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(1998年7月8日吉林省人民政府令第95号发布,根据2002年11月20日《吉林省人民政府关于修改〈吉林省改善外商投资环境的若干规定〉的决定》修订) 第一章 总则 第一条 为改善外商投资环境,保护外商投资企业的合法权益,提高利用外资的规模和水平,促进对外开放和经济发展,根据国家有关规定,结合本省实际,制定本规定。 第二条 各级人民政府及其所属部门,以及有关公用事业组织,在办理外商投资企业审批、实施收费、执法检查及其他与外商投资企业有关的活动时,均须遵守本规定。 本规定所称外商投资企业,包括中外合资企业、中外合作企业和外商独资企业。 第三条 各级人民政府外经贸主管部门是外商投资企业的综合归口管理部门。 第四条 各级人民政府及其所属部门,以及有关公用事业组织,在办理外商投资企业相关事务时,应当坚持方便、快捷、高效的原则。实行政务公开和服务承诺制度,公开办事内容、程序、办结时限以及违法审批或者不履行监督管理职责的责任追究办法等。 对外商投资企业的审批、登记等事项,应优先办理,急事急办;对符合条件的,不得以任何理由拒绝、拖延为其提供服务。 第五条 发展计划部门、经济贸易管理部门、外商投资企业综合归口管理部门应当会同有关部门,根据国家产业政策和本省经济发展需要,定期发布本省投资导向目录和重点招商项目,明确鼓励、允许、限制、禁止外商投资的行业和领域。 第六条 各部门在制定或者调整涉及有关外商投资企业政策时,应当征求同级外商投资企业综合归口管理部门的意见。 第七条 各级人民政府及企业可结合实际,对引进境外资金工作做出突出贡献的境内外法人或者个人授予一定的荣誉或颁发一定数量的奖金。 第二章 对外商投资企业的审批 第八条 各有关部门在办理外商投资企业的相关审批事项时,应当一次性告知当事人审批条件、审批程序和办结时限,并说明审批所需要提交的有关文件和资料。 对列入省政府重大项目推进计划和世界500强及其他跨国公司投资的项目,相关部门要成立专门的领导机构,指定专人,跟踪服务。 第九条 各部门在审批总投资额在100万美元以上或者世界500强及其他跨国公司投资的外商投资项目时,对符合国家产业政策但准备不予批准的项目,应当提出处理意见,报同级人民政府决定。 第十条 鼓励设立为外商投资服务的中介组织,为外商提供投资环境和市场调查、提供有关投资政策法律咨询、解决法律争议等各方面的服务。 外商投资兴办企业,可以委托依法成立的有关外商投资服务中介组织到各部门办理相关审批手续。 第十一条 各级人民政府所属下列各部门,办理外商投资企业的审批事项,应在本条中规定的时限内完成: (一)计划部门或者有关主管部门,对开办外商投资企业申请人提交的基建类及第三产业类非生产性中外合资、中外合作经营项目的项目建议书及外资项目报告,应在两个工作日内审批完毕;可行性研究报告或者项目建议书与可行性研究报告合并审批的,应在三个工作日内完成。 (二)经济贸易管理部门或者有关主管部门,对开办外商投资企业申请人提交的现有企业利用外资项目的项目建议书和可行性研究报告,应在三个工作日内完成审批。 (三)外经贸主管部门,对开办外商投资企业申请人提交的中外合资、合作经营企业合同、章程及外商独资企业章程,应在三个工作日内完成审批;备案及颁发批准证书,应在一个工作日内完成;企业合同、章程变更、董事会变更、承包或者委托经营、设立分支机构、进出口业务、企业提前解散等事项的审批,应在三个工作日内完成。 (四)涉外建设项目安全审查部门,对开办外商投资企业申请人提出的安全审查要求,应在两个工作日内完成审查。 (五)财政部门,对中方拟以国有资产出资的情况进行审查,应在两个工作日内完成;出资的资产评估项目核准,应在五个工作日内完成;国有股权管理批复,应在三个工作日内完成;办理国有资产产权登记,应在一个工作日内完成。 (六)国土资源行政主管部门,对外商投资企业申请用地,需要占用集体土地或者国有农用地,依照法定程序完成前期工作,经审查符合供地条件并缴纳有关税费的,应在三个工作日内完成审批手续;使用国有建设用地,经审查符合供地条件并缴纳有关税费的,一般应在七个工作日内审批完毕;申请办理土地登记手续,经审查权属合法、界址清楚、面积准确、公告期满无异议的,应在三个工作日内予以注册登记、发放证书;市、县初审后报省政府申请变更登记的,省国土资源行政主管部门应在七个工作日内予以注册登记。 (七)环境保护管理部门,对开办外商投资企业申请人提交的项目建议书出具环境保护意见,应在两个工作日内完成;对环境影响报告表批文,应在五个工作日内完成;审查环境评价大纲并出具批文,应在十个工作日内完成;审查环境影响报告并出具批文,应在十五个工作日内完成。 (八)工商行政管理部门对外商投资企业的名称核准,应在一个工作日内完成;为其办理工商注册登记、颁发营业执照,应在两个工作日内完成。 第十二条 各级人民政府所属的下列各部门,为外商投资企业办理以下审批事项,也须在规定的时限内办结: (一)技术监督部门,对申报全国组织机构代码赋码的外商投资企业发放代码证书,应在一个工作日内完成。 (二)税务部门为外商投资企业办理税务登记,应自收到办理税务登记申请之日起七日内审核完毕并发给税务登记证件。对增值税一般纳税人的认定,应在五个工作日内完成。 (三)海关为外商投资企业办理海关手续的注册登记,应在一个工作日内完成;办理进出口报关,应在两个工作日内完成;办理加工贸易手册和减免税手续,应在三个工作日内完成。 (四)出入境检验检疫部门,对外商投资企业申报注册登记的,应即时办理;普惠制产地证书签证,应在一个工作日内完成;对进出口商品的检验检疫和对外商投资企业进口设备的检验、鉴定,必须在规定的工作流程时限内完成;对外商投资企业要优先签发产地证,开通出入境货物的EDI远程报检服务。 (五)逐步取消境外人员定点住宿限制,允许境外人员自行选择投宿地点,并按照有关规定在抵达后及时向投宿宾馆或者辖区派出所申报住宿登记。除依法规定允许的检查外,一律不得随意介入外商投资企业及外商住地(包括住宅、公寓和宾馆)。公安部门为外商投资企业中符合法定条件的外方人员及其家属办理居留证件,应在三个工作日内完成,并提供出入境方便。 (六)持有外国或者香港、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区驾驶证或者国际驾驶证的境外人员,经其报名,通过交通法规与相关知识、道路驾驶(驾驶经历3年以上的,免道路驾驶)考试后,公安交警部门即发给驾驶证。如境外人员对中文试卷考试有困难的,公安机关应当提供英文试卷;如果申请人仍有困难的,可以自行聘请翻译,公安机关应当提供便利条件。 (七)消防部门对外商投资企业的消防审查,应在五个工作日内完成并批复。 (八)卫生部门对外商投资企业申报的预防性卫生监督的审批,在产品检验合格后,应在五个工作日内完成,并发放相关证件;对外商投资企业的卫生监督监测,按国家有关规定的最低频次进行检查;对抽查样品的检验,在必需检验时间后一个工作日内出具检验报告;对食品生产经营企业、宾馆、娱乐场所、商店等公共场所和企业内部餐厅、生活自备水及从事放射工作的单位的审查发证,应在十五个工作日内完成。 (九)外汇管理部门及有关金融机构,为外商投资企业开立外汇帐户,应在一个工作日内完成;对其符合国家有关规定的外汇汇入、汇出,均应及时予以办理。 (十)电力部门对外商投资企业提出的用电申请,应及时予以答复;对申请使用低压电的,应在三个工作日内通知申请人是否同意用电;对申请使用高压电的,应在十个工作日内通知申请人是否同意用电;因维修设施等原因需计划停电的,应提前七日予以通知或者进行公告;有关供电设施发生故障的,维修人员应及时到场,尽快修复。 (十一)对外商投资企业提出的供水、供气、供热申请凡手续完备、资源条件允许的,有关主管部门均应在五日内完成审批;需计划停水、停气、停热的,应提前四十八小时通过新闻媒介发布通告;因事故停水、停气、停热的,一般应在三十六小时内抢修完毕。 第十三条 有关部门办理外商投资企业事务时,因不可抗力确实不能在规定的时限内完成的,应经本级人民政府批准,方可延长时限,并应向外商投资企业作出书面解释。 第三章 对外商投资企业的检查与收费 第十四条 各级文化、公安、税务、海关、卫生、环保、工商、消防、物价等部门依法确需对外商投资企业实施检查的,应严格依法进行,不得干扰企业正常的生产和经营秩序。 各部门对外商投资企业实施检查,必须事先征得同级人民政府同意,未经同意的,不得进行;禁止多层检查、重复检查和交叉检查。 第十五条 对外商投资企业的收费必须依法进行。确应收费时,收费人员应出示物价部门核发的《收费许可证》和《收费员证》,填写《企业交费登记卡》,并使用由财政部门统一印制的收费票据。否则,外商投资企业有权拒绝交纳。 《企业交费登记卡》由企业保存。各级物价部门根据《企业交费登记卡》对收费情况进行审核,发现违法行为的,依法予以查处。 第十六条 有关部门对外商投资企业违法违规行为的处罚,要做到证据确凿、定性准确、处罚恰当、依法实施。外商投资企业对处罚不服的,可依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。 第十七条 禁止任何单位和个人以任何名义和形式向外商投资企业进行各种摊派;不得强迫或者变相强迫外商投资企业提供各种赞助、捐赠。 第十八条 吸收外商投资企业或者外商参加各种社会团体的,均应实行自愿原则;向参加者收取的费用,由省财政等有关部门依法核定。 第十九条 凡在本省注册的外商投资企业,在使用供水、供电、供气、供热、排水、通讯、交通等基础设施方面,均应与省内其他企业享有同等权利,执行统一收费标准;在金融、保险、劳动用工、咨询、产品设计、广告宣传等社会服务收费及过桥、过路、城市管理收费方面,均应执行与省内其他企业统一的收费标准。 第二十条 外商投资企业在生产经营中,涉及实行计划管理的产品、原材料、交通运输、流动资金贷款、配额许可证等安排时,享有与省内其他企业同等的权利。 第二十一条 在本省投资的外商,其住宿、就医、子女就学、购置物业、购买车船票、机票和旅游景点门票时,有关部门应对其执行与省内其他居民统一的收费标准。 第四章 对外商投资企业合法权益的保护 第二十二条 外商投资企业的合法权益受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。其合法权益受到侵犯时,有权向各级人民政府设立的外商投资企业投诉受理机构进行检举、控告和投诉。 第二十三条 省利用外资工作领导小组领导下设在省外经贸厅的省受理外商投诉办公室以及各市、州、县人民政府设立或者指定的外商投资企业投诉受理机构,负责外商投资企业投诉的处理。 外商投资企业投诉受理机构接到投诉后,应视具体情况分送有关部门处理,并负责督促办理。 具体承办外商投资企业投诉的部门,应该在法定时限内将受理事项办理完毕。 第二十四条 除国家规定的社会保险(包括养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险和医疗保险)险种外,任何部门不得擅自增加其他社会保险险种强制外商投资企业投保,也不得委托非保险经办机构代办外商投资企业的相关保险业务。保险经办机构必须严格执行国家和省规定的保险费率,不得随意改变保险费率。 第二十五条 外商投资企业中中方的上级主管部门,应通过中方董事传达对企业的意见、建议,不得违法干预企业正常的生产经营活动。 第五章 对相关部门工作的监督检查 第二十六条 省利用外资工作领导小组领导下设立的,由省监察厅牵头、各有关部门参加的省改善投资环境监督检查小组,负责对各级人民政府涉及外商投资企业管理的部门的行政执法、管理服务问题进行监督检查,对发现的问题,责令限期改正。必要时对检查情况和存在的问题应予以通报;对情节恶劣,造成严重后果的,应依法追究直接责任人员及其主管人员的责任。 第二十七条 有关部门的工作人员,有下列行为之一的,将其调离涉外工作岗位,并由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予批评教育或行政处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任;对典型案例,新闻媒体应予以曝光: (一)利用工作之便,向外商投资企业勒索财物的; (二)未按第八条规定履行告知义务的; (三)未经批准,擅自延长办理外商投资企业事务时限的; (四)未在规定时限内办理完审批、登记等事项,又未向外商投资企业说明理由的; (五)其他刁难外商投资企业的行为。 第六章 附则 第二十八条 香港、澳门、台湾同胞以及华侨在本省投资开办企业的,也适用本规定。 第二十九条 本规定自2002年12月1日起施行。 Certain Provisions of Jilin Province on Improving the Investment Environment of Foreign Businessmen Chapter ⅠGeneral Provisions Article 1. These provisions are formulated2 for the purposes of improving the investment environment of foreign businessmen, protecting the legal rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises, enhancing the scope and level of utilizing3 foreign capital, promoting the opening to the outside world and economic development, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state, and in the light of the factual circumstances in this province. Article 2. The people's governments at all levels and their departments, and the relevant public-utility organizations must all abide4 by these Provisions, while they handle the examination and approval of the foreign-invested enterprises, carry out collecting fees, law-enforcement inspect and other activities related the foreign-invested enterprises. The foreign-invested enterprises referred to in these Provisions shall include Sino-foreign joint5 ventures, Sino-foreign operative enterprises and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises. Article 3. The competent departments of foreign economy and trade of the people's governments at all levels are the comprehensive departments of centralized management by specialized6 departments of foreign-invested enterprises. Article 4. The people's governments at all levels, their branches, and the relevant organizations of public utilities should insist on the principles of convenience, quickness and high efficiency, while they are handling the relevant affairs of foreign-invested enterprises. To implement7 the systems of government affairs in public and service acceptance, to public the working contents, procedures and the time limit of finishing transaction, and the measures of investigating into the responsibilities to those illegal examination and approval or those failing to fulfil their responsibilities of supervision8 and management. As for the approval and registration9 items of foreign-invested enterprises, they should be given priority to handle, urgent items shall be handle as soon as possible; as for those tallying11 with the conditions, it shall be forbidden to refuse, put off the service for any reasons. Article 5. The departments of development and planning, the administrative12 departments of economy and trade, and the comprehensive departments of centralized management by specialized departments of foreign-invested enterprises should announce periodically the catalog of invested directions, and the Key items of inviting13 businessmen to open companies of this province, clear and definite those lines and fields which are encouraged, permitted, limited or forbidden to the investment of foreign businessmen, together with the relevant departments, in accordance with national industrial policies and the need of the economic development of this province. Article 6. All the departments should solicit14 the opinions of the comprehensive departments of centralized management by specialized departments of foreign-invested enterprises at the same level, while they draw up or revise the policies related to the foreign-invested enterprises. Article 7. The people's governments at all levels and enterprises may award a kind of honour or issue an amount of bonus to the foreign and domestic corporations or individuals who have made great contributions on the work of introducing foreign capital. Chapter Ⅱ Examination and Approval of Foreign-Invested Enterprises Article 8. All the relevant departments should tell the party disposably about the conditions and procedures of the examination and approval, and about the time limit of finishing transaction while they handle the relevant examination-approval items of foreign-invested enterprises, and should explain the relevant documents and materials which need submitting in the examination and approval. As for those items listed into the advanced planning for major items of this provincial government or and those items of the World 500 Strength, and those items invested by other multinational15 corporations, the related departments should set up special leading institutions, appoint special personnel, and offer tracing service. Article 9. When each department examines and approves the items of which the total amount of capital invested above US$1,000,000 or the foreign-investment items invested by any of the World 500 Strength and other multinational corporations, and as for those which tally10 with the national industrial policies but prepare not to be approved, the department should put forward handling opinions and report to the people's government at the same level for decision. Article 10. It is encouraged to set up the intermediary organizations servicing the foreign investment, provide all kinds of services such as the investment environments and market research, offering the legal advice related with investment policies, solving legal controversies16 for foreign businessmen. As for the foreign businessmen who want to invest and set up enterprises, they may entrust17 the intermediary organizations of foreign-investment service, which established according to law, go through the related formalities to all the departments. Article 11. All the following departments under the people's governments at all levels should finish handling the items of examination and approval for the foreign-investment enterprises within the time limit stipulated18 in the following sections of this Article: (1)As for the written project proposals for the non-productive Sino-foreign investment and for Sino-foreign items of cooperative business operation and as for the reports on foreign-investment items, which belong to capital construction and tertiary industry, and submitted by the applicants19 who set up foreign-investment enterprises, the departments of planning or the relevant competent departments should complete the examination and approval within working days; as for the research reports on feasibility or the written project proposals examined and approved together with the research reports on feasibility, they should be completed within 3 working days. (2)As for the written project proposals and the research reports on feasibility of the items of introducing foreign investment utilized20 by the existing enterprises, which submitted by the applicants who set up foreign-investment enterprises, the management departments of economy and trade or the relevant competent departments should complete the examination and approval within 3 working days. (3)As for the contracts, rules of Sino-foreign joint venture, and of Sino-foreign cooperative business operation, and as for the rules of exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, which submitted by the applicants who set up foreign-investment enterprises, the competent departments of foreign economy and trade should complete the examination and approval within 3 working days; to put on record and issue the certificate of approval should be completed within 1 working day; as for the items of enterprise contracts, the alteration21 of rules, the alteration of the board of directors, contracting or management on a commission basis, setting up branches, import-export business, and the dissolution of enterprises in advance, the examination and approval should be completed with 3 working days. (4)As for the demands upon safety examination submitted by the applicants who set up foreign-investment enterprises, the safety examination department of construction items concerning foreign affairs should complete the examination within 2 working days. (5)As for the examination to the contribution circumstances of government-owned property drawn22 up by Chinese side, the departments of finance should complete the it within 2 working days; as for the property assessment23 items of contribution, it ratification24 should be completed within 5 working days; as for the management of government-owned stock rights, the written reply should be completed within 3 working days; as for handling the title registration of government-owned property, it should be completed within 1 working day. (6)As for foreign-investment enterprises applying for land and needing occupying and using the collective-owned land or government-owned farming land which have completed the previous work in accordance with legal procedures, and tally with the conditions of land supply after examination and have paid relevant expenses and of taxes, the competent administrative departments of land and resources should go through the examining-approving formalities within 3 working days; as for those who use the government-owned land for construction, tally with the conditions of land supply and have paid the relevant expenses and taxes, their examining-approving formalities should be gone through within 7 working days; as for those applying for going through land registration formalities, have the rights vested legally, clear boundaries, exact areas after examining and without no dissent25 after the announcement expired, they should be given registration and issued the certificate within 3 working days; as for those applying for altering the registration reported to the provincial people's government after the preliminary examination by municipality or county, the provincial administrative competent department of land and resources should give the registration on the book within 7 working days. (7)As for the written project proposals submitted by the applicants who set up foreign-investment enterprises, the administrative departments of environmental protection should provide the opinions on environmental protection within 2 working days; the official documents about the report form of environmental impact should be completed within 5 working days; to examine the brief of environmental assessment and give an official, written reply should be completed within 10 working days; to examine the report of environmental impact and given an official, written reply documents should be completed within 15 working days. (8)The administrative departments of industry and commerce should complete the ratification of the names of foreign-investment enterprises within 1 working day; to handle industry-commerce registration on the book and commerce and issue business licenses27 should be completed within 2 working days. Article 12. All the following departments under the people's governments at all levels should also finish handling the following examination- approval items for foreign-investment enterprises within a stipulated time limits: (1)As for the foreign-investment enterprises declaring for being given a national institution code, the department of technology and supervision should issue the certification of code within 1 working day; (2)As for the departments of taxation28 affairs handling the tax registration for foreign-investment enterprises they, should complete the examination and verification and issue the certificates of tax registration within 7 days since the date of receiving the application for handling the tax registration. As for the determination of generic29 taxpayers30 about the duty on value added, it should be completed within 5 working days; (3)Customs should complete handling the customs formalities of entry and registration for foreign-investment enterprises within 1 working day; as for handling the import export application to the customs, it should be completed within 2 working days; as for handling the handbook of processing trade and the formalities of tax on remission, it should be completed within 3 working days; (4)The inspection31 and quarantine departments of departing and entry should handle the entry to the registration declared by foreign-investment enterprises immediately; as for the vise of GSP(generalized system of preferences) certificate of original place, it should be completed within 1 working day; as for the inspection and quarantine to the import-export productions of or the inspection and appraisal32 to the importation of the equipments of foreign-investment enterprises, they must be completed within the stipulated time limits of working procedure; the foreign-investment enterprises shall have priority to be signed and issued the certificate of original place, and supported the long-distance service of applying for inspections33 (EDI) for the import- export goods; (5)To cancel gradually the limits of getting accommodation at designated places for the personnel living beyond the mainland; permit them to choose the places of lodging34 by themselves, and declare timely the registration of accommodation to the hotels they lodge35 or the local police stations after their arrival in the light of relevant stipulations. Besides the inspections allowed by legal regulations, it shall be forbidden to interpose the foreign-investment enterprises and the dwelling36 places of foreign businessmen (including dwelling houses, apartments and hotels). Public security departments should conduct the residence certificate for the foreign personnel and their families who tally with the lawful37 conditions of the foreign-investment enterprises within 3 working days, and should also provide some convenience about their entry and exit; (6)As for those personnel living beyond the mainland, holding a driving license26 of a foreign country or of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and the areas of Taiwan or an international license, after their signing up, they should pass the examinations of traffic regulations, the relevant knowledge, and driving on roads (those have driving experience over 3 years may not take part in the examination of driving on roads), the departments of communications police of public security organs shall issue them driving licenses. If the personnel living beyond the mainland have some difficulties in Chinese examination papers, public security organs should offer English examination papers; if the applicants still have difficulties, they may employ translators by themselves, public security organs should provide convenient conditions; (7)As for the examination of fire control to foreign-investment enterprises, the departments of fire control should complete it and give an official reply within 5 working days; (8)As for the examination and verification of foreign-investment enterprises applying for the precautionary health supervision, the health departments should complete it within 5 working days, and issue the related certifications after passing their products the examination; as for the health supervision and monitor to the foreign-investment enterprises, it shall be conducted the inspection in the lowest frequence in accordance with the national relevant regulations; in regard to the inspection for randam-inspection samples, it shall be given an inspection report within 1 working day after the stipulated inspection time; as for the examination and certificate issuing to the enterprises of producting and operating foods, hotels, recreation places, shops and other public places, and internal dining halls of enterprises living water of self supply and the units engaged in radioactivity work, they should be completed within 15 working days. (9)To open a foreign exchange account for foreign-investment enterprises, the departments of exchange control and the relevant financial institutions should complete it within 1 working day; the abouchement and remit38 rance of exchange, which tally with the national relevant stipulations, should be handled timely; (10)As for the electro-application put forward by foreign-investment enterprises, the departments of electric power should reply them timely; as for those applying for using low tension, the departments should inform the applicants whether they agree or not within 3 working days; as for those applying for using high tension, the departments should inform the applicants whether they agree or not within 10 working days; as for those needing devised power cut because of maintaining facilities and etc, they should be noticed or given an announcement 7 days in advance; as for the relevant facilities of electric service breakdown39, the maintainers should be on the scene timely, try to rebuild them as soon as possible; and (11)As for those foreign-invested enterprises applying for water supply, air feed, supply of heat, if they have completed formalities and get the permits of resources supply, the relevant competent departments should complete the examination and verification within 5 days; as for those needing to cut off devisedly the water supply, air supply and supply of heat, the relevant should announce the notice through the instrumentality of news 48 hours in advance; as for those cutting off the water supply, air supply and supply of heat because of accidents, they should be completed the first-aid repair within 36 hours. Article13. When the relevant departments handle the affairs for foreign-investment enterprises, if they can not complete within the stipulated time limit assuredly because of force majeure, they may put off the time limit by getting the approval of the people's governments at this level, and should explain to the foreign-investment enterprises in a written form. Chapter Ⅲ Inspection and Charge Upon Foreign-Investment Enterprises Article14. When the departments of culture, public security, tax affairs, customs, sanitation40, environment protection, industry and commerce, fire control, and commodity prices at all levels carry out the inspection to foreign-investment enterprises which are necessary according to law, they should conduct it strictly41 according to law, and shall not be allowed to disturb the normal producing and operating orders of the enterprises. All the departments, carrying out the inspection to foreign-investment enterprises, must get the agreement of the people's governments at the same level in advance, those failing to get the agreement shall not be allowed to carry it out; the multistratum inspection, repeated inspection and cross-inspection should be forbidden. Article15. The charge upon foreign-investment enterprises must be implemented42 according to law. As for those being charged necessarily, the collectors should show the Permit for Charging and the Certificate of Charge Collectors issued by the departments of commodity price, fill in the Enterprise Charging Register Card, and use the charging receipt printed unifiedly by financial departments. Otherwise, the foreign-investment enterprises shall have the right of refusal of pay. The Enterprise Charging Register Card shall be reserved by enterprises. The departments of commodity price at all levels shall check and verify the charging circumstances in accordance with the Enterprise Changing Register Card, where illegal behaviors are found, they shall be investigated into and delt with according to law. Article16. As for the punishment upon the behaviors of breaking the law and violating the regulations, committed by foreign-investment enterprises, the relevant departments should live up to have conclusive44 evidences, characterize with accuracy, punish properly and carry it out according to law. Where the foreign-investment enterprises are not satisfied with the punishment, they may apply for an administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit45 according to law. Article17. It shall be forbidden for any units and individuals to conduct any kinds of apportion46 toward foreign-investment enterprises in any names and forms; and it shall not be allowed to force or force in disguised form foreign-investment enterprises to provide all kinds of contributions and donations. Article18. As for those absorbing foreign-investment enterprises or foreign businessmen to join in all kinds of social organizations, they should implement the principle of voluntariness; fees collected from the attendees shall be checked and ratified47 according to law by the financial departments of this province and other relevant departments. Article19. As for all the foreign-investment enterprises registered in this province shall enjoy the equal rights like other enterprises in this province, and carry out the unified43 charging standards, while they use the facilities of water supply, electricity supply, steam supply, heat addition, dewatering, communication, traffic and other basic installations; the charging for finance, insurance, labor48 used, consultation49, product design, advertising50 propaganda and other social service, and in aspects of charging for passing through bridges, accrossing roads, and city management, they should carry out the same unified charging standards with other enterprises. Article20. During the period of production and operation, foreign-investment enterprises shall enjoy the equal rights like other provincial enterprises, while they involve in the arrangement of the products which need planned management, raw and processed materials, communications and transportation, loan of fluid working funds, permit for quota51. Article21. As for the foreign businessmen who invested in this province, the relevant departments should carry out the charging standards unified with other residents in this province for their housing, hospitalizing, children's enrollment52, buying real estate, buying train (bus) or boat tickets passenger tickets and the entrance tickets of spots and interests. Chapter Ⅳ Protection on the Legal Rights and Interests of Foreign-Investment Enterprises Article22. The legal rights and interests of foreign-investment enterprises shall be protected by law, no units and individuals shall be allowed to infringe53. Where their legal rights and interests are infringed54 on, they have the right to report, denounce and complaint to the institutions for accepting and hearing the complaints of the foreign-investment enterprises established by the people's governments at all levels. Article 23. The provincial offices for accepting and hearing the complaints of the foreign-investment enterprises established at the foreign economic and trade departments of this province, which are under the leadership of the provincial leading group of the work of utilizing foreign investment, and the institutions for accepting and hearing the complaints of the foreign-investment enterprises established or appointed by the people's governments of municipalities, prefecture or counties shall be responsible for handling the complaints of foreign-investment enterprises. After receiving the complaints, the institutions for accepting and hearing the complaints of foreign-investment enterprises should send to the relevant departments to be handled in accordance with the concrete conditions, and also be responsible for supervising them to handle. The departments of exactly undertaking55 the complaints and hearing of foreign-investment enterprises should accept, hear and complete the complaints within the legal time limit. Article 24. Excluding the insured case of social insurance stipulated by the state (including endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, employment injury insurance, birth insurance and medical insurance), any units shall be allowed to increase other insured kinds of social insurance and force foreign-investment enterprises to insure without authorization56, and also shall not be allowed to entrust the non-insurance handling institutions to act the relevant insurance for foreign-investment enterprises on their behalf. The insurance handling institutions must strictly carry out the rate of premium57 stipulated by the state and this province, and they shall be allowed to change the rate of premium optionally. Article 25. The higher competent department of the side of China in the foreign-invested enterprises, should communicate the opinions, advices for the enterprises through the Chinese directory, and may not illegally interpose the enterprises' nomal activities of producting and operating. Chapter Ⅴ Supervision and Inspection of the Work of the Relevant Departments Artcile26. The provincial supervision-inspection group for improving the investment environments, which is set up under the leadership of the provincial leading group of the work of utilizing foreign investment, taken the lead by the provincial supervision department and joined by all the relevant departments, shall be responsible for supervising and inspecting the problems about the administrative enforcement of law, the managemental services of the departments of the management of foreign-investment enterprises of the people's governments at all levels; as for the discovered problems, it should construct to correct within a prescribed time limit. While it is necessary, the group should circulate the inspected situations and the exsiting problems; where the circumstances are abominable58, and caused serious aftermath, the persons held directly responsibility and their competent personnel in charge should be investigated into the responsibilities according to law. Article 27. The working staff of relevant departments having any of the following circumstances shall be transferred from the post concerning foreign affairs, their work units or the higher competent departments shall give them criticism, education or disciplinary sanctions; where the circumstances are serious, and a crime is constituted, the offender59 shall be investigated into criminal responsibilities by judicial60 organs; as for the representative cases, the news media should give the exposal: (1)Those extorting61 money and goods from foreign-investment enterprises by the convenience of their work; (2)Those failing to fulfil the noticed obligation according to said Article 8; (3)Those putting off the time limit of handling the affairs concerning with foreign-investment enterprises without authorization and without the approval; (4)Those failing to complete the examination, approval registration and other items within the stipulated time limit, and also failing to explain the reasons to foreign-investment enterprises; and (5)Other behaviors of making things difficult for foreign-investment enterprises. Chapter Ⅵ Supplementary62 Provisions Article 28. Those compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the overseas Chinese, who invest and open enterprises in this province, shall also apply to these Provisions. Article 29. These Provisions shall become effective as of the date of December1, 2002 点击 ![]()
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