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中华人民共和国国防科学技术工业委员会令第12号 现发布《民用航天发射项目许可证管理暂行办法》,自2002年12月21日起施行。 主任 刘积斌 民用航天发射项目许可证管理暂行办法 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了规范民用航天发射项目管理,促进民用航天产业健康发展,维护国家安全及公众利益,履行我国作为外层空间国际公约缔约国的义务,制定本办法。 第二条 本办法所称民用航天发射项目是指非军事用途,在中国境内的卫星等航天器进入外层空间的行为,以及中华人民共和国自然人、法人或其他组织已拥有产权的或者通过在轨交付方式拥有产权的卫星等航天器在中国境外进入外层空间的行为。 第三条 民用航天发射项目实行许可证管理制度。凡从事民用航天发射项目的自然人、法人或其他组织,应当依照本办法的规定申请审查批准,经审查合格取得民用航天发射项目许可证(以下简称许可证)后,方可从事民用航天发射项目。 第四条 国防科学技术工业委员会(以下简称国防科工委)对民用航天发射项目实行统一规划和管理,负责审查、批准和监督民用航天发射项目(以下简称项目)。 第二章 申请与审批程序 第五条 项目总承包人是许可证申请人。若无国内的项目总承包人,卫星等航天器产权的最终所有人是许可证申请人。 许可证申请人应当具备下列条件: (一)遵守国家法律、法规,保守国家秘密; (二)申请的项目不危害国家安全,不损害国家利益,不违反国家的外交政策和已签署并发生效力的国际公约; (三)申请的项目不会因重大过失或故意行为对公众的健康、安全和财产构成无法补偿的危害; (四)具有国家有关部门发放的从事所申请项目的相关许可文件; (五)具备从事所申请项目的技术力量、经济实力及完善的技术资料; (六)法律、法规、规章规定的其它条件。 第六条 申请人应当在项目预定发射月的9个月之前,向国防科工委提交下列文件(一式三份): (一)民用航天发射项目许可证申请书及许可证申请人资格审查材料。 (二)证明该项目符合国家环境保护法律、法规的有关材料。 (三)国内执行发射场工作阶段的项目,需提供项目预定发射时间,卫星、运载火箭、发射和测控通信系统之间的技术要求,运载火箭详细轨道参数及落区或回收场区的勘察报告,卫星详细轨道参数、频率资源使用情况的文件。 国外执行发射场工作阶段的项目,需提交运载火箭、卫星轨道参数等具有法律效力的文件副本,以及使用有关频率资源的许可文件副本。 我国的卫星发射者应当提供信息产业部颁发的该空间电台的《中华人民共和国无线电台执照》副本。 (四)与该项目相关的安全设计报告及保障公众安全的材料,关键安全系统的可靠性、运载火箭发射过程中正常及故障状态对发射场附近及发射轨迹范围内的财产及人身安全构成的影响、如何避免污染和空间碎片问题以及其它有关安全的补充材料;涉外项目,还须提交政策性评估和保密安全性评估材料。 第七条 国防科工委在收到申请材料之日起30日内,对申请的项目组织审查。对审查合格的项目,颁发许可证;对审查不合格的项目,不予颁发许可证,并书面通知申请人及相关部门。 第八条 申请人对审查结论持有异议的,可向国防科工委申请复审一次或依法申请行政复议。 第九条 涉外项目必须由中国政府指定的外贸公司组织相关事宜,涉外项目的合同必须经国防科工委批准后方能生效。 第三章 监督与管理 第十条 许可证主要包括下列内容: (一)申请人及法定代表人; (二)注册地址(申请人住址); (三)项目主要内容; (四)预定发射时间; (五)许可证有效期; (六)发证机关和发证时间。 第十一条 许可证仅限于批准的项目使用,该项目结束后,许可证自动失效。 第十二条 许可证不得涂改、转让。 第十三条 许可证内容需要变更的,许可证持有人应在许可证有效期期满之前90天,向国防科工委提出变更申请,经审查批准后,方可变更许可证。 第十四条 对拟取消的项目,许可证持有人应当在许可证有效期期满之前90天,向国防科工委提出取消申请,经审查批准后,予以注销许可证。 第十五条 因许可证持有人管理不善无力完成的项目,由国防科工委注销该项目许可证。 第十六条 许可证持有人有下列情形之一的,国防科工委责令其限期改正;情节严重的,吊销其许可证: (一)在项目执行期间违反国家有关法律、法规以及国家间的保密协定; (二)在项目执行期间有危害国家安全,损害国家利益,违反国家的外交政策和已签署并发生效力的国际公约的行为; (三)未按许可证核定的范围从事民用航天发射活动; (四)其他违反本办法的行为。 第十七条 被吊销许可证的项目,自吊销之日起两年内,该项目申请人不得再次就同一项目提出许可证申请。 第十八条 因许可证持有人的原因造成项目内容更改、时间延期或取消,并导致相关方面发生费用的,其相关责任及应承担的费用,由许可证持有人与有关各方以合同明确。 第十九条 许可证持有人必须遵照国家有关规定购买发射空间物体的第三方责任保险和其他相关保险。 第二十条 在国内执行发射场工作阶段的项目,许可证持有人应在预定发射月的6个月之前,向国防科工委上报项目发射计划。 进入发射场工作阶段之前,许可证持有人应向国防科工委上报出厂申请,并提交下列材料: (一)运载火箭技术状态文件、质量状态控制文件、飞行试验大纲、安全、保密及其他需出具的文件。 (二)该项目已生效的第三方责任保险保单副本及相关文件副本一式三份,以及相关已生效保险保单副本一式三份。特殊情况应向国防科工委提出书面材料,依据具体情况处理。 经批准后,该项目方可进入发射场工作阶段。 第二十一条 在国外执行发射场工作阶段的项目,许可证持有人应在预定发射日之前60天,向国防科工委上报出厂申请,并附已生效的第三方责任保险、相关保险、安全、保密等方面具有法律效力的最终文件副本一式三份。经批准后,方可继续实施该项目。 第二十二条 许可证持有人必须在项目发射结束后一个月内向国防科工委书面上报项目完成情况。 第二十三条 国防科工委将不定期监督检查已批准项目的实施情况,其授权的公务人员有权现场检查项目执行过程中的相关活动。 第四章 法律责任 第二十四条 对许可证持有人在申报和执行过程中隐瞒真相、弄虚作假,损害国家利益的,依法给予行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。 第二十五条 对未取得许可证擅自从事项目的自然人、法人或其他组织,由国防科工委责令其停止非法活动,并对有关当事人依法给予行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。 第二十六条 对审查机构及其工作人员在许可证审批过程中玩忽职守、滥用职权,给国家造成损失的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。 第五章 附 则 第二十七条 本办法由国防科工委负责解释。 第二十八条 本办法自2002年12月21日起施行。 Interim1 Measures on The Administration of Permits for Civil Space Launch ProjectsDecree of the Commission of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense2 of the People's Republic of China No.12 The "Interim Measures on the Administration of Permits for Civil Space Launch Projects" are hereby promulgated3, and shall enter into force on December 21, 2002. Director General of the Commission of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense: Liu Jibin Interim Measures on the Administration of Permits for Civil Space Launch Projects Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 The present measures are formulated4 with a view to regulating the administration of civil space launch projects, promoting the healthy development of civil space industry, maintaining the state security and the public benefits, and performing the obligations of China as a contracting state to the international outer space convention. Article 2 Civil space launch projects mentioned in the present measures shall refer to the entry of such spacecrafts as satellites inside the territory of China into the outer space not for military purpose, and the entry of such spacecrafts as satellites, etc. over which the natural persons, legal persons or other organizations of the People''s Republic of China have had property or have property by means of on-orbit delivery into the outer space from outside of the territory of China. Article 3 The system of permit administration shall apply to the civil space launch projects. Any natural person, legal person or other organization undertaking5 civil space launch projects shall, in accordance with the present measures, apply for examination and approval, and shall not carry out the civil space launch projects until he/it is found to be qualified6 upon examination and has obtained for the permit for civil space launch projects (hereinafter referred to as the permit). Article 4 The Commission of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (hereinafter referred to as the Commission of STIND ) shall apply uniform planning and administration to civil space launch projects, and be responsible for examining, approving and supervising civil space launch projects (hereinafter referred to as projects). Chapter II Procedures of Application, Examination and Approval Article 5 The general project contractor7 shall be the applicant8 for the permit. Where there is no a domestic general project contractor, the final owner of the satellite or other spacecraft shall be the applicant for the permit.The applicant for the permit shall meet the following conditions: (a) he/it shall abide9 by the laws and regulations of the state, and maintain the state secrets; (b) the project under application shall not endanger the state security, damage the benefits of the state, violate the state''s diplomatic policies or the international conventions which have been concluded and become effective; (c) the project under application will not cause irremediable danger to the health, safety or properties of the public due to major negligence10 or intentional11 acts; (d) he/it shall have the relevant permission documents for carrying out the project under application, which are issued by the relevant departments of the state; (e) he/it shall have the technical strength, economic strength and complete technical documents for carrying out the project under application; (f) other conditions provided for in laws, regulations or rules. Article 6 The applicant shall, 9 months before the prearranged month for the launch of the project, submit the following documents (in triplets) to the Commission of STIND: (a) the application letter for the permit for the civil space launch project and the materials on examination of the qualification of the applicant for the permit; (b) the relevant materials proving that the project conforms to the laws and regulations of the state on environmental protection; (c) for a project in the stage of a domestic executive launching site, the prearranged time for launch, the technical requirements on the satellite, the carrier rocket and the communication system for launch, observation and control, the detailed12 orbital parameters13 of the carrier rocket, the survey report on the landing area or recovering place, and the documents on detailed orbital parameters of the satellite and use of frequency resources shall be provided;for a project in the stage of a foreign executive launching site, copies of the legally binding14 documents on orbital parameters, etc. of the carrier rocket and the satellite, and copies of the permission documents on the use of the relevant frequency resources shall be submitted;a Chinese satellite launcher shall provide a copy of the "Radio Station License15 of the People''s Republic of China" issued by the Ministry16 of Information Industry for the space station; (d) the safety design report relating to the project and materials on guaranty of the public security; supplementary17 materials on the reliability18 of key safety system, on affects of the normal state and malfunction19 of the carrier rocket during the launch to the property and personal safety near the launching site and within the scope of the launch track, on how to avoid pollution and space debris20, and on other relevant safety; for a foreign-related project, the materials on policy evaluation21 and confidentiality22 and safety evaluation must also be submitted. Article 7 The Commission of STIND shall, within 30 days as of receipt of the application documents, organize the examination of the project under application, and shall issue a permit to the applicant of a project found to be qualified upon examination, or shall not issue the permit to the applicant of a project examined to be unqualified, and shall notify the applicant and the relevant departments in writing. Article 8 Where the applicant has any objection to the conclusion from examination, it may apply to the Commission of STIND for re-examination or apply for administrative23 reconsideration in accordance with the law. Article 9 The relevant matters of a foreign-related project must be organized by a foreign trade company designated by the Chinese government, and the contract on such a project shall not become effective until it is approved by the Commission of STIND. Chapter III Supervision24 and Administration Article 10 The permit shall mainly include the following contents: (a) the applicant and its legal representative; (b) the registration25 address (the applicant''s domicile); (c) main contents of the project; (d) the prearranged time for launch; (e) validity period of the permit; (f) the organ issuing the permit and the time of issuance. Article 11 The permit shall only be limited to the purpose for an approved project, and shall, after the ending of the project, be automatically invalidated. Article 12 A permit shall not be altered or transferred. Article 13 Where any content in a permit needs to be modified, the permit holder26 shall, 90 days before the expiry of the validity period of the permit, file an application for modification27 to the Commission of STIND, and shall not modify the permit until it has been approved upon examination. Article 14 With respect to a project under planned cancellation28, the permit holder shall, 90 days before the expiry of the validity period of the permit, apply to the Commission of STIND for cancellation, and the permit shall be nullified upon approval. Article 15 With respect to a project unable to be accomplished29 due to inappropriate management of the permit holder, the Commission of STIND shall nullify the permit for the project. Article 16 Where a permit holder is under any of the following circumstances, the Commission of STIND shall order it to get right within a time limit; if case is severe, its permit shall be suspended: (a) It violates the relevant laws or regulations of the state, or the agreement between states on maintaining confidentiality during execution of the project; (b) It has, during execution of the project, any act endangering the state security, damaging the benefits of the state, violating the state''s diplomatic policies or the international conventions which have been concluded and become effective; (c) It does not carry out activities of civil space launch within the scope approved by the permit; (d) Other acts in violation30 of the present measures. Article 17 With respect to a project for which the permit is suspended, the applicant for the project shall not, within two years as of the suspension, file a second application for the permit regarding the same project. Article 18 Where, due to the reason of the permit holder, any content of the project is changed, or the project is delayed or cancelled, thus resulting in expenses in the relevant aspects, the corresponding liability and the expenses to be borne shall be clarified in the contract by the permit holder and the relevant parties. Article 19 The permit holder must comply with the relevant provisions of the state to purchase the third party liability insurance and other relevant insurances for launching a space object. Article 20 For a project in the stage of a domestic executive launching site, the permit holder shall, 6 months before the prearranged month for launch, report the launching plan of the project to the Commission of STIND.The permit holder shall, before entering the stage of a launching site, file an application to the Commission of STIND for approval of the project to leave the factory, and submit the following materials: (a) documents on technical state of the carrier rocket, documents on quality state control, flight test outline, documents on security and confidentiality, and other documents to be issued; (b) copies of the policy of the third party liability insurance effective for the project and copies of the relevant documents (in triplets), copies of the policies of the relevant effective insurances (in triplets). Under particular circumstances, the permit holder shall provide the Commission of STIND with written materials, which shall be dealt with specifically.The project shall not enter the stage of the launching site before approved. Article 21 For a project in the stage of a foreign executive launching site, the permit holder shall, 60 days before the prearranged day for launch, file an application to the Commission of STIND for approval of the project to leave the factory, and attach copies of the effective final documents (in triplet) legally binding in respect of the third party liability insurance, the relevant insurances, security, confidentiality, etc., and shall not continue carrying out the project before approved. Article 22 The permit holder must, within one month after the launch of a project is ended, report to the Commission of STIND in writing on the accomplishment31 of the project. Article 23 The Commission of STIND shall irregularly supervise and inspect the carryout of the approved projects, and its authorized32 functionaries33 shall have the right to inspect the relevant activities during the carryout of the projects on the spot. Chapter IV Legal Liabilities Article 24 A permit holder who conceals34 the truth, practices frauds or damages the benefits of the state during application or carryout shall be imposed upon administrative penalties in accordance with the law. If he commits a crime, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law. Article 25 Any natural person, legal person or other organization without the permit who undertakes projects unauthorizedly shall be ordered by the Commission of STIND to cease the illegal activities, and the parties involved shall be imposed upon administrative penalties in accordance with the law. If he/it commits a crime, he/it shall be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law. Article 26 An approving institution or any of its functionaries who neglects its/his duties or abuses its/his powers during the examination and approval of the permits, thus causing loses to the state, shall be imposed upon administrative sanctions. If it/he commits a crime, it/he shall be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law. Chapter V Supplementary Provisions Article 27 The power to interpret the present measures shall remain with the Commission of STIND. Article 28 The present measures shall enter into force on December 21, 2002 点击 ![]()
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