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行长:戴相龙 金融统计管理规定(2002修正) 第一章 总则 第一条 为适应金融管理体制改革和金融业务的发展,依法强化金融统计管理,规范金融统计行为,提高金融统计质量,根据《中华人民共和国统计法》、《中华人民共和国统计法实施细则》、《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《金融违法行为处罚办法》等法律、法规,制定本规定。 第二条 本规定适用于中国人民银行,以及经中国人民银行批准从事金融业务的中、外资金融机构,包括政策性银行、商业银行、城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社、信托投资公司、企业集团财务公司、金融租赁公司、金融资产管理公司、邮政储汇局等。 第三条 本规定所称金融统计、系指中国人民银行和各金融机构统计部门对各项金融业务活动的情况和资料进行调查收集、整理和分析,提供统计信息和统计咨询意见,实行信息交流与共享,进行金融统计管理和监督等活动的总称。它包括货币统计、本外币信贷收支统计、现金收支统计、贷款累放累收统计、金融监管统计、资金流量统计、金融市场统计、银行中间业务及各种专项统计等金融业务统计。 本规定所称统计部门,系指中国人民银行和各金融机构内部从事金融统计业务的工作部门。 第四条 金融统计工作的基本任务是:及时、准确、全面地完成各项金融业务统计;收集、整理、积累金融和有关国民经济的统计资料;开展统计调查、统计分析和统计预测,依法进行统计管理和统计检查,为国家和金融部门进行宏观经济决策、监测经济与金融运行情况、金融监管和经营管理提供统计信息和统计咨询意见;为社会公众提供统计信息;进行国际交流和为有关国际金融组织提供信息资料。 第五条 金融统计工作遵循客观性、科学性、统一性、及时性的原则。 第六条 金融统计实行统一领导、分级负责的管理体制。中国人民银行是组织、领导、监督、管理和协调全国金融统计工作的主管机关。 第七条 金融统计要以计算机网络为依托逐步实现自动化、规范化、标准化管理。 第八条 加快金融统计与国际接轨的进程,逐步实现按国际准则加工和披露金融统计数据。 第九条 金融统计是以会计科目和各类账户信息为基础的全面统计,在此基础上形成各类统计报表。 第二章 金融统计资料的管理与统计调查 第十条 中国人民银行总行统一管理金融系统全国性统计报表,并负责金融系统全国性统计报表的制定、颁发与撤销。中国人民银行各分支行负责监督、检查辖区内金融机构执行统计报表、统计数据管理制度的情况。 第十一条 金融机构总行(总公司、总局)管理本系统金融统计报表,并负责系统内全国性定期统计报表的制定、撤销,但须报中国人民银行总行备案。 第十二条 中国人民银行各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行可以制定地区性统计报表,但须报中国人民银行总行备案;金融机构省分行(分公司、分局)可以制定本系统地区性统计报表,但须报中国人民银行分行、省会(首府)城市中心支行备案。中国人民银行省会(首府)城市中心支行以下分支机构和金融机构省分行(分公司、分局)以下分支机构不得制定地区固定性统计报表。但在征得上级部门同意后,可根据实际需要制定地区临时性统计报表。临时性报表的期限一般不超过一年。 第十三条 中国人民银行分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行,金融机构总行(总公司、总局)、省分行(分公司、分局),在遵循中国人民银行总行统一规定的统计项目、统计指标下,可增设必要的统计项目、统计指标。中国人民银行各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行根据金融管理的需要,可要求辖区内金融机构增设必要的统计项目、统计指标和附表、统计台账和原始统计记录。 第十四条 中国人民银行和各金融机构及其分支机构应严格控制临时性统计报表的制定和印发,减少临时性统计报表的数量。 第十五条 中国人民银行制定统一的金融统计标准,以保障统计调查中采用的指标含义、计算方法、分类目录、调查表式和统计编码等方面的标准化。 第十六条 中国人民银行向各金融机构收集统计数据由中国人民银行统计部门归口管理,各金融机构内设部门向中国人民银行报送的与中国人民银行统一金融统计指标(全科目统计指标)相关的统计数据由各金融机构统计部门归口管理,以保证统计数据的准确和一致。 第十七条 中国人民银行和各金融机构统计部门要加强对金融统计资料和统计电子化资料的管理,建立健全金融统计资料的审核、整理、交接和存档等管理制度。 第十八条 对违反国家统计法律、法规和本规定制定印发的统计报表和统计调查表,中国人民银行和各金融机构统计部门有权拒绝填报。 第十九条 全国范围或地区性统计调查,由中国人民银行组织各金融机构共同进行;各金融机构本系统的统计调查,由各金融机构负责组织。 第三章 金融统计资料的公布 第二十条 金融统计资料公布的主要内容要逐步实现与国际接轨,加快透明度进程。 第二十一条 中国人民银行总行定期公布全国性金融统计资料(月后20日内通过新闻媒体和中国人民银行网站向全社会公布月度金融机构货币供应量、信贷收支及资产负债主要指标等金融统计资料);中国人民银行分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行根据中国人民银行总行规定,定期公布辖区内金融统计资料,并报总行备案,对外公布个别项目的统计数字,须报经行长批准。 金融机构总行(总公司、总局)对外公布金融统计资料,须经本行(公司、局)行长(总经理、局长)批准。金融机构分支机构公布金融统计资料,按照其上级主管部门的规定执行。 第二十二条 对外公布有密级的金融统计资料的审批,实行分级负责制度。 绝密、机密、秘密级的金融统计资料,未经批准,任何单位或个人不得擅自对外公布。 绝密、机密、秘密级金融统计资料的划分,按《金融工作中国家秘密及密级具体范围的规定》执行。 对外公布绝密级金融统计资料,必须报经国务院审批后,由中国人民银行总行公布;对外公布机密级金融统计资料,须经中国人民银行总行批准;对外公布秘密级金融统计资料,全国性数字由中国人民银行总行批准,金融机构本系统的数字由其总行(总公司、总局)批准。 第四章 金融统计部门的职责 第二十三条 中国人民银行总行设立专职统计部门,负责组织、领导和协调全国金融统计工作;中国人民银行各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行、地(市)级中心支行设专职统计部门,负责领导、协调辖区内金融机构的统计工作;中国人民银行县级支行设置统计岗位。 第二十四条 各金融机构总行(总公司、总局)设立专职统计部门,管理本系统的统计工作;各金融机构分支机构的统计部门设置,由其总行(总公司、总局)自行决定。 第二十五条 中国人民银行统计部门履行下列职责: (一)中国人民银行总行统计部门起草金融统计制度和有关管理规定;各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行统计部门可根据总行下发的制度和有关规定,结合当地情况起草本行制度和实施细则,并报中国人民银行总行备案。 (二)组织、领导、管理、监督、检查金融机构的统计工作。 (三)收集、审核、汇总、编制金融统计数据和统计报表。 (四)收集、整理、积累金融统计资料和有关国民经济统计资料。 (五)按规定向有关部门提供金融统计资料,对外公布综合性金融统计资料。 (六)组织金融机构开展统计调查、统计分析和统计预测。 (七)组织和促进金融统计标准化、现代化建设,建立统一的金融统计管理信息系统和有效安全的网络传输设施,在金融系统内实行信息共享。 (八)组织开展统计执法和统计质量检查,培训统计人员。 (九)经授权代表金融系统参加国内、国际金融统计活动。 第二十六条 金融机构统计部门履行下列职责: (一)贯彻执行中国人民银行制定的金融统计制度及有关管理办法,并接受中国人民银行的监督、检查。 (二)制定本系统金融统计制度、办法,领导和管理本系统金融统计工作。 (三)收集、汇总、编制、管理本系统金融统计数据和报表。 (四)收集、整理、积累本系统金融统计资料和有关国民经济统计资料。 (五)依法向中国人民银行报送统计数据、报表、统计制度和统计资料,向有关部门提供统计数据,对外公布本系统金融统计信息。 (六)完成中国人民银行布置的各项统计调查工作,在本系统组织开展统计调查、统计分析和统计预测。 (七)执行中国人民银行规定的统一的统计指标编码和电子文件接口规则。 (八)领导、组织本系统开展统计法规和统计质量检查,培训统计人员。 第五章 统计人员的配备与职责 第二十七条 统计人员的配备应符合以下要求: (一)统计人员要具备良好的职业道德,具有必要的统计专业基础知识和一定的计算机操作技能。 (二)统计人员必须实行岗位培训,未经岗前培训或培训不合格者不得上岗。经考核不适宜担任统计工作的人员,应及时进行调整。 第二十八条 中国人民银行分支行统计部门主要负责人的调动,要征得上一级中国人民银行主管部门的同意;各金融机构分支行(公司、局)统计负责人的调动,应当征得其上级主管部门同意并向中国人民银行当地统计部门备案;统计人员调动工作或者离职,应当有符合规定条件的人接管,并须办理交接手续。 第二十九条 中国人民银行分支行、各金融机构及其分支机构,应当根据国家有关规定和工作需要,设置和聘任统计专业技术职务。 第三十条 凡设置统计部门的机构,其统计部门主要负责人为统计责任人;不设统计部门的,其法定代表人或主要负责人为统计责任人。统计责任人要对本机构统计数据的真实性负责。 第三十一条 统计人员履行以下职责: (一)执行统计法律、规定、制度,按规定及时、准确、完整地填报统计数字,编制统计报表,不得虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改统计数据; (二)严格遵守保密制度; (三)收集、整理、提供统计资料; (四)进行统计调查、统计分析和统计预测; (五)规范使用统计计算机程序系统,保证统计资料和统计数据安全; (六)依照规定的审批程序,有权要求有关部门和人员提供金融业务资料,询问情况和查阅原始资料; (七)检查统计资料的准确性,有权要求改正不确实的统计资料; (八)拒报不符合规定的统计报表,检举和揭发违反统计法律、规定、制度的行为。 中国人民银行和各金融机构的统计部门及统计人员依照国家颁布的统计法律、法规和本规定行使上述职权,任何单位和个人不得非法干预。 第六章 统计监督和统计检查 第三十二条 中国人民银行统计部门依法对各金融机构的统计工作以及统计法律、规定、制度的执行情况,统计质量、统计真实性情况和统计工作情况,定期或不定期进行监督检查。检查的内容和重点应根据统计法律、规定和统计制度实施的情况具体确定。 金融机构统计部门在中国人民银行同级统计部门的组织指导下,监督检查本系统统计工作,以及统计法律、规定、制度的执行情况。 任何人不得干扰和妨碍统计人员执法检查和做出检查结论。 第三十三条 中国人民银行统计部门应配备熟悉相关法律、规定、制度和统计业务的专职或兼职统计检查员。 第三十四条 统计检查员在规定的职责范围内行使统计检查权。 第三十五条 统计检查部门和统计检查员有权对被检查机构使用的统计资料及其数据来源进行检查和监督。统计检查员按规定有权向被检查金融机构发出《统计检查查询书》。被检查金融机构在接到《统计检查查询书》15日内应据实答复。 第三十六条 统计检查可以对会计报表、与统计有关的其他业务报表及有关台账和原始凭证等进行核对。 第七章 奖励与惩罚 第三十七条 中国人民银行和各金融机构定期分别对本系统金融统计工作进行评比,中国人民银行定期对金融系统统计工作进行评比。中国人民银行和各金融机构根据有关规定对有下列表现之五的金融统计人员或者集体,分别给予嘉奖、记功、记大功、晋级、升职,授予荣誉称号,并可给予一定的奖励费用按照有关规定在有关经费中开支。 (一)在改革和完善金融统计制度、统计方法等方面,有突出贡献的; (二)在完成金融统计调查任务,保障统计资料的及时性、准确性方面,做出显著成绩的; (三)在进行金融统计分析、统计监督方面有创新,取得重要成果的; (四)在运用和推广现代化统计信息技术方面,有显著成绩的; (五)在强化统计教育和统计专业培训、进行统计科学研究,提高统计科学水平方面、做出重要贡献的; (六)坚持实事求是,依法办事,同违反统计法律、规定、制度的行为作斗争,表现突出的; (七)揭发、检举统计违法行为有功的。 第三十八条 金融机构统计及相关部门和人员,有下列行为之一者,由中国人民银行地(市)级(含地、市)以上机构和有关部门对该金融机构给予警告并处以3万元以下罚款;对金融机构直接负责的高级管理人员、其他直接负责的主管人员和直接责任人员,由所在金融机构或者上级金融机构给予警告、严重警告、记过、记大过、降级的纪律处分。中国人民银行统计及相关部门的工作人员有下列行为之一者,由所在单位或上级单位给予警告、严重警告、记过、记大过、降级的纪律处分。 (一)虚报、瞒报金融统计资料的; (二)伪造、篡改金融统计资料的; (三)拒报或者屡次迟报金融统计资料的; (四)违反本规定,未经批准,自行编制发布金融统计调查表,造成恶劣影响的; (五)违反本规定有关保密条款和《金融工作中国家秘密及其密级具体范围规定》,超越权限,自行公布金融统计资料造成严重后果的; (六)强迫和授意统计部门和统计人员在统计数据上弄虚作假的; (七)对坚持原则实报统计数据或检举揭发统计违法、违规行为人员进行刁难、打击报复的; (八)在接受统计检查时,拒绝提供情况、提供虚假情况或者转移、隐匿、毁弃原始统计记录、统计台账、统计报表以及与统计有关的其他资料造成重大损害的; (九)使用暴力或者威胁的手段阻挠、抗拒统计检查的; (十)中国人民银行总行、分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行依法认定的其他行为。 第三十九条 严重违反本规定的各金融机构统计及相关部门和人员,有下列行为之一者,由中国人民银行地(市)级(不含地、市)以上机构依据《金融违法行为处罚办法》第十二条对该金融机构给予警告,并处以10万元以上50万元以下罚款,情节严重的,责令该金融机构停业整顿或者吊销经营金融业务许可证;对金融机构直接负责的高级管理人员、其他直接负责的主管人员和直接责任人员,由所在金融机构或者上级金融机构给予记大过直至开除的纪律处分。中国人民银行统计及相关部门人员有下列行为之一者,由所在单位或上级单位给予记大过直至开除的纪律处分。 (一)虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改金融统计资料数额较大或者占应报数额的份额较多的; (二)虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改金融统计资料,一年内再次发生的; (三)虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改金融统计资料,被责令改正而拒不改正的; (四)虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改金融统计资料,造成严重后果的; (五)中国人民银行总行、分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行依法认定的其他行为。 第四十条 对于违反本规定,篡改金融统计资料、编造虚假数字骗取荣誉称号、物质奖励或晋升职务的,由作出有关决定的机关或其上级机关、监察机关取消其荣誉称号、追缴物质奖励和撤销晋升的职务。 第四十一条 当事人对本规定第三十八条、三十九所受处罚不服的,可依据有关法律、法规申请行政复议。当事人对行政复议决定不服的,可在接到行政复议决定书之日起15日之内向当地人民法院起诉。 第四十二条 对违反本规定构成犯罪的,提交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。第八章 附则 第四十三条 中国人民银行分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行和各金融机构,可根据本规定制定本辖区、本系统的实施细则,并报中国人民银行总行备案。 第四十四条 本规定由中国人民银行总行负责解释。 第四十五条 本规定自2002年12月15日起施行。1995年12月3日发布的《金融统计管理规定》同时废止。 Administrative1 Rules for Financial Statistics(2002) The Administrative Rules for Financial Statistics which was adopted at the 26th Executive Meeting of the president of the People's Bank of China on June 17, 2002 is hereby promulgated3, and shall enter into force as of December 15, 2002. President: Dai Xianglong Administrative Rules for Financial Statistics Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 These rules are formulated5 according to the "Statistic2 Law of the People's Republic of China", "Implementation6 Rules of the Statistic law of the People's Bank of China", "Law on the People's Bank of China of the People's Republic of China", "Commercial Banking7 Law of the People's Republic of China", "Rules on punishment of financial irregularities", so as to promote the development of financial business and institutional reform of financial regulatory framework, reinforce administration of financial statistics, standardize8 financial statistic practice, and improve the quality of financial statistics. Article 2 These rules are applicable to the People''s Bank of China, as well as domestic and foreign-funded financial institutions approved by the People''s Bank of China engaged in financial business, including policy banks, commercial banks, urban credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, trust and investment companies, finance companies of enterprise groups, financial leasing companies, financial asset management companies, postal9 savings10 bureau, etc. Article 3 Financial statistics in these rules refers to the following activities: The statistic units of the People''s Bank of China and financial institutions collect, process and analyze11 information on financial businesses, provide statistic information and advisory13 comments, exchange and share statistic information, administer and supervise the conduct of financial statistics, etc. Financial statistics include monetary14 statistics, statistics of both local and foreign currency denominated loans flow, statistics of cash flow, accumulative statistics of loans extending and collecting, financial supervision15 statistics, statistics of funds flow, financial market statistics, statistics of financial businesses such as banking intermediary business and other specific statistics.Statistic units in these rules refer to working units within the People''s Bank of China and financial institutions that are engaged in financial statistics. Article 4 The basic tasks for the conduct of financial statistics are: Complete statistics of various financial businesses in a timely, accurate and comprehensive manner. Collect, process and accumulate statistic information on financial sector16 and national economy. Conduct statistic survey, analysis and forecast.Carry out statistic regulation and inspection17 according to the law; provide statistic information and advisory comments for the state and the financial sector to make macroeconomic policy decisions, monitor the developments of the national economy and the financial sector, financial supervision and management. Provide statistic information to the general public.Exchange information with international community and provide statistic information to relevant international financial organizations. Article 5 Conduct of financial statistics shall adhere to principles of being objective, scientific, consistent and timely. Article 6 An administrative system with centralized administration and hierarchical accountability is to be adopted in the conduct of financial statistics.The People's Bank of China assumes the authority to organize, supervise, monitor, regulate and coordinate18 the conduct of financial statistics all over the country. Article 7 Financial statistics shall be gradually automated19, standardized20 and uniformed with the support of a computer-based network. Article 8 Compliance21 with international practices of financial statistics shall be speeded up, with processing and disclosing of financial statistic data in line with the international standards being gradually achieved. Article 9 Financial statistics is a comprehensive statistics based on charts of accounts and information of various accounts, which builds a foundation for a variety of statistic statements. Chapter II Administration of Financial Statistic data and Statistic Survey Article 10 The head office of the People's Bank of China regulates national statistic statements of the financial sector, and it is responsible for the compiling, publishing and revoking22 of national statistic statements of the financial sector.Branches of the People's Bank of China are in charge of surveillance and inspection of the observance of financial institutions within their jurisdiction23 with the administrative rules for financial statements and financial statistic data. Article 11 Headquarters of financial institutions (corporations, administrations) are responsible for supervision of financial statistic statements of their own corporations and the compiling and revoking of national statistic statements within their own institutions, whereas they need to report such actions to the head office of the People's Bank of China for record-keeping. Article 12 Regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China may compile regional statistic statements but need to file with the head office of the People's Bank of China for record-keeping. Provincial24 branches of financial institutions may compile regional statistic statements of their own systems, whereas they need to report to the regional branches and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China for record-keeping. Branches of the People's Bank of China below capital city level and branches of financial institutions below provincial level are not allowed to compile regular regional statistic statements. However, they may compile ad hoc regional statistic statements according to the actual need with the approval of their superiors. The duration of ad hoc statistic statements shall not exceed one year. Article 13 While conforming to the uniform statistic categories and indicators25 determined26 by the head office of the People's Bank of China, regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China as well as the head office and provincial branches of financial institutions may add new statistic categories and indicators as needed. According to their needs in financial supervision, regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China may require financial institutions within their jurisdiction to add new categories and indicators, appendix tables, books and original statistic records as needed. Article 14 The People's Bank of China and financial institutions, as well as their branches, shall strictly27 control the compilation28 and release of ad hoc statistic statements and try to reduce the number of ad hoc statistic statements. Article 15 The People's Bank of China shall formulate4 uniform standards for financial statistics, so as to ensure the standardization29 of definitions of indicators, methods of calculations, catalog of classification, format12 of survey forms and statistic code adopted in the statistic survey. Article 16 The People''s Bank of China's collection of financial statistic data from financial institutions is exclusively regulated by the statistic units of the People's Bank of China.Reporting of statistic data related to unified30 financial statistic indicators (consolidated31) of the People's Bank of China by the statistic units of financial institutions to the People's Bank of China is exclusively regulated by financial institutions themselves, so as to ensure the accuracy and consistency32 of statistic data. Article 17 Statistic units of the People's Bank of China and financial institutions shall enhance management on the data of financial statistics, establish and improve mechanisms33 of reviewing, processing, handover and recording34 of financial statistic data. Article 18 As to statistic statements and statistic survey forms made and circulated in violation35 of the state statistic laws, regulations and these rules, the statistic units of the People''s Bank of China and financial institutions shall have the right to decline to fill in. Article 19 National or regional statistic survey shall be with participation36 of relevant financial institutions coordinated37 by the People''s Bank of China. Financial institutions are responsible for organization of statistic survey within their own systems. Chapter III Release of Financial Statistic Data Article 20 Release of main contents of financial statistic data shall be gradually brought in line with international practices, so as to accelerate the improvement of transparency. Article 21 The People's Bank of China shall release national financial statistic data regularly (within 20 days after the end of each month, monthly data of financial statistics such as monetary supply, credit flow and asset/liabilities shall be released through the media and the web site of the People's Bank of China). Regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China shall release financial statistic data on a regular basis within their jurisdiction according to the rules laid by the head office of the People's Bank of China and file with the head office for record-keeping. Statistic figures of some particular categories can only be released with the approval of the president of the branch or operational office.Release of financial statistic data to the general public by headquarters of financial institutions shall be approved by their Presidents (General Managers). Release of financial statistic data by branches of financial institutions shall be conducted in accordance with rules laid by their superior institutions. Article 22 Release of confidential38 financial statistic data shall be approved following a hierarchical accountability system.No entities39 or individuals shall be allowed to release financial statistic data of normal, high or strict confidentiality40 without approval.Classification of normal, high and strict confidentiality shall be conducted according to the "Rules on Specific Definition of State Confidentiality and Its Coverage41 in Financial Activities".Release of financial statistic data of strict confidentiality shall be approved by the State Council and conducted by the head office of the People's Bank of China. Release of financial statistic data of high confidentiality shall be approved by the head office of the People''s Bank of China. While releasing financial statistic data of normal confidentiality, release of national statistic data shall be approved by the head office of the People's Bank of China, and release of data of financial institutions shall be approved by their headquarters. Chapter IV Responsibilities of Financial Statistic Units Article 23 The head office of the People's Bank of China shall establish a specialized42 statistic department, which assumes responsibility for organization, supervision and coordination43 of financial statistics across the country. Regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China shall set up specialized statistic units, which are responsible for supervision and coordination of statistic work in financial institutions within their jurisdiction. County-level branches of the People's Bank of China shall set up statistics posts. Article 24 Headquarters of financial institutions (corporations, administrations) shall set up specialized statistic units to supervise statistic work within their systems.Establishment of statistic units in branches of the financial institutions shall remain at the discretion44 of their headquarters. Article 25 The statistic units of the People's Bank of China shall assume the following responsibilities: (1) The statistic department of the head office of the People's Bank of China is responsible for formulating45 financial statistic regime and related administrative rules. Regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People''s Bank of China may draft their own regulations and the implementation rules according to rules and regulations issued by the head office and the local situation as well, and file with the head office for record-keeping. (2) Organize, supervise, regulate, monitor and inspect statistic work in financial institutions. (3) Collect, review, aggregate46 and compile financial statistic data and statistic statements. (4) Collect, process and accumulate financial statistic data and related statistic data of the national economy. (5) Provide financial statistic data to relevant authorities, release comprehensive financial statistic data. (6) Organize financial institutions'' statistic survey, analysis and forecast. (7) Organize and promote standardization and modernization47 of financial statistics, establish a unified management information system for financial statistics as well as an efficient and safe transmission network, and ensure information sharing within the financial sector. (8) Organize inspection on compliance of statistic laws and quality of statistics, and training of statistic staff. (9) Participate in financial statistic activities both at home and abroad as authorized48 representatives for the financial sector. Article 26 Statistic units of financial institutions shall assume the following responsibilities: (1) Enforce the financial statistic arrangement and related administrative rules formulated by the head office of the People''s Bank of China and submit to the supervision and inspection of the People''s Bank of China. (2) Formulate statistic rules of their own systems, and organize and regulate the financial statistic work of their own system. (3) Collect, aggregate, compile and take care of financial statistic data and statements of their own systems. (4) Collect, process and accumulate financial statistic data of their own systems and related statistic data of the national economy. (5) Report statistic data, statistic statements, statistic arrangement and statistic files to the People''s Bank of China, provide statistic data to relevant authorities and release information of financial statistics within their own systems. (6) Accomplish statistic surveys assigned by the People''s Bank of China and organize internal statistic surveys, analysis and forecasts. (7) Execute the uniform coding of statistic indicators and rules on interface49 of electronic files. (8) Supervise and organize inspections50 on compliance of statistic rules and regulations and the quality of statistics; train the statistic staff. Chapter V Appointment of Statistic Staff and Their Responsibilities Article 27 Statistic staff shall be appointed according to the following criteria51: (1) Statistic staff shall have good command of professional ethics52, needed basic knowledge of statistics and certain computer skills. (2) Statistic staff shall go through pre-assignment training and shall not be assigned to any statistic position without any pre-assignment training or if they fail to pass that training test. Staff members that are assessed as ineligible53 for statistic work shall be replaced immediately. Article 28 Heads of statistic units in branches of the People's Bank of China shall only be removed with approval of their superior institutions in the People's Bank of China; Head of statistic units in branches of financial institutions shall only be removed with approval of their superior institutions and shall be filed with the statistic units in local branches of the People's Bank of China for record-keeping. In the event of transfer or removal of a statistic staff member, eligible54 successor shall be selected and the handover process shall be completed. Article 29 Branches of the People's Bank of China and financial institutions shall appoint professional statistic personnel to designated statistic positions according to relevant rules and actual needs of statistic work…… Article 30 In an institution that has a statistic unit, head of that unit will be the person accountable for statistics. As for an institution without a statistic unit, its legal representative or head will be the person accountable for statistics. Persons accountable for statistics shall be held responsible for the integrity of statistic data of their institutions. Article 31 Statistic staff shall assume the following responsibilities: (1) Enforce statistic laws, rules and regulations, report statistic figures in a timely, accurate and integral manner according to rules and regulations, and compile statistic statements. Any overstatement, concealment56, counterfeit57 or distortion of statistic data is not allowed. (2) Strictly observe the rules on confidentiality. (3) Collect, process and provide statistic data. (4) Execute statistic survey, analysis and forecasts. (5) Operate with statistic computer programs and systems in compliance with rules to ensure the safety of statistic data and files. (6) Have the right to request relevant authorities and staff to provide information on financial business, make inquiries58 the facts and verify the original data in accordance with the prescribed approval procedures. (7) Check the accuracy of statistic data, and have the right to request correction of inaccurate59 statistic data. (8) Refuse to fill in statistic statements that are circulated in violation with rules, report and expose activities in violation of statistic laws, rules and regulations. Statistic units of the People's Bank of China and financial institutions execute the above-mentioned authorities according to statistic laws, rules and regulations published by the state, free from illegal intervention60 of any institutions or individuals. Chapter VI Surveillance and Inspection of Statistics Article 32 Statistic units of the People's Bank of China are to conduct regular or irregular surveillance and inspection on financial institutions' statistic work and observance of statistic laws, rules and regulations, quality and integrity of statistics and the performance of their statistic work in accordance with laws. The contents and focus of the inspection are to be determined according to the need of enforcement of statistic laws, rules and regulations. Statistic units of financial institutions are to supervise and inspect statistic work and observance of statistic laws, rules and regulations in their own systems under the instruction and coordination of statistic units of the People''s Bank of China at the same level. No one is allowed to interfere61 or hamper62 the statistic staff''s enforcement of inspection and the independent assessment63 of the inspection. Article 33 Statistic units of the People's Bank of China shall appoint full-time64 or part-time statistic inspectors65 that are familiar with relevant laws, rules and regulations and statistic business. Article 34 Statistic inspectors shall execute their statistic inspection power with the prescribed terms of reference. Article 35 Statistic inspection units and inspectors shall have the right to verify and monitor the statistic data used by the inspected institution and their sources. Statistic inspectors are entitled by these rules to issue "Inquiry66 Note of Statistic Inspection" to the inspected financial institutions. The inspected financial institutions shall honestly answer the inquiry within 15 days after the receipt of the "Inquiry Note of Statistic Inspection". Article 36 In the statistic inspection, inspectors may check the accounting67 reports, other business reports related to statistics and relevant books and original warrants. Chapter VII Awards and Penalties Article 37 The People''s Bank of China and financial institutions shall make regular assessment of performance of their own statistic units, while the People's Bank of China shall also assess performance of statistic work in the entire financial sector.The People's Bank of China and financial institutions may award the financial statistic staff or units that meet the following criteria in the way of commendation, merit recording, outstanding merit recording, promotion68 of title, promotion of position or conferment of an honorable title. Bonus may also be granted, which is to be covered by relevant budget according to relevant rules. (1) Those who make outstanding contribution to reforming and improving financial statistic regime and methodology. (2) Those who make outstanding achievements in accomplishing financial statistic survey, or ensuring timely and accurate reporting of statistic data. (3) Those who achieve important outcome in renovation69 of statistic analysis and surveillance. (4) Those who demonstrate remarkable70 performance in utilizing71 and promoting modern statistic information technology. (5) Those who make important contribution to enhancing statistic education and vocational training, making statistic research, or upgrading statistic theories. (6) Those who have outstanding performance in fighting against irregularities in violation of statistic laws, rules and regulations. (7) Those contribute to reporting and disclosing of statistic irregularities. Article 38 Statistic units, related units and their staff that have involved in any of the following activities shall be warned by the branches of the People''s Bank of China above city (prefecture) level and relevant authorities and fined by no more than RMB 30000 yuan. Senior management, other executives in charge and individuals that are held immediately responsible for these activities shall be disciplined by their institutions or superior ones in the way of warning, severe warning, demerit recording, severe demerit recording and degrading. Staff of statistic units and related units of the People's Bank of China that have any of the following behaviors shall be disciplined by their working units or superior ones in the way of warning, severe warning, demerit recording, severe demerit recording or degrading. (1) Overstate or conceal55 financial statistic data. (2) Counterfeit or distort financial statistic data. (3) Refuse to report or delay the reporting of financial statistic data consecutively72. (4) Violate these rules by formulating and publishing financial statistic survey forms without approval, resulting in significant damage. (5) Violate articles of these rules on confidentiality and the "Rules on Specific Definition of State Confidentiality and Its Coverage in Financial Activities", breach73 their authorization74 and release financial statistic data on their own decision, which entails75 significant damage. (6) Force or instruct statistic units or staff to counterfeit statistic data. (7) Bully76 or revenge those adhere to statistic principles and report statistic data as they are, or those who report and expose statistic irregularities. (8) When being inspected on statistics, refuse to provide information, provide false information, or remove, hide, destroy original statistic files, statistic books, statements or other statistics-related data, resulting in significant damages (9) Hinder or resist statistic inspection with violence or menace. (10) Other behaviors that are identified by regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China. Article 39 Staff of statistic units and other units that severely77 violate these rules and have any of the following behaviors shall be warned by the branches of the People's Bank of China above city (prefecture) level (City or prefecture level not included) according toArticle 12 of the "Rules on Punishment of Financial Irregularities", and fined by RMB 100000-500000 yuan.In a very severe case, the financial institutions may be instructed to cease operation for corrective actions, or their licenses78 of financial business be revoked80. Senior management, other executives in charge and individuals that are held immediately responsible for the misconduct shall be disciplined by their institutions or superior ones in the way of severe demerit recording, or even more grave penalties until being fired eventually.Staff of statistic units and related units in the People's Bank of China that have any of the following behaviors shall be disciplined by their working units or superior ones in the way of severe demerit recording or more grave penalties until being fired eventually. (1) Overstate, conceal, counterfeit or distort financial statistic data by great value or in great proportion of the reportable value. (2) Overstate, conceal, counterfeit or distort financial statistic data more than once in one year. (3) Overstate, conceal, counterfeit or distort financial statistic data and refuse to take corrective actions when being asked to. (4) Overstate, conceal, counterfeit or distort financial statistic data resulting in severe consequences. (5) Other behaviors identified by regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People''s Bank of China. Article 40 As for those violating these rules by distorting financial statistic data or counterfeiting81 false figures in order to defraud82 of honorable title, bonus or promotion, the institution that made that decision of award or its superior institution or supervisory bodies shall revoke79 their honorable title, take back the bonus and cancel the promotion. Article 41 When persons involved refuse to accept penalties issued in line withArticle 38, 39 of these rules, they may apply for administrative appeal according to relevant laws and regulations. If they don't agree on the appeal verdict, they may file a suit in the People''s Court within 15 days after their receipt of administrative appeal verdict. Article 42 When a crime is committed by violating these rules, the case shall be handed over to the judicial83 agencies and be prosecuted84 in accordance with the law. Chapter VIII Supplementary85 Provisions Article 43 Regional branches, operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People's Bank of China and financial institutions may formulate implementation provisions of these rules within their jurisdiction and file them with the head office of the People''s Bank of China for record-keeping. Article 44 The People''s Bank of China is responsible for the interpretation86 of these rules. Article 45 These rules shall enter into force on December 15, 2002, and the "Administrative Rules for Financial Statistics" promulgated on December 3, 1995 are invalidated at the same time 点击 ![]()
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