain age worrying about their weight. Listening to them is not such a pleasure. Because the men are new at the game, they don't hesitate to discuss the fat problem incessant... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 8 American Sports The United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of forms; organized competitive struggles, which draw huge crowds to cheer their favorite team to victory; athletic games, played for recreati... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 6 Computers Before the widespread use of computers, managers could not make full use of large amounts of valuable information about a company's activities. The information either reached managers too late or was too late or was too expensive... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 4 The Sea What do you know about the sea? We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it? The first thing to remembe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 3 Plants and Mankind Botany, the study of pants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. We don't know what our stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that sti... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 PASSAGE 1 TV Game Shows One of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience. A novel can be on the best seller lists with a sale of fewer than 100,000 copies, but a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers. TV ca... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 至于语法,连读等语音问题其实是不用刻意去学的,只要你在练习听说读写时多加注意,适当时候强化一下就成了。 步骤: 1. 找一个语音很好的人,给你一一改正你的糟透的发音,我当时用了三个月的时间改正发音。 2. 用李阳的方法,突破开口难这一关。 3. 改良了的方法,除... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-17 李阳的一三五法(发音、口语、听力同时突破) 1. 大量收集TOFEL听力全真试题。 2. 查字典、注音标。 3. 看中文并口泽成中文。 4. 反复听并体会五大发音秘诀语调和停顿。 5. 三最法(最快速、最清晰、最大声)地读并模彷多次。 6. 一口气读。 7. 流利、自然地复述。 用这... 阅读全文>>

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