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(2002年10月31日上海市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十四次会议通过2002年10月31日上海市人民代表大会常务委员会公告第77号公布) 第一章 总则 第一条 为了规范本市房地产登记行为,保障房地产交易安全,维护房地产权利人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》和其他有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。 第二条 本条例适用于本市行政区域内的房地产登记。 第三条 本条例所称房地产登记,是指房地产登记机构依当事人申请或者依职权,对土地使用权、房屋所有权、房地产他项权利和其他依法应当登记的房地产权利以及与此相关的事项进行记载、公示的行为。 本条例所称房地产权利人,是指依法享有土地使用权、房屋所有权、房地产他项权利等房地产权利的自然人、法人和其他组织。 第四条 上海市房屋土地资源管理局(以下简称市房地资源局)是本市房地产行政主管部门,负责房地产登记管理工作。 市房地资源局所属的上海市房地产登记处(以下简称市登记处)负责本市房地产登记的日常工作。区、县房地产登记处受市登记处委托,具体办理房地产登记事务。 区、县房地产管理部门协助市房地资源局对区、县房地产登记工作实施监督管理。 第五条 市房地资源局应当建立全市统一的房地产登记册和登记信息系统,制作统一的房地产权证书和登记证明,并制定房地产登记技术规范。 房地产登记机构应当按照房地产登记技术规范和登记信息系统的要求,对房地产登记册进行记载、公示。 房地产登记工作人员应当经统一考核合格后,持证上岗。 第二章 一般规定 第六条 因下列情形之一进行房地产登记,有关当事人双方应当共同申请: (一)买卖; (二)交换; (三)赠与; (四)抵押; (五)设典; (六)法律、法规规定的其他情形。 第七条 因下列情形之一进行房地产登记,由房地产权利人申请: (一)以划拨或者出让、租赁等方式取得土地使用权; (二)经批准取得集体所有的非农业建设用地使用权; (三)新建房屋; (四)继承、遗赠; (五)行政机关已经发生法律效力的土地使用权争议处理决定; (六)人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定、调解; (七)仲裁机构已经发生法律效力的裁决、调解; (八)本条例第三十二条所列情形; (九)法律、法规规定的其他情形。 第八条 两人以上共有房地产的登记,应当由共有人共同申请。 第九条 当事人委托代理人申请房地产登记的,代理人应当提交当事人的委托书。 第十条 申请房地产登记的,应当提交规定的申请登记文件。申请人提交的申请登记文件齐备的,房地产登记机构应当即时出具收件收据,申请日为受理日。申请人提交的申请登记文件尚未齐备的,房地产登记机构应当书面告知补正要求,申请登记文件补齐日为受理日。 第十一条 房地产登记机构应当在规定的时限内完成对登记申请的审核。经审核符合规定的,房地产登记机构应当将有关事项记载于房地产登记册,登记申请的受理日为登记日。 第十二条 申请人可以在房地产登记机构将房地产登记内容公示前,撤回登记申请。 第十三条 依法登记的房地产权利受法律保护。 未经登记的房地产不得转让。 同一房地产上设定两个以上的房地产他项权利和其他依法应当登记的房地产权利的,依房地产登记册记载的登记日的先后确定其顺位。法律、行政法规另有规定的,从其规定。 第十四条 土地使用权未经初始登记的,该土地范围内的其他房地产权利不予登记。 房屋所有权未经初始登记的,与该房屋有关的其他房地产权利不予登记,但依据本条例规定申请预告登记的情形除外。 有下列情形之一的,房地产登记机构应当作出不予登记的决定: (一)房地产权属争议尚未解决的; (二)不能提供有效的房地产权属证明的; (三)非法占用土地的; (四)属违法建筑或者临时建筑的; (五)法律、行政法规规定不予登记的,或者不符合本条例规定的其他登记条件的。 第十五条 有下列情形之一的,有关国家机关可以将已经发生法律效力的文件向房地产登记机构办理登记: (一)人民法院、行政机关对土地使用权、房屋所有权依法实施财产保全等限制措施; (二)行政机关依法作出征用集体所有土地、批准建设用地、房屋拆迁许可、商品房预售许可等与房地产权利有关的决定。 第十六条 房屋租赁合同等与房地产权利有关的文件,当事人可以向房地产登记机构办理登记备案。 第十七条 房地产登记机构应当按照当事人提交的申请登记文件或者行政机关、人民法院、仲裁机构已经发生法律效力的文件,对房地产登记册进行记载,并永久保存。 房地产登记册应当对房地产的坐落,房地产权利人姓名或者名称,房屋和土地的面积,土地使用权取得的方式、期限和用途,房地产他项权利,房地产权利的限制等进行记载。 房地产权证书、登记证明与房地产登记册的记载应当保持一致。房地产权证书、登记证明与房地产登记册的记载不一致的,以房地产登记册为准。 第十八条 房地产权利人发现房地产登记册的记载有误的,可以申请更正。申请更正的事项涉及第三人房地产权利的,有关的权利人应当共同申请。 房地产登记机构发现房地产登记册的记载有误的,应当书面通知有关的房地产权利人在规定期限内办理更正手续;当事人无正当理由逾期不办理更正手续的,房地产登记机构可以依据申请登记文件或者有效的法律文件对房地产登记册的记载予以更正,并书面通知当事人。 第十九条 房地产权利的利害关系人认为房地产登记册记载的土地使用权人、房屋所有权人与实际状况不一致的,可以持与房地产权利相关的文件,提出登记异议。房地产登记机构应当在受理登记异议申请的当日,将异议事项记载于房地产登记册以警示第三人,该登记满三个月失效。 第二十条 土地使用权、房屋所有权的房地产权证,由市房地资源局颁发。房地产他项权利和其他依法应当登记的房地产权利的登记证明,由市登记处颁发。 房地产权证书、登记证明是房地产登记的凭证,不得涂改。 房地产权证书、登记证明破损的,房地产权利人可以向房地产登记机构申请换发。房地产登记机构换发房地产权证书、登记证明前,应当查验并收回原房地产权证书、登记证明。 房地产权证书、登记证明灭失的,房地产权利人可以向房地产登记机构申请补发,补发的房地产权证书、登记证明上应当注明"补发"字样。自补发之日起,原房地产权证书、登记证明作废。 第二十一条 房地产登记册可以公开查阅、抄录和复印;申请登记文件可以供有关当事人查阅、抄录和复印。具体办法由市人民政府规定。 第三章 土地使用权和房屋所有权登记 第一节 初始登记 第二十二条 以出让、租赁方式取得土地使用权的,房地产权利人应当申请土地使用权初始登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)土地使用权出让合同或者土地租赁合同; (四)地籍图; (五)土地勘测报告。 以出让方式取得土地使用权的,房地产权利人申请土地使用权初始登记时,除提交前款规定的文件外,还应当提交已付清土地使用权出让金的证明。 出让、租赁土地使用权年限届满后,经批准续期的,房地产权利人应当重新办理土地使用权初始登记。 第二十三条 以划拨方式取得土地使用权或者依法取得集体所有的非农业建设用地使用权的,房地产权利人应当申请土地使用权初始登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)建设用地批准文件; (四)地籍图; (五)土地勘测报告。 第二十四条 符合下列条件的土地使用权初始登记申请,应当准予登记: (一)申请人是土地使用权出让合同、土地租赁合同或者建设用地批准文件记载的土地使用人; (二)申请登记的土地使用范围、位置、面积、用途与土地使用权出让合同、土地租赁合同或者建设用地批准文件、地籍图、土地勘测报告的记载一致; (三)申请登记事项与房地产登记册的记载不冲突; (四)不属于本条例第十四条第三款所列的情形。 第二十五条 新建房屋竣工验收合格后,房地产权利人应当申请房屋所有权初始登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)记载土地使用权状况的房地产权证书; (四)建设工程规划许可证; (五)竣工验收证明; (六)记载房屋状况的地籍图; (七)房屋勘测报告; (八)根据登记技术规范应当提交的其他有关文件。 第二十六条 符合下列条件的房屋所有权初始登记申请,应当准予登记: (一)申请人是房地产登记册记载的土地使用权人; (二)申请初始登记的房屋坐落、用途、幢数、层数、建筑面积符合建设工程规划许可证的规定并与记载房屋状况的地籍图、房屋勘测报告一致; (三)申请登记事项与房地产登记册的记载不冲突; (四)不属于本条例第十四条第三款所列的情形。 第二十七条 房地产登记机构应当自受理初始登记申请之日起二十日内完成审核。符合规定条件的,应当将初始登记事项记载于房地产登记册,并通知房地产权利人领取房地产权证书;不符合规定条件的,不予登记,并书面告知申请人。 第二节 转移登记 第二十八条 经登记的房地产有下列情形之一的,当事人应当在有关法律文件生效或者事实发生后申请转移登记: (一)买卖; (二)交换; (三)赠与; (四)继承、遗赠; (五)法律、法规规定的其他情形。 第二十九条 申请房地产转移登记,应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产权证书; (四)证明房地产权属发生转移的文件; (五)根据登记技术规范应当提交的其他有关文件。 第三十条 符合下列条件的房地产转移登记申请,应当准予登记: (一)转让人是房地产登记册记载的权利人,受让人是有关证明文件中载明的受让人; (二)申请转移登记的房地产在房地产登记册的记载范围内; (三)申请登记事项与房地产登记册的记载不冲突。 第三十一条 房地产登记机构应当自受理房地产转移登记申请之日起二十日内完成审核。符合规定条件的,应当将转移事项记载于房地产登记册,并通知房地产权利人领取房地产权证书;不符合规定条件的,不予登记,并书面告知申请人。 第三节 变更登记 第三十二条 经登记的房地产有下列情形之一的,房地产权利人应当在事实发生后申请变更登记: (一)房地产用途发生变化的; (二)房地产权利人姓名或者名称发生变化的; (三)土地、房屋面积增加或者减少的; (四)房地产分割、合并的; (五)法律、法规规定的其他情形。 第三十三条 申请房地产变更登记应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产权证书; (四)证明发生变更事实的文件; (五)根据登记技术规范应当提交的其他有关文件。 第三十四条 符合下列条件的房地产变更登记申请,应当准予登记: (一)申请人是房地产登记册记载的权利人; (二)申请变更登记的房地产在房地产登记册的记载范围内; (三)申请变更登记的内容与有关文件证明的变更事实一致; (四)申请登记事项与房地产登记册的记载不冲突。 第三十五条 房地产登记机构应当自受理房地产变更登记申请之日起二十日内完成审核。符合规定条件的,应当将变更事项记载于房地产登记册,并通知房地产权利人领取房地产权证书;不符合规定条件的,不予登记,并书面告知申请人。 第四节 注销登记 第三十六条 房屋因倒塌、拆除等原因灭失的,房地产权利人应当在灭失事实发生后申请注销房地产登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产权证书; (四)房屋灭失的证明。 第三十七条 以出让、租赁等方式取得的土地使用权依法终止的,原土地使用权人应当申请注销房地产登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产权证书; (四)证明土地使用权依法终止的文件。 第三十八条 土地使用权、房屋所有权因抛弃而终止的,房地产权利人应当申请注销房地产登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产权证书。 第三十九条 符合下列条件的注销房地产登记申请,应当准予登记: (一)申请人是房地产登记册记载的房地产权利人; (二)申请注销登记的房地产在房地产登记册的记载范围内; (三)申请注销登记的事项与房地产登记册的记载不冲突。 第四十条 房地产登记机构应当自受理注销房地产登记申请之日起二十日内完成审核。符合规定条件的,应当将注销事项记载于房地产登记册,并书面通知申请人,原房地产权证书作废;不符合规定条件的,不予注销登记,并书面告知申请人。 第四十一条 房屋灭失或者土地使用权依法终止后,当事人未申请注销登记的,房地产登记机构可以依据有关部门提供的证明文件,将注销事项记载于房地产登记册,原房地产权证书作废。 第四十二条 土地使用权、房屋所有权因行政机关、人民法院依法作出的征收、收回、没收等行为终止的,由有关行政机关、人民法院持已经发生法律效力的文件办理注销房地产登记。房地产登记机构应当将注销事项记载于房地产登记册,原房地产权证书作废。 第四章 房地产他项权利登记 第四十三条 有下列情形之一的,当事人应当申请房地产他项权利设定登记: (一)抵押; (二)设典; (三)其他依照法律、行政法规设定的房地产他项权利。 第四十四条 申请房地产抵押权设定登记,应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产权证书; (四)抵押担保的主债权合同; (五)抵押合同。 第四十五条 申请房地产典权登记,应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产权证书; (四)设典合同。 第四十六条 经登记的房地产他项权利发生转移、变更或者依法终止的,当事人应当申请转移登记、变更登记、注销登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)房地产他项权利登记证明; (四)证明房地产他项权利发生转移、变更或者终止的文件。 第四十七条 符合下列条件的房地产他项权利登记的申请,应当准予登记: (一)申请人是设定房地产他项权利的当事人,且其中一方是房地产登记册记载的房地产权利人; (二)申请登记的房地产在房地产登记册的记载范围内; (三)申请登记事项与房地产登记册的记载不冲突。 第四十八条 房地产登记机构应当自受理房地产他项权利登记申请之日起七日内完成审核。符合规定条件的,应当将有关事项记载于房地产登记册,并通知房地产他项权利登记及其转移、变更登记的权利人领取登记证明,或者书面通知房地产他项权利注销登记的申请人原登记证明作废;不符合规定条件的,不予登记,并书面告知申请人。 第五章 预告登记 第四十九条 房屋尚未建成时,有下列情形之一的,当事人可以申请预告登记: (一)预购商品房及其转让; (二)以预购商品房设定抵押及其抵押权的转让; (三)以房屋建设工程设定抵押及其抵押权的转让; (四)法律、法规规定的其他情形。 应当由当事人双方共同申请的登记,一方当事人未提出登记申请的,另一方当事人可以单方申请预告登记。 经预告登记后,当事人取得土地使用权、房屋所有权或者房地产他项权利的优先请求权。 本条第一款所列情形的预告登记,自房屋所有权初始登记之日起满两年,当事人未申请土地使用权、房屋所有权或者房地产他项权利登记的,该预告登记失效;本条第二款规定的预告登记,自登记之日起满两年,当事人未申请土地使用权、房屋所有权或者房地产他项权利登记的,该预告登记失效。 第五十条 申请预购商品房预告登记,应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)商品房预售合同。 预购商品房发生转让的,申请预告登记时,除提交前款规定的文件外,还应当提交转让合同。 第五十一条 预购商品房未经预告登记的,不予办理预购商品房转让的预告登记。 已经预告登记的预购商品房不得重复办理预告登记。 第五十二条 申请领购商品房抵押权预告登记,应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)商品房预售合同; (四)抵押担保的主债权合同; (五)抵押合同。 预购商品房抵押权发生转让的,申请预告登记时,除提交前款规定的文件外,还应当提交转让合同。 第五十三条 预购商品房未经预告登记的,不予办理预购商品房抵押权的预告登记。 第五十四条 申请房屋建设工程抵押权预告登记,应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)记载土地使用权状况的房地产权证书; (四)建设工程规划许可证; (五)房屋建设工程总承包合同或者施工总承包合同; (六)抵押担保的主债权合同; (七)抵押合同。 房屋建设工程抵押权发生转让的,申请预告登记时,除提交前款规定的文件外,还应当提交转让合同。 第五十五条 单方申请预告登记,应当提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)证明房地产权利变动的法律关系已经形成的文件。 第五十六条 经预告登记的房地产权利依法终止的,当事人应当申请注销预告登记,并提交下列文件: (一)申请书; (二)身份证明; (三)证明经预告登记的房地产权利终止的文件。 第五十七条 符合下列条件的预告登记及其注销登记的申请,应当准予登记: (一)申请登记的房地产在房地产登记册的记载范围内; (二)申请登记事项与房地产登记册的记载不冲突; (三)申请人符合本条第二款的规定。 预告登记及其注销登记的申请人应当符合下列规定: (一)申请预购商品房预告登记的,申请人一方应当是商品房预售许可证记载的房地产开发企业,另一方应当是商品房预售合同载明的预购人; (二)申请预购商品房转让预告登记的,申请人一方应当是房地产登记册记载的商品房预购人,另一方应当是预购商品房转让合同载明的受让人; (三)申请预购商品房抵押权预告登记的,申请人应当是设定预购商品房抵押权的当事人,且抵押人是房地产登记册记载的商品房预购人; (四)申请房屋建设工程抵押权预告登记的,申请人应当是设定房屋建设工程抵押权的当事人,且抵押人是房地产登记册记载的土地使用权人; (五)申请注销预告登记的,申请人应当是原预告登记的当事人; (六)单方申请预告登记的,申请人应当是房地产权利变动法律文件记载的一方当事人。 第五十八条 房地产登记机构应当自受理预告登记及其注销登记申请之日起七日内完成审核。符合规定条件的,应当将有关事项记载于房地产登记册,并书面通知当事人;不符合规定条件的,不予登记,并书面告知申请人。 第五十九条 新建商品房所有权初始登记后,商品房预购人应当申请房地产转移登记。预购商品房设定抵押的,房地产转移登记后,其预购商品房抵押权预告登记转为房地产抵押权登记。 第六十条 新建房屋所有权初始登记后,其房屋建设工程抵押权预告登记转为房地产抵押权登记。 房屋建设工程抵押权预告登记转为房地产抵押权登记时,其抵押物范围不包括已经办理预告登记的预购商品房。 第六章 法律责任 第六十一条 房地产登记机构及其工作人员违反本条例规定,导致房地产登记错误,给房地产权利人造成损失的,由市房地资源局或者市登记处承担相应的法律责任。 第六十二条 房地产登记申请人提交错误、虚假的申请登记文件或者申请登记异议不当,给房地产权利人造成损失的,应当承担相应的法律责任。 第六十三条 当事人伪造房地产权证书的,由市房地资源局依法没收伪造的房地产权证书,并移送司法机关处理。 第六十四条 市房地资源局和市、区县房地产登记处的直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。 第六十五条 当事人对市房地资源局、市登记处的具体行政行为不服的,可以依照《中华人民共和国行政复议法》或者《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。 第七章 附则 第六十六条 对本市房地产总登记时应当登记而未登记的土地使用权和房屋所有权,当事人可以凭房地产权属来源证明,向房地产登记机构申请登记。 房地产登记机构受理登记申请后,应当向有关部门核查,并将有关情况在本市主要报纸或者其他媒体上公告;公告六个月期满无异议的,应当核准当事人的登记申请。 第六十七条 本条例施行前依法颁发的房地产权属证书和登记证明继续有效。 第六十八条 本条例自2003年5月1日起施行。 Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Registration1 of Real Estate(Adopted at the 44th Session of the Standing2 Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on October 31, 2002) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1These Regulations are formulated3 for the purposes of normalizing the act of real estate registration, safeguarding the security of real estate transaction, and protecting the legitimate4 rights and interests of the real estate right owners, in accordance with the"Law of the Peoples'Republic of China on Land Administration"and the"Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate"and other relevant laws and administrative5 regulations and in the light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality. Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to the real estate registration within the administrative areas of this Municipality. Article 3The real estate registration mentioned in these Regulations refers to the act of a real estate registration agency, based on the client's application or the agency's authority, recording6 and making public the land-use right, ownership of a house, right over real estate of another, and other real estate rights subject to registration according to law, and matters related to such things. The real estate right owner(s) mentioned in these Regulations refer(s) to the natural person(s), legal person(s) and other organization(s) that enjoy, according to law, land-use rights, ownership of house, rights over real estate of another and other real estate rights. Article 4 The Shanghai Municipal Housing and Land Resources Administration (hereinafter referred to as MHLRA) is the competent real estate administrative department of this Municipality, responsible for the administration work of real estate registration.The Shanghai Municipal Real Estate Registration Section (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Registry) affiliated7 with the MHLRA shall be in charge of the routine work of this Municipality's real estate registration. The district/county real estate registry, entrusted8 by the Municipal Registry, shall handle specific matters of real estate registration.The district/county administrative department of real estate shall assist the MHLPA in exercising supervision9 and administration of the district/county real estate registration work. Article 5The MHLRA shall establish the whole Municipality's uniform real estate register and registration information system, produce the uniform real estate title deed and registration certification and set the technical norms for real estate registration.The real estate registration agency shall, according to the requirements of technical norms for real estate registration and of the registration information system, keep record of and make public the real estate registers.Real estate registrars10 shall pass the uniform examination before getting on post by holding a certificate. Chapter II General Rules Article 6Where real estate registration is to be made due to one of the following cases, both of the parties concerned shall make a joint11 application: (1) Purchase and sale; (2) Exchange; (4) Mortgage; (5) Pledge; and (6) Other cases provided by laws and regulations. Article 7Where real estate registration is made due to one of the following cases, the real estate right owner shall make an application: (1) The land-use right is acquired in the form of allocation, granting, or leasing; (2) The collectively-owned, non-agricultural-construction-use land use right is acquired through approval; (3) Newly-built buildings; (4) Inheritance or bequeathal; (5) A decision of an administrative organ on handling a dispute about land-use rights has become legally effective; (6) A judgement, ruling or mediation13 made by the people's court has become legally effective; (7) An award or mediation made by the arbitration14 institution has become legally effective; (8) The cases listed in Article 32 of these Regulations: and (9) Other cases as may be provided by laws and regulations. Article 8Where a real estate jointly15 owned by two or more than two persons is to be registered, the co-owners shall make a joint application. Article 9 Where a client entrusts16 an agent to apply for real estate registration, the agent shall present the client's power of attorney. Article 10Any person who applies for real estate registration shall submit the stipulated17 registration application documents. Where an applicant18 submits a complete set of registration application documents, the real estate registration agency shall issue a receipt forthwith for the received documents and the applying date is regarded as the accepting and handling date. Where an applicant submits registration application documents that are incomplete, the real estate registration agency shall notify in writing the applicant of the requirement for make-up, and the date of making the documents up to complete is regarded as the accepting and handling date. Article 11The real estate registration agency shall complete the verification of the registration application within the prescribed time period. Where the application complies with the provision, the real estate registration agency shall record relevant matters in the real estate register, and the accepting and handling date of registration application is regarded as the date of registration. Article 12The applicant may withdraw the registration application before the real estate registration agency makes public the content of real estate registration. Article 13The rights of real estate registered according to law shall be protected by law.The unregistered real estate shall not be transferred.Where more than two rights over real estate of another or other real estate rights subject to registration according to law are created on one same real estate, the sequential position shall be determined20 in sequence of the registration dates recorded in the real estate register. Where otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall prevail. Article 14Where land-use rights have not gone through initial registration, other real estate rights within the scope of the land shall not be registered.Where the ownership of a house has not gone through initial registration, other real estate rights related to the house shall not be registered, but the case of application for advance-announcement registration according to the provisions of these Regulations is an exception.Where there is any one of the following cases, the real estate registration agency shall make a decision of denial of registration. (1) Dispute about real estate ownership has not been settled yet; (2) Inability to present valid21 certification of real estate ownership; (3) Illegal occupation of land; (4) Being illegal or temporary buildings; and (5) Cases in which registration is denied by provisions of laws and administrative regulations or in which other registration conditions defined in these Regulations are not fulfilled Article 15Where there is any one of the following cases, relevant State organs may go through registration with the real estate registration agency by documents that have become effective legally. (1) The people's court or an administrative organ exercises, according to law, restrictive measures such as property preservation22 on land-use rights and ownership of a house; (2) An administrative organ has made decisions on requisition of collectively-owned land and on approval of construction-use land, permission for house demolition23 and relocation, and commodity house sale in advance, and other decisions related to real estate rights. Article 16For house lease contracts and other documents related to real estate rights, the client may go through registration and file with the real estate registration agency for the record. Article 17The real estate registration agency shall record and permanently24 keep in the real estate register the registration application documents provided by the client or documents of the administrative organ, people's court or arbitration institution that have become legally effective.The real estate register shall keep the record of the location of real estate, the name of real estate right owner, the area of the house and land, the form of acquisition, duration and use purpose of land-use rights, the rights over real estate of another and the restriction25 of real estate rights.The real estate title deed and registration certification shall be consistent with the record in the real estate register. Where the real estate title deed and registration certification are inconsistent with the record in the real estate register, the latter shall prevail. Article 18The real estate right owner, upon discovery of any error in the record of real estate register, may apply for correction. Where the items to be corrected involve the real estate right of a third party, the right-owners concerned shall make a joint application.The real estate registration agency, upon discovery of any error in the record of real estate register, shall notify in writing the real estate right owner of going through the correction formalities within the prescribed time period. Where the client fails to go through correction formalities before the deadline without any proper reason, the real estate registration agency may correct the record in the real estate register based on registration application documents or valid legal documents and notify the client in writing thereof. Article 19The interested parties of real estate rights, who believe that the land-use right owner and owner of the house recorded in the real estate register are inconsistent with actual situations, may raise an objection to the registration by presentation of documents related to the real estate rights. The real estate registration agency shall, on the same day of accepting the registration objection application, record the objection items in the real estate register to warn the third party, and the registration of the objection items shall cease to be effective after three months. Article 20The real estate title deed of land-use right and ownership of a house shall be issued by the MHLRA. The registration certification of rights over real estate of another and other real estate rights subject to registration according to law shall be issued by the Municipal Registry.The real estate title deed and registration certification are evidence of real estate registration, and shall not be altered.Where the real estate title deed or registration certification is damaged, the real estate right owner may apply for change to the real estate registration agency. The real estate registration agency shall examine and recall the original real estate title deed and registration certification before changing the real estate title deed and the registration certification.Where the real estate title deed or registration certification is lost, the real estate right owner may apply for re-issuance to the real estate registration agency. The re-issued real estate title deed or registration certification shall have the word of"re-issued"marked in the real estate title deed or registration certification, and the original real estate title deed or registration certification shall become invalid26 as of the date of re-issuance. Article 21The real estate register may be consulted openly, copied and duplicated. The registration application documents may be available for related clients to consult, copy and duplicate. The specific procedures shall be stipulated by the Municipal People's Government. Chapter III Registration of Land-use Rights and Ownership of a Section 1 Initial Registration Article 22Where the land-use right is acquired in the form of granting or lease, the real estate right owner shall apply for initial registration of land-use right and submit the following documents: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Granting contract of land-use right, or land lease contract; (4) Cadastral map; and (5) Report of land survey.Where the land-use right is acquired in the form of granting, the real estate right owner, when applying for initial registration of land-use right, shall submit the certification of paid-off granting fees of land-use right in addition to documents set forth19 in the preceding clause.Where the renewal27 is approved after expiration28 of the granted or leased land-use right term, the real estate right owner shall have a new the initial registration of land-use right. Article 23Where the land-use right is acquired in the form of allocation or the collectively-owned, non-agricultural-construction-use land use right is acquired according to law, the real estate right owner shall apply for the initial registration of land-use right and submit the following documents: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Approval document of construction-use land; (4) Cadastral map; and (5) Report of land survey. Article 24 The application for initial registration of land-use right in compliance29 with the following requirements shall be approved: (1) The applicant is the user of the land recorded in the land-use right granting contract, the land lease contract or the approval document of construction-use land; (2) The land-use range, location, area and use purpose in the application for registration is consistent with the record in the land-use right granting contract, land lease contract or the approval document of construction-use land, cadastral map and land survey report; (3) The registration application items do not conflict with the record in the real estate register; and (4) The case not falling under Article 14 Clause 3 of these Regulations. Article 25After the newly-built house passes the acceptance test upon completion, the real estate right owner shall apply for initial registration of ownership of a house and submit the following documents: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) The real estate title deed that records the state of land-use right; (4) License30 of construction project planning; (5) Certification of acceptance test upon completion; (6) Cadastral map that records the state of the house; (7) Housing survey report; and (8) Other relevant documents as may be required by the technical norms for registration. Article 26The application for initial registration of ownership of a house in compliance with the following requirements shall be approved: (1) The applicant is the owner of the land-use right recorded in the real estate register; (2) The location, use purpose, block number, story number and building area of the house in the application for registration comply with those specified31 in the license of construction project planning and accord with the cadastral map and the housing survey report that record the state of the house; (3) The registration application items do not conflict with the record in the real estate register; and (4) The case not falling under Article 14 Clause 3 of these Regulations. Article 27The real estate registration agency shall, within 20 days from the date of accepting the initial registration application, complete the verification. Where the set requirements are met, the real estate registration agency shall record the initial registration items in the real estate register, and notify the real estate right owner to take out the real estate title deed. Where the set requirements are not met, the real estate registration agency shall reject the registration, and notify the applicant in writing thereof. Section 2 Transfer Registration Article 28Where the registered real estate has any one of the following cases, the client shall apply for the transfer registration after relevant legal documents have become effective, or the fact has occurred: (1) Purchase or sale; (2) Exchange; (3) Bestowal; (4) Inheritance, bequeathal; and (5) Other cases as may be provided by laws and regulations. Article 29To apply for real estate transfer registration, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Real estate title deed; (4) Documents certifying32 the transfer of real estate ownership; and (5) Other relevant documents as may be required by the technical norms for registration. Article 30The application for registration of real estate transfer that meets the following requirements shall be approved: (1) The transferor is the owner recorded in the real estate register and the transferee is the one specified in relevant supporting documents; (2) The real estate in the application for registration is in the range of record in the real estate register; and (3) The registration application items do not conflict with the record in the real estate register. Article 31The real estate registration agency shall complete the verification within 20 days from the date of accepting the application for registration of real estate transfer, and where the application meets the set requirements, the said agency shall record the transfer items in the real estate register and notify the real estate right owner to take out the real estate title deed; and where the application does not meet the set requirements, the said agency shall reject the registration and notify the applicant in writing thereof. Section 3 Alteration33 Registration Article 32Where the registered real estate has any one of the following cases, the real estate right owner shall apply for alteration registration after the fact has occurred: (1) The use purpose of real estate has changed; (2) The name of real estate right owner has changed; (3) The area of the land or the house has increased or decreased; (4) The real estate is split-off or merged34; and (5) Other cases as may be provided by laws and regulations. Article 33To apply for alteration registration of real estate, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Real estate title deed; (4) Documents certifying the fact of alteration; and (5) Other relevant documents as may be required by the technical norms for registration. Article 34The application for alteration registration of real estate that meets the following requirements shall be approved: (1) The applicant is the owner recorded in the real estate register; (2) The real estate in the application for alteration registration is in the range of record in the real estate register; (3) The content in the application for alteration registration is consistent with the fact of alteration certified35 by relevant documents; and (4) The items in application for alteration registration do not conflict with the record in the real estate register. Article 35The real estate registration agency shall complete the verification within 20 days from the date of accepting the application for alteration registration, and where the application meets the set requirements, the said agency shall record the alteration items in the real estate register and notify the real estate right owner to take out the real estate title deed; and where the application does not meet the set requirements, the said agency shall reject the registration, and notify the applicant in writing thereof. Section 4 Cancellation36 Registration Article 36Where a house is lost due to collapse37 or demolition, the real estate right owner shall, after the fact of loss has occurred, apply for real estate cancellation registration, and submit the following documents: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Real estate title deed; and (4) Certification of loss of house. Article 37Where the land-use right acquired in the form of granting or lease terminates according to law, the original owner of land-use right shall apply for canceling the real estate registration and submit the following documents: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Real estate title deed; and (4) Documents certifying the legal termination of land-use right. Article 38Where land-use right or ownership of a house terminates due to abandonment, the real estate right owner shall apply for canceling the real estate registration and submit the following documents: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; and (3) Real estate title deed. Article 39 The application for canceling real estate registration that meets the following requirements shall be approved: (1) The applicant is the owner of real estate right recorded in the real estate register; (2) The real estate in application for cancellation registration is in the range of record in the real estate register; and (3) The items in the application for cancellation registration do not conflict with the record in the real estate register. Article 40The real estate registration agency shall complete the verification within 20 days from the date of accepting the application for cancellation registration, and where the application meets the set requirements, the said agency shall record the cancellation items in the real estate register and notify the real estate right owner that the original real estate title deed shall become invalid; and where the application does not meet the set requirements, the said agency shall reject the cancellation registration and notify the applicant in writing thereof. Article 41Where the client fails to apply for cancellation registration after the house has been lost or land-use right has legally terminated, the real estate registration agency may record the cancellation matters in the real estate register based on the supporting documents provided by relevant departments, and the original real estate title deed shall become invalid. Article 42 Where the land-use right and ownership of a house terminate due to the acts of requisition, recall and confiscation38 according to law by the administrative organ or the people's court, the relevant administrative organ and people's court shall go through the real estate cancellation registration by the documents that have become legally effective. The real estate registration agency shall record the cancellation matters in the real estate register, and the original real estate title deed shall become invalid. Chapter IV Registration of Right over Real Estate of Another Article 43Where there is one of the following cases, the client shall apply for the registration of creating of rights over real estate of another: (1) Mortgage; (2) Pledge; and (3) Other rights created over real estate of another according to laws and administrative regulations. Article 44To apply for registration of creation of mortgage on real estate, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Real estate title deed; (4) Principal obligation contract secured by mortgage; and (5) Contract of mortgage. Article 45To apply for registration of creation of pledge right on real estate, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Real estate title deed; and (4) Contract of pledge. Article 46Where the registered right over real estate of another are transferred, altered or legally terminated, the client shall apply for transfer registration, alteration registration or cancellation registration, and submit the following documents (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Registration certification of the right over real estate of another; and (4) Document certifying the transfer, alteration or termination of the rights over real estate of another. Article 47The application for registration of rights over real estate of another that meets the following requirements shall be approved: (1) Applicants39 are the clients who create the rights over real estate of another and one of the clients is the owner of the real estate right recorded in the real estate register; (2) The real estate in the application for registration is in the range of record of the real estate register; and (3) The items in the application for registration do not conflict with the record in the real estate register. Article 48The real estate registration agency shall complete the verification within 7 days from the date of accepting the application for registration of the rights over real estate of another, and where the application meets the set requirements, the said agency shall record the relevant items in the real estate register, and notify the right owner of the right over real estate of another and the right owner of transfer or alteration registration to take out the registration certification, or notify in writing the applicant for cancellation registration of the right over real estate of another that the original registration certification shall become invalid. Where the application does not meet the set requirements, the said agency shall reject the registration and notify the applicant in writing thereof. Chapter V Advance-announcement Registration Article 49Where a house is under construction, the party that has one of the following cases may apply for advance-announcement registration: (1) Advance-purchased commodity house and the transfer thereof; (2) Creation of mortgage on advance-purchased commodity house and the transfer of such mortgage; (3) Creation of mortgage on house construction project and the transfer of such mortgage; and (4) Other cases as may be provided by laws and regulations.Where both parties concerned are required to make a joint application, but one party fails to lodge40 an application, the other party may apply unilaterally for advance-announcement registration.Upon advance-announcement registration, the parties concerned shall obtain priority right of claim for land-use right, ownership of house or right over real estate of another.Where in respect of the advance-announcement registration with the cases set forth in Clause 1 of this Article, the client has not applied41 for registration of land-use right, ownership of house or right over real estate of another up to full two years since the initial registration date of ownership of a house, the advance-announcement registration shall expire. Where in respect of the advance-announcement registration with the cases set forth in Clause 2 of this Article, the party has not applied for registration of land-use right, ownership of house or right over real estate of another up to full two years since the registration date, the advance-announcement registration shall expire. Article 50 To apply for advance-announcement registration of advance-purchased commodity house, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Advance-sale contract of commodity house.Where an advance-purchased commodity house is transferred, the transfer contract shall be submitted in addition to the documents set forth in the preceding clause upon application for advance-announcement registration. Article 51 The advance-purchased commodity house without advance-announcement registration shall not be allowed to handle the advance-announcement registration of the transfer of advance-purchased commodity house.The advance-purchased commodity house with advance-announcement registration shall not repeat the advance-announcement registration. Article 52To apply for advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of advance-purchased commodity house, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Advance-sale contract of commodity house; (4) Contract of principal obligation secured by mortgage; and (5) Contract of mortgage.Where the mortgage of advance-purchased commodity house is transferred, the transfer contract shall be submitted in addition to the documents set forth in the preceding clause upon application for advance-announcement registration. Article 53The advance-purchased commodity house without advance-announcement registration shall not be allowed to handle the advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of the advance-purchased commodity house. Article 54 To apply for advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of house construction project, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; (3) Real estate title deed recording the state of land-use right; (4) License of construction project planning; (5) Contract for general services of house construction project or contract for general construction work; (6) Contract of principal obligation secured by mortgage; and (7) Contract of mortgage.Where the mortgage of house construction project is transferred, the transfer contract shall be submitted in addition to the documents set forth in the preceding clause upon application for advance-announcement registration. Article 55 In respect of unilateral application for advance-announcement registration, the following documents shall be submitted: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; and (3) Documents certifying the legal relationship of real estate right shift have formed. Article 56Where real estate rights with advance-announcement registration legally terminate, the party concerned shall apply for advance-announcement cancellation registration and submit the following documents: (1) Application form; (2) Identification paper; and (3) Documents certifying the termination of real estate right with advance-announcement registration. Article 57 The application for advance-announcement registration and cancellation registration thereof that meets the following requirements shall be approved: (1) The real estate in the application for registration is in the range of record of the real estate register; (2) The items in the application for registration do not conflict with the record in the real estate register; and (3) The applicant complies with the provisions in Clause 2 of this Article.The applicant for advance-announcement registration and cancellation registration thereof shall comply with the following provisions: (1) To apply for advance-announcement registration of advance-purchased commodity house, one of the applicants shall be the real estate developing enterprise specified in the commodity house advance-sale license, and the other of the applicants shall be the advance-purchaser specified in the commodity house advance-sale contract; (2) To apply for transfer registration of advance-purchased commodity house, one of the applicants shall be the advance-purchaser of commodity house recorded in the real estate register, and the other of the applicants shall be the transferee specified in the transfer contract of advance-purchased commodity house; (3) To apply for advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of advance-purchased commodity house, the applicants shall be the parties who have created the mortgage of advance-purchased commodity house, and the mortgagor is the advance-purchaser of commodity house recorded in the real estate register; (4) To apply for advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of house construction project, the applicants shall be the parties who have created the mortgage of house construction project, and the mortgagor is the owner of land-use right recorded in the real estate register; (5) To apply for advance-announcement cancellation registration, the applicant shall be the party of the original advance-announcement registration; and (6) In respect of unilateral application for advance-announcement registration, the applicant shall be one of the parties recorded in legal documents of real estate right shift. Article 58The real estate registration agency shall complete the verification within 7 days from the date of accepting the application for advance-announcement registration and cancellation registration thereof, and where the application meets the set requirements, the said agency shall record the relevant items in the real estate register, and notify the client in writing thereof. Where the application does not meet with the set requirements, the said agency shall reject the registration and notify the applicant in writing thereof. Article 59After the initial registration of the ownership of newly-built commodity house, the advance-purchaser of commodity house shall apply for the real estate transfer registration. Where the advance-purchased commodity house is mortgaged, the advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of advance-purchased commodity house shall be changed to the registration of real estate mortgage after the real estate transfer registration is made. Article 60After the initial registration of the ownership of newly-built commodity house, the advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of house construction project shall be changed to the registration of real estate mortgage.When the advance-announcement registration of the mortgage of house construction project is changed to the registration of real estate mortgage, the security range shall not cover the advance-purchased commodity house that has already gone through the advance-announcement registration. Chapter VI Legal Liability Article 61 Where the real estate registration agency and its staff violate the provisions of these Regulations causing errors in the real estate registration and bringing about loss to real estate right owners, the MHLRA or the Municipal Registry shall bear corresponding legal liabilities. Article 62An applicant for real estate registration who submits incorrect or false registration application materials or raises improper42 objection to registration application, causing loss to the real estate right owner, shall bear corresponding legal liabilities. Article 63 Where a client forges the real estate title deed, the MHLRA shall confiscate43 the forged real estate title deed according to law, and refer the client to the judicial44 organ for handling. Article 64The chief officials directly responsible and other persons-direct-in -charge of the MHLRA and the municipal and district/county real estate registries who neglect their duties, abuse their powers and engage in malpractice for selfish ends shall be given disciplinary sanctions by their work units or the higher competent authorities. If the wrongful act constitutes a crime, the wrongdoer shall be prosecuted45 for criminal liability. Article 65The party concerned, if disagrees with the specific administrative act made by the MHLRA or the Municipal Registry, may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit46 according to the"Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Reconsideration"or the"Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China". Chapter VII Supplementary47 Provisions Article 66 As for the land-use rights and ownership of house that should have been but have not been registered in this Municipality's general registration of real estates, the party concerned may apply for registration with the real estate registration agency with the certification of the source of real estate ownership.The real estate registration agency shall, after accepting a registration application, check with relevant departments and put an announcement of relevant matters in this Municipality's major newspapers or other media. Where there is no objection raised six moths48 after the announcement, the client's registration application shall be approved. Article 67The real estate ownership certificate and registration certification issued according to law before the implementation49 of these Regulations shall continue to be valid. Article 68These Regulations shall become effective on May 1, 2003 点击 ![]()
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