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(2002年9月23日上海市人民政府第142次常务会议审议通过,2002年10月16日上海市人民政府令第126号公布) 第一章 总则 第一条 (目的和依据) 为做好退役士兵安置工作,保障退役士兵的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国兵役法》、国务院《退伍义务兵安置条例》、《上海市征兵工作条例》等有关法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。 第二条 (适用范围) 中国人民解放军、中国人民武装警察部队的退役士兵在本市范围内的接收和安置,适用本办法。 第三条 (含义) 本办法所指的退役士兵,包括下列人员: (一)退伍义务兵; (二)复员士官; (三)转业士官。 第四条 (职能部门) 退役士兵的安置工作在各级人民政府领导下进行。 市民政局(以下称市安置部门)是本市退役士兵安置工作的行政主管部门,区县民政部门(以下称区县安置部门)具体负责辖区内的退役士兵安置工作。 劳动保障、人事、公安、财政、税务、征兵、工商行政、教育等行政部门应当按照各自职责,做好退役士兵安置的相关工作。 第五条 (安置原则) 退役士兵的安置,按照从哪里来、回哪里去的原则,实行指令性安置与退役士兵同接受单位双向选择相结合的办法。 鼓励退役士兵自谋职业。 第二章 接收 第六条 (接收的管辖) 按照国务院、中央军委规定被批准退出现役的士兵,符合本市接收条件的,退役后由市和区县安置部门负责接收。 本市入伍的退役士兵,一般由原征集地的区县安置部门负责接收,也可以由其退役时父母或者配偶户籍所在地的区县安置部门负责接收。 非本市入伍的退役士兵,按下列规定予以接收: (一)服役期间,其父母户籍迁入本市的未婚转业士官、非在职入伍的未婚复员士官、非在职入伍的退伍义务兵,由其父母户籍所在地的区县安置部门负责接收。 (二)配偶的户籍在本市且结婚满两年的复员士官、转业士官,由其配偶户籍所在地的区县安置部门负责接收。 (三)属于国家规定的其他特殊情况,经市安置部门批准由本市接收的退役士兵,由市安置部门指定的区县安置部门负责接收。 第七条 (接收程序) 退役士兵应当自部队批准退出现役之日起30日内,向有接收管辖权的区县安置部门报到。 区县安置部门应当自收到退役士兵的档案之日起30日内完成审查,对符合接收条件的,签发接收通知书;对不符合接收条件的,应当书面告知退役士兵,并将其档案退回原部队。 退役士兵收到接收通知书后,应当按接收通知书的要求,到区县安置部门办理相关手续。区县安置部门应当在3个工作日内办理完毕。 第八条 (户口落户手续的办理) 退役士兵凭区县安置部门出具的证明,到指定的公安部门办理户口落户手续。 第九条 (非农业户口落户的特别规定) 转业士官入伍前系农业户口的,退役后可按非农业户口落户。 入伍前系农业户口的士官符合转业条件,本人要求并经部队批准复员的,可按非农业户口落户。 第十条 (农转非的特别规定) 退伍义务兵、复员士官入伍前系农业户口,符合下列条件之一的,经市或者区县安置部门批准,可转为非农业户口: (一)服役期间个人获得大军区以上单位授予的荣誉称号或者荣立二等功以上的; (二)服役期间个人因对敌作战、抢险救灾、见义勇为荣立三等功或者因其他事由荣立两次三等功的; (三)服役期间因战、因公、因病致残,被部队评定为三等以上残废等级的,或者虽未被评定残废等级,但经本市劳动能力鉴定部门鉴定为部分或者大部分丧失劳动能力的; (四)服役期间其家庭按国家和本市有关规定转为非农业户口的; (五)烈士的遗孤或者兄弟姐妹接替其参军的; (六)入伍前父母双亡的; (七)飞行学员因身体不适应飞行而退役,经团级以上的驻军医院诊断证明和航空学校证明的。 第三章 安置 第十一条 (单位的安置义务) 本市范围内的机关、团体、企业事业单位(以下统称单位),不分所有制性质和组织形式,都有安置退役士兵的义务。 第十二条 (安置方式) 下列退役士兵中,除国家和本市规定不予安排就业或者自谋职业的以外,由区县安置部门安排就业: (一)转业士官; (二)入伍前系非农业户口的退伍义务兵、复员士官; (三)由农业户口转为非农业户口,并在服役期间荣立二等功以上奖励或者被评定为二等、三等残废等级的退伍义务兵、复员士官。 下列退役士兵由乡镇人民政府妥善安排其生产和生活: (一)系农业户口的退伍义务兵、复员士官; (二)除前款第(三)项以外的由农业户口转为非农业户口的退伍义务兵、复员士官; (三)入伍前系农业户口,因符合转业条件而按非农业户口落户的复员士官。 第十三条 (安排就业指标) 安排当年度的退役士兵就业,由市安置部门依据各区县上年度未在职职工人数,并考虑经济发展水平等因素进行必要的统筹,提出本年度各区县的退役士兵安排就业指标,经市人民政府同意后下达。 区县人民政府应当将市人民政府下达的安排就业指标落实到本辖区内的相关接受单位。 第十四条 (安排就业顺序) 安排退役士兵就业,按下列顺序进行: (一)退役士兵与接受单位在规定期限内进行双向选择; (二)退役士兵未通过双向选择落实接受单位的,由其户籍所在地的区县安置部门实行一次性指令安置; (三)需跨区县指令安置的,由市安置部门组织实施。 第十五条 (自谋职业) 符合安排就业条件的退役士兵要求自谋职业的,应当在市或者区县安置部门确定其接受单位之前提出。 区县人民政府对自谋职业的退役士兵,应当给予一次性经济补助,并发给自谋职业证明。经济补助的具体标准和发放办法,由市民政局、市财政局制定。 自谋职业的退役士兵凭自谋职业证明,到劳动部门办理劳动手册。 第十六条 (复工复职) 在职入伍的退役士兵,可以回原单位复工、复职。原单位与其他单位合并的,由合并后的单位接受其复工、复职。原单位分立的,由退役士兵选择其中的一个单位复工、复职。不要求复工、复职的,按本办法第十四条的规定办理。 第十七条 (复学) 退役士兵在校入伍,未完成学业的,退役后可以回原学校复学。不要求复学的,按本办法第十四条的规定办理。 复学的退役士兵,视为自谋职业,给予一次性经济补助。 第十八条 (伤病残安置) 服役期间因战、因公、因病致残的退役士兵,按以下规定安置: (一)被评定为特等、一等残废等级的退役士兵,按国家有关规定安置; (二)被评定为二等、三等残废等级的退役士兵,由区县安置部门下达专项安排就业指标,予以指令性安置。接受单位应为其安排力所能及的工作。 第十九条 (不服从安置的处理) 退役士兵拒绝领取安置介绍信,或者领取安置介绍信后不按规定向接受单位报到的,不再重新安置,由安置部门将其档案移交户籍所在地的街道办事处或者乡镇人民政府。 第四章 待遇 第二十条 (就业待遇) 安排就业的退役士兵,享有以下待遇: (一)单位接受退役士兵,应当将其军龄连同待安置的时间,一并计算为其在本单位的连续工龄。 (二)工资福利和住房等待遇不低于接受单位"同工种、同岗位、同工龄"的职工。 (三)因接受单位的原因导致退役士兵不能按时上岗的,自市或者区县安置部门开具安置介绍信的当月起,由接受单位按照本单位同工龄职工月平均工资收入的标准,逐月发给其生活费。 (四)单位接受退役士兵,应当给予退役士兵不少于6个月的适应期,不得实行试用期制、学徒工制的待遇。 (五)被评定为二等、三等残废等级的退役士兵,进单位后按国家和本市规定享受工伤待遇。 第二十一条 (待安置期间待遇) 安排就业的退役士兵在待安置期间,由区县安置部门按照不低于本市最低生活保障线的标准发给生活补助费。 第二十二条 (社会保险待遇) 退役士兵的基本社会保险关系应当按规定予以接续或者建立。退役士兵的军龄连同待安置时间与参加基本社会保险的实际缴费年限合并计算为累计缴费年限。 第二十三条 (乡镇安置待遇) 农村入伍的退伍义务兵和初级士官服现役期间,保留其承包土地、自留地;中级以上士官复员后,没有承包土地、自留地的,应当重新划给。 农业户口的退役士兵住房确有困难的,由区县安置部门给予一定的经济补助。 第二十四条 (报考优待) 退役士兵退役后一年内报考国家公务员的,在同等条件下应当优先录用。 退役士兵退役后一年内报考本市高等院校和中等专业学校的,予以优待。具体办法由市教育委员会、市民政局制定。 第二十五条 (参加职业培训) 安排就业的退役士兵在待安置期间参加职业培训,或者农业户口的退役士兵在退役后一年内参加职业培训的,由区县安置部门给予适当补助。 第二十六条 (自办企业) 退役士兵自办企业或者从事个体工商户经营的,按照国家和本市有关规定给予优惠。 第五章 法律责任 第二十七条 (单位违反规定的处罚) 单位违反本办法规定,拒绝安置部门分配的安置指标或者拒绝接受退役士兵的,由市或者区县安置部门责令限期改正。逾期不改正的,处以2万元以上20万元以下罚款;对单位主要负责人和直接责任人,可处以2000元以上2万元以下罚款。 第二十八条 (对执法者违法行为的追究) 行政执法部门及其行政执法人员应当依法行政、秉公执法。对玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊、索贿受贿、枉法执行的行政执法人员,由其所在部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。 第六章 附则 第二十九条 (经费) 安置退役士兵所需的业务经费,列入各级政府的财政预算。 第三十条 (施行日期) 本办法自2002年11月16日起施行。1989年4月16日上海市人民政府发布的《上海市退伍义务兵安置条例实施细则》同时废止。 Interim1 Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on The Work of The Placement of Soldiers Released from Military Service Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 (Purpose and Basis)With a view to well completing the job of placing soldiers released from military service and safeguarding their legitimate3 rights and interests, these Procedures are formulated4 in accordance with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Military Service", the "Regulations on the Placement of Demobilized Compulsory5 Servicemen" promulgated by the State Council, and the "Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Conscription", and in the light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality. Article 2 (Scope of Application)These Procedures are applicable to the acceptance and placement in this Municipality of soldiers released from military service (hereinafter referred to as ex-soldiers) in the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police. Article 3 (Meaning)The ex-soldiers as referred to in these Procedures include:(1) Demobilized compulsory servicemen,(2) Demobilized non-commissioned officers, and(3) Non-commissioned officers transferred to civilian6 work. Article 4 (Functional7 Departments)The work of placement of ex-soldiers shall be conducted under the leadership of the people's governments at various levels.The Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Placement Department) is the competent administrative8 department of the work of placement of ex-soldiers. The district / county civil affairs departments (hereinafter referred to as district / county placement departments) shall be specifically responsible for the work of placement of ex-soldiers within their respective administrative areas.The administrative departments of labour security, personnel, public security, taxation9, conscription, industry and commerce administration, and education, etc., shall do well the work relevant to the placement of ex-soldiers in accordance with their respective functions and duties. Article 5 (Principle of Placement)The placement of ex-soldiers shall be conducted in the principle of "where from, where to" and through the method of mandatory10 placement combined with two-way choice by ex-soldiers and accepting units.The ex-soldiers shall be encouraged to seek employment on their own. Chapter II Acceptance Article 6 (Administration of Acceptance)Soldiers approved to be released from active military service under the provisions of the State Council and the Central Military Commission of the CPC shall be accepted and placed by the municipal and district / county placement departments if they meet the conditions of acceptance.Ex-soldiers who were conscripted in this Municipality shall generally be accepted by the district / county placement departments in the original conscription areas, or by the district / county placement departments in the areas of their parents' or spouses11' registered permanent residence at the time of their release.Ex-soldiers who were not conscripted in this Municipality shall be accepted in accordance with the following provisions:(1) Unmarried non-commissioned officers transferred to civilian work, unmarried demobilized non-commissioned officers who were conscripted not at jobs and demobilized compulsory servicemen who were conscripted not at jobs, whose parents had their registered permanent residence moved to this Municipality during the time of their military service, shall be accepted by the district / county placement departments in the areas of their parents' registered permanent residence;(2) Demobilized non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers transferred to civilian work shall be accepted by the district / county placement departments in the areas of their spouses' registered permanent residence if their spouses have registered permanent residence in this Municipality and if they have been married for not less than two years; and(3) In other special cases as provided by the state, the ex-soldiers who are approved by the Municipal Placement Department to be accepted by this Municipality shall be accepted by the district / county placement departments designated by the Municipal Placement Department. Article 7 (Acceptance Procedure)Ex-soldiers shall register at the district / county placement departments in charge of acceptance within 30 days of approval to be released from military service by the military units.The district / county placement departments shall complete the examination within 30 days of receiving the soldiers' files, and issue a written notice of acceptance to those soldiers who meet the conditions of acceptance, and inform in writing those soldiers of non-acceptance if they do not meet the conditions of acceptance, and have their files returned to the original military units.After receiving the written notice of acceptance, the ex-soldiers shall go through the relevant procedure at the district / county placement departments in accordance with the requirements indicated by the written notice. The district/county placement departments shall handle the case within 3 working days. Article 8 (Procedure for Registering Permanent Residence)Ex-soldiers shall go through the procedure for registering permanent residence at the designated departments of public security with the testimonials issued by the district / county placement departments. Article 9 (Special Provisions on Registering Non-agricultural Permanent Residence)Non-commissioned officers transferred to civilian work may register non-agricultural permanent residence after release from military service if they had registered agricultural permanent residence before conscription. Non-commissioned officers who had registered agricultural permanent residence before conscription may register non-agricultural permanent residence if they meet the requirements of transference to civilian work and have had their request for transference approved by the military unit. Article 10 (Special Provisions for Change from Agricultural to Non-agricultural Registered Permanent Residence)Demobilized compulsory servicemen and demobilized non-commissioned officers may, with the approval of the district / county placement departments, change to non-agricultural registered permanent residence if they meet one of the following requirements:(1) Those who have individually been awarded honorary titles during service by the greater military areas or higher military units, or have won Merit Citation12 Class II or above;(2) Those who have individually won Merit Citation Class III during service for fighting against enemies, for rushing to deal with emergencies and provide disaster relief, and for doing boldly what is righteous, or have won twice the Merit Citations13 Class III for other reasons;(3) Those who have become disabled for engaging in military action, or on duty, or for disease, and have been established by the military unit as Disability Class III or above, or have been appraised14 by the department of work ability appraisal15 in this Municipality as having partly or largely lost the ability to work although they have not been established as disabled by the military unit;(4) Those whose families have changed to non-agricultural registered permanent residence during their service in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality;(5) Those who are orphans16 of martyrs17 or whose brother or sister has succeeded them in serving in the army;(6) Those whose parents had both died before conscription; and(7) Trainee18 pilots who have been released from military service for being physically19 unfit for flying and diagnosed as such by an army hospital above the regiment20 level and testified by the aviation school. Chapter III Placement Article 11 (Placement Duty of the Units)All departments, organizations, enterprises and institutions (hereinafter referred to as units) in this Municipality, with no distinction of system of ownership and organizational form, have the duty to place ex-soldiers. Article 12 (Ways of Placement)All the following groups of ex-soldiers, excluding those who shall not be arranged for employment as provided by the State and this Municipality, or those who will seek employment on their own, shall be arranged for employment by the district / county placement departments:(1) Non-commissioned officers transferred to civilian work;(2) Demobilized compulsory servicemen and demobilized non-commissioned officers who had non-agricultural registered permanent residence before conscription; and(3) Demobilized compulsory servicemen and demobilized non-commissioned officers who have changed from agricultural registered permanent residence to non-agricultural registered permanent residence and have won a Merit Citation Class II and above, or have been established as Disability Class II or Class III during service.The following groups of ex-soldiers shall be properly arranged for their production and living by the township and town people's governments:(1) Demobilized compulsory servicemen and demobilized non-commissioned officers who have registered agricultural permanent residence;(2) Demobilized compulsory servicemen and demobilized non-commissioned officers who have changed from registered agricultural permanent residence to registered non-agricultural permanent residence, except those as provided by item (3) in the preceding clause; and (3) Demobilized non-commissioned officers who had registered agricultural permanent residence and who now meet the requirements of transference to civilian work and can register non-agricultural permanent residence. Article 13 (Arranging Quotas21 for Employment)In order to arrange the employment of the ex-soldiers in the current year, the municipal placement department shall propose the quotas for arranging employment of ex-soldiers for districts and counties in the current year after considering such factors as the economic development level on the basis of the numbers of workers and staff members in employment at the end of the preceding year. These quotas shall be issued for implementation23 after approval by the Municipal People's Government.The district and county people's governments shall arrange for the quotas to be implemented24 in the relevant units within their respective administered areas. Article 14 (Order of Arranging Employment)Ex-soldiers shall be arranged for employment in the following order:(1) Ex-soldiers and the accepting units shall make two-way choices within the prescribed periods;(2) Ex-soldiers who have not been able to seek employment in any of the accepting units by two-way choice shall be given a once-only mandatory placement by the district / county placement departments where the ex-soldiers have registered permanent residence; and(3) Mandatory placement across districts and counties shall be organized for implementation by the municipal placement department. Article 15 (Seeking Employment on their Own)Ex-soldiers who meet the requirements of arranged employment but desire to seek employment on their own, shall make the demand before the municipal or district / county placement departments have determined25 the units which are to accept them.The district and county people's governments shall provide lump-sum economic subsidy26 and issue seeking-employment-on-one's-own certificates to the ex-soldiers who desire to seek employment on their own. The specific standards and the method of granting economic subsidy shall be formulated by the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau and the Municipal Finance Bureau.The ex-soldiers who seek employment on their own shall register for labour manuals at the labour departments with the seeking-employment-on-one's-own certificates. Article 16 (Resuming Employment and Posts)Ex-soldiers who were conscripted in employment may resume employment and their posts at the original units. If the original unit has merged27 with other unit(s), the merged unit shall allow them to resume employment and posts. If the original unit has split into several ones, the ex-soldiers may choose to resume employment and posts at one of them. Those who do not ask for the resumption of employment and posts shall be arranged according to Article 14 of these Procedures. Article 17 (Resuming Schooling28)Ex-soldiers who were conscripted before finishing schooling may resume schooling at the original schools. Those who do not ask for the resumption of schooling shall be arranged according to Article 14 of these Procedures.Those who choose to resume schooling shall be regarded as those who choose to seek employment on their own and shall be granted lump-sum economic subsidy. Article 18 (Placement of Disabled and Sick Ex-soldiers)Ex-soldiers who have been disabled in military action, on duty or for diseases during service shall be placed in accordance with the following provisions:(1) Ex-soldiers who have been established as Special Class Disability or Disability Class I shall be placed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State;(2) Ex-soldiers who have been established as Disability Class II or III shall be given mandatory placement with district / county placement departments issuing the special quotas for arranged employment. The accepting units shall provide jobs which these soldiers are able to undertake. Article 19 (Handling Cases of not Accepting Placement)Ex-soldiers who refuse to get introduction letters of placement, or who have got the letters but do not report to the accepting unit as provided, shall not be placed for the second time and their files shall be transferred by the placement departments to the sub-district office or the township/town people's governments where they have registered permanent residence. Chapter IV Treatments Article 20 (Employment Treatments)Ex-soldiers who have been arranged for employment shall enjoy the following treatments: (1) The unit which accepts ex-soldiers shall include the ex-soldiers' length of military service and the time needed for placement into their consecutive29 length of employment at the unit; (2) Their treatments of wage, welfare and housing shall be no lower than those of staff and workers "doing the same type of job, at the same type of post and having the same length of service"; (3) Ex-soldiers who cannot take up the jobs as scheduled for reasons of the accepting unit shall be given monthly living allowances at the rate of the average monthly wage of the staff and workers with the same length of service at the same unit from the month when the municipal or district / county placement departments issued the introduction letters of placement; (4) The unit which accepts ex-soldiers shall provide not less than six months of time for adaptation to these ex-soldiers and shall not implement22 the systems of probation30 or apprenticeship31; and (5) Ex-soldiers who have been established as Disability Class II or Class III shall enjoy the treatment of staff and workers suffering from industrial injury in accordance with the provisions of the State and the Municipality. Article 21 (Treatments in the Period of Pending32 Placement)Ex-soldiers who have been arranged for employment shall be given living allowances not lower than the subsistence level of this Municipality by the district / county placement departments in the period of pending placement. Article 22 (Treatments of Social Insurance)The basic social insurance ties of ex-soldiers shall be continued or established in accordance with the provisions. Their length of military service and time waiting for placement shall be included into the accumulated years of payment for the basic social insurance together with the actual years of payment. Article 23 (Treatments of Placement by the Township/town)Demobilized compulsory servicemen and demobilized junior non-commissioned officers who were conscripted in the rural areas shall retain their contracted and private plots of land during service; non-commissioned officers at the middle level or above shall be reassigned their contracted and private lots of land if they do not have contracted and private plots of land after they are demobilized.Ex-soldiers with registered agricultural permanent residence who have actual housing difficulty shall be given appropriate economic subsidy by the district / county placement departments. Article 24 (Preferential Treatments in Examinations for Employment or Enrolment)Ex-soldiers who enter themselves for examinations to be employed as civil servants within one year of releasing shall be given preferential treatment in employment.Ex-Soldiers who enter themselves for examinations for institutions of higher learning or secondary vocational schools in this Municipality within one year of releasing shall be given preferential treatment in enrolment. The specific procedures shall be formulated by the Municipal Education Commission and the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. Article 25 (Participation33 in Vocational Training)If ex-soldiers who are arranged for employment participate in vocational training in the period of pending placement, or ex-soldiers who have registered agricultural permanent residence participate in vocational training within one year of releasing, they shall be given appropriate economic subsidy by the district / county placement departments. Article 26 (Starting one's Own Business)Ex-soldiers who desire to start their own businesses or run small privately34 owned industrial or commercial enterprises shall be given preferential treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality. Chapter V Legal Liabilities Article 27 (Penalties for Unit's Violation35 of these Procedures)Any unit that violates these Procedures by refusing to fulfill36 the placement quotas, or by refusing to accept ex-soldiers shall be ordered to make rectifications within the prescribed time limit by the municipal or district / county placement departments. The unit that fails to make rectifications within the prescribed time limit shall be subjected to a fine of between not less than 20, 000 and not more than 200, 000 yuan, and the person(s) in charge of the unit and the person(s) directly liable for the matter may be subjected to a fine of between not less than 2, 000 and not more than 20, 000 yuan. Article 28 (Penalties on Law Enforcement Personnel who Violate the Law)The administrative law enforcement departments and personnel shall conduct administration in accordance with the law and enforce the law impartially37. Those who have neglected duties, abused power, acted wrongfully for selfish ends, extorted38 and taken bribes39, or perverted40 the law, shall be given administrative punishment by the units they belong to. The personnel whose act constitutes a crime shall be prosecuted41 for criminal liability in accordance with law. Chapter VI Supplementary42 Provisions Article 29 (Funds)The operational funds needed for placing ex-soldiers shall be included into the financial budgets of the governments at all levels. Article 30 (Effective Date)These Procedures shall become effective on November 16, 2002. The "Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Placement of Demobilized Compulsory Servicemen" promulgated by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government shall be repealed on the same date 点击 ![]()
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