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(上海市人民代表大会常务委员会公告第七十号,已由上海市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十一次会议于2002年7月25日通过,现予公布,自2003年1月1日起施行。) 第一条 为了加强对本市历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的保护,促进城市建设与社会文化的协调发展,根据有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。 第二条 本市行政区域内历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的确定及其保护管理,适用本条例。 优秀历史建筑被依法确定为文物的,其保护管理依照文物保护法律、法规的有关规定执行。 第三条 市规划管理部门负责本市历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑保护的规划管理。区、县规划管理部门按照本条例的有关规定,负责本辖区历史文化风貌区保护的规划管理。 市房屋土地管理部门负责本市优秀历史建筑的保护管理。区、县房屋土地管理部门按照本条例的有关规定,负责本辖区优秀历史建筑的日常保护管理。 本市其他有关管理部门按照各自职责,协同实施本条例。 第四条 历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的保护,应当遵循统一规划、分类管理、有效保护、合理利用、利用服从保护的原则。 第五条 市和区、县人民政府对本行政区域内的历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑负有保护责任,应当提供必要的政策保障和经费支持。 优秀历史建筑的所有人和使用人,应当按照本条例的规定承担保护责任。 任何单位和个人都有保护历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的义务,对危害历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的行为,可以向规划管理部门或者房屋土地管理部门举报。规划管理部门或者房屋土地管理部门对危害历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的行为应当及时调查处理。 第六条 历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的保护资金,应当多渠道筹集。 市和区、县设立历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑保护专项资金,其来源是: (一)市和区、县财政预算安排的资金; (二)境内外单位、个人和其他组织的捐赠; (三)公有优秀历史建筑转让、出租的收益; (四)其他依法筹集的资金。 历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑保护专项资金由市和区、县人民政府分别设立专门账户,专款专用,并接受财政、审计部门的监督。 第七条 本市设立历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑保护专家委员会。 历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑保护专家委员会(以下简称专家委员会),按照本条例的规定负责历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑认定、调整及撤销等有关事项的评审,为市人民政府决策提供咨询意见。专家委员会由规划、房屋土地、建筑、文物、历史、文化、社会和经济等方面的人士组成,具体组成办法和工作规则由市人民政府规定。 第二章 历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的确定 第八条 历史建筑集中成片,建筑样式、空间格局和街区景观较完整地体现上海某一历史时期地域文化特点的地区,可以确定为历史文化风貌区。 第九条 建成三十年以上,并有下列情形之一的建筑,可以确定为优秀历史建筑: (一)建筑样式、施工工艺和工程技术具有建筑艺术特色和科学研究价值; (二)反映上海地域建筑历史文化特点; (三)著名建筑师的代表作品; (四)在我国产业发展史上具有代表性的作坊、商铺、厂房和仓库; (五)其他具有历史文化意义的优秀历史建筑。 第十条 建筑的所有人和使用人,以及其他单位和个人,都可以向市规划管理部门或者市房屋土地管理部门推荐历史文化风貌区或者优秀历史建筑。 历史文化风貌区的初步名单,由市规划管理部门研究提出,并征求市房屋土地管理部门、市文物管理部门和所在区县人民政府的意见,经专家委员会评审后报市人民政府批准确定。 优秀历史建筑的初步名单,由市规划管理部门和市房屋土地管理部门研究提出,并征求市文物管理部门、建筑所有人和所在区县人民政府的意见,经专家委员会评审后报市人民政府批准确定。 在市人民政府批准确定前,应当将历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的初步名单公示征求社会意见。 第十一条 经批准确定的历史文化风貌区由市人民政府公布,并由市规划管理部门设立标志。 经批准确定的优秀历史建筑由市人民政府公布,并由市房屋土地管理部门设立标志。 第十二条 依法确定的历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑不得擅自调整或者撤销。确因不可抗力或者情况发生变化需要调整或者撤销的,应当由市规划管理部门和市房屋土地管理部门提出,经专家委员会评审后报市人民政府批准。 第十三条 城市建设中发现有保护价值而尚未确定为优秀历史建筑的建筑,经市规划管理部门和市房屋土地管理部门初步确认后,可以参照本条例的有关规定采取先予保护的措施,再按照本条例第十条规定的程序报批列为优秀历史建筑。 第三章 历史文化风貌区的保护 第十四条 市规划管理部门应当根据城市总体规划组织编制历史文化风貌区保护规划,并征求市房屋土地管理部门、市文物管理部门、所在区县人民政府和相关管理部门的意见,经专家委员会评审后报市人民政府批准。 第十五条 历史文化风貌区保护规划应当包括下列内容: (一)该地区的历史文化风貌特色及其保护准则; (二)该地区的核心保护范围和建设控制范围; (三)该地区土地使用性质的规划控制和调整,以及建筑空间环境和景观的保护要求; (四)该地区与历史文化风貌不协调的建筑的整改要求; (五)规划管理的其他要求和措施。 第十六条 在历史文化风貌区核心保护范围内进行建设活动,应当符合历史文化风貌区保护规划和下列规定: (一)不得擅自改变街区空间格局和建筑原有的立面、色彩; (二)除确需建造的建筑附属设施外,不得进行新建、扩建活动,对现有建筑进行改建时,应当保持或者恢复其历史文化风貌; (三)不得擅自新建、扩建道路,对现有道路进行改建时,应当保持或者恢复其原有的道路格局和景观特征; (四)不得新建工业企业,现有妨碍历史文化风貌区保护的工业企业应当有计划迁移。 第十七条 在历史文化风貌区建设控制范围内进行建设活动,应当符合历史文化风貌区保护规划和下列规定: (一)新建、扩建、改建建筑时,应当在高度、体量、色彩等方面与历史文化风貌相协调; (二)新建、扩建、改建道路时,不得破坏历史文化风貌; (三)不得新建对环境有污染的工业企业,现有对环境有污染的工业企业应当有计划迁移。 在历史文化风貌区建设控制范围内新建、扩建建筑,其建筑容积率受到限制的,可以按照城市规划实行异地补偿。 第十八条 历史文化风貌区的建设项目规划,由市规划管理部门审批。市规划管理部门审批时,应当征求市房屋土地管理部门的意见。 第十九条 历史文化风貌区土地的规划使用性质不得擅自改变。建筑的使用性质不符合历史文化风貌区保护规划要求的,应当予以恢复或者调整。 第二十条 经批准在历史文化风貌区内设置户外广告、招牌等设施,应当符合历史文化风貌区保护规划的要求,不得破坏建筑空间环境和景观。现有的户外广告、招牌等设施不符合历史文化风貌区保护规划要求的,应当限期拆除。 第二十一条 历史文化风貌区内的消防设施、通道应当按照有关的技术规范予以完善、疏通。因保护历史文化风貌需要无法达到规定的消防标准的,应当由市规划管理部门和市公安消防部门协商制定相应的防火安全措施。 第四章 优秀历史建筑的保护 第二十二条 市规划管理部门应当会同市房屋土地管理部门提出优秀历史建筑的保护范围和周边建设控制范围,经征求有关专家和所在区、县人民政府的意见后,报市人民政府批准。 第二十三条 在优秀历史建筑的保护范围内不得新建建筑;确需建造优秀历史建筑附属设施的,应当报市规划管理部门审批。市规划管理部门审批时,应当征求市房屋土地管理部门的意见 第二十四条 在优秀历史建筑的周边建设控制范围内新建、扩建、改建建筑的,应当在使用性质、高度、体量、立面、材料、色彩等方面与优秀历史建筑相协调,不得改变建筑周围原有的空间景观特征,不得影响优秀历史建筑的正常使用。 在优秀历史建筑的周边建设控制范围内新建、扩建、改建建筑的,应当报市规划管理部门审批。市规划管理部门审批时,应当征求市房屋土地管理部门和所在区、县人民政府的意见。 第二十五条 优秀历史建筑的保护要求,根据建筑的历史、科学和艺术价值以及完好程度,分为以下四类: (一)建筑的立面、结构体系、平面布局和内部装饰不得改变; (二)建筑的立面、结构体系、基本平面布局和有特色的内部装饰不得改变,其他部分允许改变; (三)建筑的立面和结构体系不得改变,建筑内部允许改变。 (四)建筑的主要立面不得改变,其他部分允许改变。 市房屋土地管理部门应当会同市规划管理部门提出每处优秀历史建筑的具体保护要求,经专家委员会评审后报市人民政府批准。 第二十六条 市和区、县房屋土地管理部门应当做好优秀历史建筑保护的指导和服务工作。区、县房屋土地管理部门应当将优秀历史建筑的具体保护要求书面告知建筑的所有人和有关的物业管理单位,明确其应当承担的保护义务。 优秀历史建筑转让、出租的,转让人、出租人应当将有关的保护要求书面告知受让人、承租人。受让人、承租人应当承担相应的保护义务。 第二十七条 市房屋土地管理部门应当组织区、县房屋土地管理部门定期对优秀历史建筑的使用和保护状况进行普查,并建立专门档案。普查结果应当书面告知建筑的所有人、使用人和有关的物业管理单位。 优秀历史建筑的所有人和使用人应当配合对建筑的普查。 第二十八条 严格控制在优秀历史建筑上设置户外广告、招牌等设施。经批准在优秀历史建筑上设置户外广告、招牌、空调、霓虹灯、泛光照明等外部设施,或者改建卫生、排水、电梯等内部设施的,应当符合该建筑的具体保护要求;设置的外部设施还应当与建筑立面相协调。 第二十九条 优秀历史建筑的所有人和使用人不得在建筑内堆放易燃、易爆和腐蚀性的物品,不得从事损坏建筑主体承重结构或者其他危害建筑安全的活动。 第三十条 优秀历史建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能不得擅自改变。 优秀历史建筑的所有人根据建筑的具体保护要求,确需改变建筑的使用性质和内部设计使用功能的,应当将方案报市房屋土地管理部门审核批准。市房屋土地管理部门在批准前应当听取专家委员会的意见;涉及改变建设工程规划许可证核准的使用性质的,应当征得市规划管理部门的同意。 第三十一条 优秀历史建筑的使用现状与建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能不一致,对建筑的保护产生不利影响的,建筑的所有人可以按照建筑的具体保护要求提出恢复或者调整建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能的方案,报市房屋土地管理部门审核批准。市房屋土地管理部门在批准前应当听取专家委员会的意见;涉及规划管理的,应当征得市规划管理部门的同意。 优秀历史建筑的使用现状与建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能不一致,对建筑的保护产生严重影响的,市房屋土地管理部门应当在听取专家委员会的意见后,作出恢复或者调整建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能的决定。 第三十二条 执行政府规定租金标准的公有优秀历史建筑,因保护需要恢复、调整或者改变建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能,确需承租人搬迁并解除租赁关系的,出租人应当补偿安置承租人;补偿安置应当高于本市房屋拆迁补偿安置的标准。市人民政府可以根据优秀历史建筑的类型、地段和用途等因素制定补偿安置的指导性标准。具体补偿安置的数额,由出租人和承租人根据指导性标准和合理、适当的原则协商确定。协商不成的,经当事人申请,由所在区、县人民政府裁决。当事人对裁决不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。 执行市场租金标准的优秀历史建筑,因保护需要恢复、调整或者改变使用性质、内部设计使用功能,致使原租赁合同无法继续履行的,其租赁关系按照原租赁合同的约定处理。无约定的,出租人应当提前三个月书面告知承租人解除租赁合同,并依法承担相应的民事责任。 优秀历史建筑恢复、调整或者改变使用性质、内部设计使用功能后,仍然用于出租的,原承租人在同等条件下享有优先承租权;用于出售的,原承租人在同等条件下享有优先购买权。 第三十三条 优秀历史建筑的所有人应当按照建筑的具体保护要求或者普查提出的要求,及时对建筑进行修缮,建筑的使用人应当予以配合,区、县房屋土地管理部门应当予以督促和指导。 优秀历史建筑由所有人负责修缮、保养,并承担相应的修缮费用;所有人和使用人另有约定的,从其约定。建筑的所有人承担修缮费用确有困难的,可以向区、县人民政府申请从保护专项资金中给予适当补助。 执行政府规定租金标准的公有非居住优秀历史建筑的承租人,应当按照政府规定租金标准与房地产市场租金标准的差额比例承担部分修缮费用。 第三十四条 优秀历史建筑的所有人未按照建筑的具体保护要求及时修缮致使建筑发生损毁危险或者未定期整修建筑立面的,区、县房屋土地管理部门应当责令其限期抢救修缮或者整修;逾期仍不抢救修缮或者整修的,区、县房屋土地管理部门应当委托通过招投标方式确定的专业单位代为修缮或者整修,所需费用由建筑的所有人承担。 第三十五条 优秀历史建筑的修缮应当由建筑的所有人委托具有相应资质的专业设计、施工单位实施。 优秀历史建筑的所有人应当将修缮的设计、施工方案事先报送市房屋土地管理部门;涉及建筑主体承重结构变动的,应当向市规划管理部门申请领取建设工程规划许可证。市规划管理部门在核发建设工程规划许可证之前,应当征得市房屋土地管理部门的同意。 第三十六条 优秀历史建筑的修缮应当符合国家和本市的建筑技术规范以及优秀历史建筑的修缮技术规定。建筑的修缮无法按照建筑技术规范进行的,应当由市房屋土地管理部门组织有关专家和相关管理部门协调确定相应的修缮方案。 优秀历史建筑的修缮技术规定由市房屋土地管理部门会同市规划管理部门提出,经征求有关专家和相关管理部门的意见后确定。 第三十七条 经市规划管理部门许可的建筑修缮工程形成的文字、图纸、图片等档案资料,应当由优秀历史建筑的所有人及时报送市城市建设档案馆。 第三十八条 优秀历史建筑因不可抗力或者受到其他影响发生损毁危险的,建筑的所有人应当立即组织抢险保护,采取加固措施,并向区、县房屋土地管理部门报告。区、县房屋土地管理部门应当予以督促和指导,对不符合该建筑具体保护要求的措施应当及时予以纠正。 第三十九条 依法确定的优秀历史建筑不得擅自迁移、拆除。因特殊需要必须迁移、拆除或者复建优秀历史建筑的,应当由市规划管理部门和市房屋土地管理部门共同提出,经专家委员会评审后报市人民政府批准。 迁移、拆除和复建优秀历史建筑的,应当在实施过程中做好建筑的详细测绘、信息记录和档案资料保存工作,并按本市建设工程竣工档案管理的有关规定,及时报送市城市建设档案馆。 第五章 法律责任 第四十条 违反本条例规定,擅自或者未按批准的要求,在历史文化风貌区或者优秀历史建筑的保护范围、周边建设控制范围内进行建设活动的,由市规划管理部门或者区、县规划管理部门按照《上海市城市规划条例》和《上海市拆除违法建筑若干规定》的有关规定处理。 第四十一条 违反本条例规定,未按建筑的具体保护要求设置、改建相关设施,擅自改变优秀历史建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能,或者从事危害建筑安全活动的,由市房屋土地管理部门或者区、县房屋土地管理部门责令其限期改正,并可以处该优秀历史建筑重置价百分之二以上百分之二十以下的罚款。 第四十二条 违反本条例规定,擅自迁移优秀历史建筑的,由市规划管理部门责令其限期改正或者恢复原状,并可以处该优秀历史建筑重置价一到三倍的罚款。 违反本条例规定,擅自拆除优秀历史建筑的,由市房屋土地管理部门或者区、县房屋土地管理部门责令其限期改正或者恢复原状,并可以处该优秀历史建筑重置价三到五倍的罚款。 第四十三条 违反本条例规定,对优秀历史建筑的修缮不符合建筑的具体保护要求或者相关技术规范的,由市房屋土地管理部门或者区、县房屋土地管理部门责令其限期改正、恢复原状,并可以处该优秀历史建筑重置价百分之三以上百分之三十以下的罚款。 第四十四条 违反本条例规定,未及时报送优秀历史建筑修缮、迁移、拆除或者复建工程档案资料的,由市规划管理部门责令其限期报送;逾期仍不报送的,依照档案管理法律、法规的有关规定处理。 第四十五条 规划管理部门、房屋土地管理部门和其他有关管理部门及其工作人员违反本条例规定行使职权,有下列情形之一的,由所在单位或者上级主管机关依法给予行政处分;给管理相对人造成经济损失的,按照国家有关规定赔偿;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任: (一)违反法定程序,确定、调整或者撤销历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的,或者违法批准迁移、拆除优秀历史建筑的; (二)擅自批准在历史文化风貌区、优秀历史建筑的保护范围内从事违法建设活动,或者违法批准改变优秀历史建筑的使用性质、内部设计使用功能的; (三)对有损历史文化风貌区和优秀历史建筑的违法行为不及时处理的; (四)其他属于玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的。 第四十六条 当事人对行政管理部门的具体行政行为不服的,可以依照《中华人民共和国行政复议法》或者《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。 第六章 附 则 第四十七条 本市城市总体规划确定的历史文化名镇的保护,参照本条例有关历史文化风貌区保护的规定执行。 第四十八条 本条例自2003年1月1日起施行。 上海市人民代表大会常务委员会 Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on The Protection of The Areas with Historical Cultural Features And The Excellent Historical Buildings(Adopted at the 41st session of the Standing1 Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2002) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 With a view to strengthening the protection of this Municipality's areas with historical cultural features and the excellent historical buildings, and promoting the coordinated3 development of urban construction and social culture, these Regulations are formulated4 according to relevant laws and administrative5 rules and regulations and in the light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality. Article 2 These Regulations apply to the determination and management of protection of areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings within this Municipality's administrative areas.The management of protection of excellent historical buildings defined as cultural relics6 according to law shall follow relevant provisions of laws and regulations governing the protection of cultural relics. Article 3 The municipal administrative department of planning is responsible for the administration of planning of the protection of this Municipality's areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings. The district and country planning administrative departments are responsible for the administration of planning of the protection of areas with historical cultural features within their respective administrative areas according to relevant provisions of these Regulations.The municipal administrative department of housing and land is responsible for the protection of this Municipality's excellent historical buildings. The district and county administrative departments of housing and land are responsible for the routine administration of protection of excellent historical buildings within their respective administrative areas, according to relevant provisions of these Regulations.This Municipality's other relevant administrative departments shall, according to their respective functions and duties, cooperate in implementing7 these Regulations. Article 4 The protection of areas featuring historical culture and excellent historical buildings shall follow the principles of unified8 planning, classified management, effective protection, rational utilization9 and subordination of utilization to protection. Article 5 The municipal, district and county people's governments have the responsibility for protecting areas featuring historical culture and excellent historical buildings within their respective administrative areas and shall provide necessary policy guarantee and support of funds.The owners and users of the excellent historical buildings shall shoulder protection responsibility according to the provisions of these Regulations.All units and individual persons have the obligation to protect areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings, and may report against the acts that endanger the areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings to the administrative department of planning or the administrative department of housing and land. The administrative department of planning or the administrative department of housing and land shall timely investigate and handle the acts that endanger the areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings. Article 6 The funds for the protection of areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings shall be raised through multiple channels.The municipality, district and county shall establish special funds for the protection of areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings, and the sources of the funds shall be:(1) Funds arranged by the municipal, district and county financial budgets;(2) Donations from units, individual persons or other organizations at home and abroad;(3) Proceeds from transfer and lease of publicly-owned excellent historical buildings;(4) Other funds raised according to law.The municipal, district and county people's governments shall respectively set up special accounts for the special funds for the protection of areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings, and the funds shall be earmarked for specified10 use under the supervision11 of the finance and audit12 departments. Article 7 A specialists committee shall be established for the protection of the areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings in this Municipality.The specialists committee for the protection of the areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings (hereinafter referred to as the specialists committee) shall, according to the provisions of these Regulations, take charge of the examination and appraisal13 involving affirmation, adjustment, cancellation14 and other relevant matters of the areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings, providing consultative suggestions for decision-making by the Municipal People's Government. The specialists committee shall be composed of personnels from sectors15 of planning, housing and land, architecture, cultural relics, history, culture, society and economy, and its specific composition methods and working rules shall be formulated by the Municipal People's Government. Chapter II Determination of the Areas with Historical Cultural Features and the Excellent Historical Buildings Article 8 An area with a complex of historical buildings whose architectural styles, space patterns and street landscape feature Shanghai's regional culture in a certain historical period in a comparatively complete manner may be defined as an area with historical cultural features. Article 9 A building more than 30 years old and with one of the following conditions may be defined as an excellent historical building:(1) The architectural styles, construction techniques and construction technologies contain features of architectural art and value of scientific research;(2) Reflecting historical cultural features of Shanghai's regional architecture;(3) Representative works of renowned16 architects;(4) Workshops, stores, factory buildings and warehouses17 that are representative in history of our country's industrial development;(5) Other excellent historical buildings that have a historical cultural significance. Article 10 The owner and user of a building and any other unit and individual person may recommend an area with historical cultural features or an excellent historical building to the municipal administrative department of planning or the municipal administrative department of housing and land.The municipal administrative department of planning shall, after studying, put forward a preliminary list of areas with historical cultural features and solicit18 opinions from the municipal administrative department of housing and land, the municipal administrative department of cultural relics and local district or county people's government. The list shall be examined and appraised19 by the specialists committee and then be submitted to the Municipal People's Government for approval and determination. The municipal administrative department of planning and the municipal administrative department of housing and land shall, after studying, put forward a preliminary list of excellent historical buildings and solicit opinions from the municipal administrative department of cultural relics, the owners of the buildings and local district or country people's government; the list shall be examined and appraised by the specialists committee and then be submitted to the Municipal People's Government for approval and determination.Before the approval and determination of the Municipal People's Government, the preliminary list of areas with historical cultural features and excellent historical buildings shall be made public to solicit social opinions. Article 11 The Municipal People's Government shall publish the list of the approved and determined20 areas with historical cultural features, and the municipal administrative department of planning shall set up signs for these areas.The Municipal People's Government shall publish the list of the approved and determined excellent historical buildings, and the municipal administrative department of housing and land shall set up signs for these buildings. Article 12 A legally determined area with historical cultural features and an excellent historical building shall not be adjusted or cancelled without authorization21. If there is a real need for adjustment or cancellation due to force majeure or change of circumstances, the adjustment or cancellation shall be proposed by the municipal administrative department of planning and the municipal administrative department of housing and land, and be submitted to the Municipal People's Government for approval after examination and appraisal by the specialists committee. Article 13 In respect of any building found in urban construction to be of protective value but not yet defined as an excellent historical building, protective measures may be first taken by taking the relevant provisions of these Regulations as reference after initial determination of the municipal administrative department of planning and the municipal administrative department of housing and land, and then the procedure provided in Article 10 of these Regulations shall be followed to apply for approval to list the building as an excellent historical building. Chapter III Protection of Areas with Historical Cultural Features Article 14 The municipal administrative department of planning shall, according to overall city planning, organize the preparation of planning for protection of areas with historical cultural features, and solicit opinions from the municipal administrative department of housing and land, the municipal administrative department of cultural relics, local district or county people's government and relevant administrative departments, and submit the planning to the Municipal People's Government for approval after examination and appraisal of the specialists committee. Article 15 The planning for protection of areas with historical cultural features shall include the following:(1) The historical cultural features of the area and its norm of protection;(2) The key scope of protection and scope of controlled construction area;(3) The control and adjustment of the planning of land-use's nature of the area, and the requirements for the protection of space environment and landscape of the building;(4) The renovation22 requirements for the buildings out of tune23 with historical cultural features of the area; and(5) Other requirements and measures of planning administration. Article 16 The construction activity conducted in the key scope of protection of an area with historical cultural features shall comply with the planning of protection of the area with historical cultural features and the following provisions:(1) The block space pattern and the original elevation24 and color of buildings shall not be altered arbitrarily; (2) Apart from auxiliary25 facilities of buildings that are really needed to be erected26, no new construction or extension activity is allowed, and when the existing buildings are being reconstructed, their historical cultural features shall be maintained or restored;(3) Without authorization, no new construction or extension of roads is allowed, and when the existing roads are being reconstructed, the original road pattern and landscape features shall be maintained or restored;(4) No new industrial enterprise is allowed to be built, and the existing industrial enterprises that obstruct27 the protection of the areas with historical cultural features shall be removed in a planned manner. Article 17 The construction activity conducted in the limits of controlled construction area with historical cultural features shall comply with the planning for protection of areas with historical cultural features and the following provisions:(1) The buildings to be newly built, extended or reconstructed shall be in tune with the historical cultural features in terms of height, volume and color; (2) When roads are being built, extended or reconstructed, the historical cultural features shall not be damaged;(3) No industrial enterprise causing environmental pollution is allowed to be built, and the existing industrial enterprises causing environmental pollution shall be removed in a planned way.If a building to be built or extended in the limits of controlled construction area with historical cultural features is restricted in terms of its building volume rate, the practice of compensation in another place may be made according to the city planning. Article 18 The municipal administrative department of planning shall examine and approve the planning of the construction project in areas with historical cultural features. When making examination and approval, the municipal administrative department of planning shall solicit opinions from the municipal administrative department of housing and land. Article 19 No arbitrary alteration28 of the nature of planned use of land in areas with historical cultural features is allowed. If the nature of use of buildings fails to comply with the requirements for the protection of areas with historical cultural features, it shall be restored or adjusted. Article 20 The approved establishment of outdoor advertisements, signboards and other facilities in the area with historical cultural features shall comply with the requirements of planning of the protection of areas with historical cultural features and shall not damage the architectural space environment and landscape. The existing outdoor advertisements, signboards and other facilities that do not comply with the requirements for the protection of the areas with historical cultural features shall be demolished30 within a time limit. Article 21 The fire-prevention facilities and passages in the area with historical cultural features shall respectively be perfected and cleared according to relevant technical norms. Where the required fire prevention standards cannot be reached due to the need to protect historical cultural features, the municipal administrative department of planning and the municipal public security fire department shall draw up appropriate fire prevention measures through consultation31. Chapter IV Protection of Excellent Historical Buildings Article 22 The municipal administrative department of planning shall, jointly32 with the municipal administrative department of housing and land, propose the protection scope of an excellent historical building and the limits of peripheral33 construction control and, after soliciting34 opinions from relevant specialists and local district or county people's government, report to the Municipal People's Government for approval. Article 23 No building shall be allowed to be built in the limits of peripheral construction control of an excellent historical building. Where there is an actual need to build auxiliary facilities for an excellent historical building, a report shall be submitted to the municipal administrative department of planning for examination and approval. When making examination and approval, the municipal administrative department of planning shall solicit opinions from the municipal administrative department of housing and land. Article 24 Any building that is to be built, extended, or reconstructed in the limits of peripheral construction control of an excellent historical building shall be in tune with the excellent historical building in terms of use nature, height, volume, elevation, materials and color. No original space landscape features around the building shall be changed, nor shall the normal use of the excellent historical building be affected35.If any building that is to be built, extended or reconstructed in the limits of peripheral construction control of an excellent historical building, a report must be submitted to the municipal administrative department of planning for examination and approval. When making examination and approval, the municipal administrative department of planning shall solicit opinions from the municipal administrative department of housing and land and the local district or county people's government. Article 25 According to the historical, scientific and artistic36 value of the building and its extent of good condition, the requirements for protecting excellent historical buildings are divided into the following four categories:(1) The elevation, structural37 system, plane layout and internal decoration of the building shall not be changed;(2) The elevation, structural system, basic plane layout and internal decoration with characteristics of the building shall not be changed, but the other parts may be changed;(3) The elevation and structural system of the building shall not be changed, but the internal parts of the building may be changed;(4) The main elevation of the building shall not be changed, but the other parts may be changed.The municipal administrative department of housing and land shall, jointly with the municipal administrative department of planning, propose the specific requirements for protecting excellent historical buildings at each place, and after appraisal by the specialists committee, report to the Municipal People's Government for approval. Article 26 The municipal, district and county administrative department of housing and land shall do well in the guidance and service work for the protection of excellent historical buildings. The district and county administrative departments of housing and land shall notify the owners of the buildings and relevant property management units in writing of the specific protection requirements of excellent historical buildings, and clarify the protection obligations they shall undertake.If an excellent historical building is transferred or leased, the transferor or lessor shall notify the transferee or lessee38 of relevant protection requirements in writing. The transferee and lessee shall undertake corresponding protection obligations. Article 27 The municipal administrative department of housing and land shall organize the district and county administrative departments of housing and land to regularly conduct general check-ups on the use and protection of excellent historical buildings, and set up special files. The results of general check-up shall be notified in writing to the owners, users and related property management units of these buildings.The owner and user of an excellent historical building shall cooperate in general check-up of the building. Article 28 The establishment of outdoor advertisements, signboards and other facilities on excellent historical buildings shall be put under strict control. The authorized39 establishment of outdoor advertisements, signboards, air-conditioners, neon lights, floodlights and other outer facilities on excellent historical buildings, or the reconstruction40 of sanitation41, drainage, elevators and other internal facilities shall comply with the specific protection requirements of these buildings. The establishment of outer facilities shall also be in tune with the architectural elevation. Article 29 The owner and user of an excellent historical building shall not stack inflammables, explosives and corrosives in the building, and shall not conduct any activity that damages the load bearing structure of the building's principal part, or other activities that endanger the building's safety. Article 30 The use nature and use function of internal design of an excellent historical building shall not be changed arbitrarily.If the owner of an excellent historical building, actually needs to change the use nature and use function of the internal design according to the specific protection requirements of the building, he/she shall submit the plan to the municipal administrative department of housing and land for examination and approval. The municipal administrative department of housing and land shall solicit the opinions of the specialists committee before granting approval. If any change involves the use nature authorized by the construction project-planning license42, consent shall be sought from the municipal administrative department of planning. Article 31 Where the present condition of using an excellent historical building does not conform with the building's use nature and use function of internal design, and therefore cause harmful impact on the protection of the building, the owner of the building may, according to the building's specific protection requirements, make a scheme for restoring or adjusting the building's use nature and use function of internal design, and submit the scheme to the municipal administrative department of housing and land for examination and approval. The municipal administrative department of housing and land shall solicit the opinions of the specialists committee before granting approval. In case of involvement to planning management, consent shall be sought from the municipal administrative department of planning.Where the present condition of using an excellent historical building does not conform with the building's use nature and use function of internal design, and causes serious impact on the protection of the building, the municipal administrative department of housing and land shall, after soliciting opinions of the specialists committee, make a decision on the restoration or adjustment of the building's use nature and use function of internal design. Article 32 If a publicly-owned excellent historical building, which is rented out according to the rent standards set by the government, needs to have its use nature and use function of internal design restored, adjusted or changed for protection, and its tenant43 really has to move out and discharge the tenancy agreement, the lessor shall resettle the tenant with compensation. The compensation for resettlement shall be above the standards of compensation for this Municipality's housing demolition44 and resettlement. The Municipal People's Government may, according to the category, location, use and other factors of the excellent historical building, draw up directive standards for resettlement compensation. The specific amount of resettlement compensation shall be determined by the lessor and lessee through consultation and according to the directive standards and the principle of reasonableness and appropriateness. If consultation fails, the local district or county people's government shall give a ruling after the party concerned makes an application. The party concerned, if disagreeing with the ruling, may bring a lawsuit45 before the people's court according to law.If an excellent historical building, which is rented out according to market rent standards, needs to have its use nature and use function of internal design restored, adjusted or changed for protection, and make the original tenancy contract unable to be performed, the tenancy relationship shall be handled as stipulated46 in the original tenancy contract. If there is no arrangement, the lessor shall notify in writing, three months in advance, the lessee of the discharge of tenancy contract, and shall bear corresponding civil liability according to law.If the excellent historical building is still for rent after the restoration, adjustment or modification47 of its use nature and use function of internal design, the original lessee shall enjoy the priority of tenancy right under the same condition. If the building is for sale, the original lessee shall enjoy preemption under the same condition. Article 33 The owner of an excellent historical building shall, according to the building's specific protection requirements or requirements put forward in general check-up, timely refurbish the building and the user of the building shall give cooperation, and the district or county administrative department of housing and land shall supervise and urge and give guidance.The owner of an excellent historical building shall be responsible for the repairs and maintenance, and bear the corresponding expenses. Where there are other stipulations between the owner and the user, such stipulations shall prevail. If the owner of the building really has difficulty in bearing repair expenses, he/she may apply to the district or county people's government for appropriate subsidies48 paid out of the special funds for protection.The lessee of an publicly-owned, non-residential excellent historical building rented out according to the rent standards set by the government shall bear partial repair expenses in the proportion of difference between government-set rent standards and market rent standards. Article 34 If the owner of an excellent historical building fails to make timely repairs according to the specific protection requirements of the building so that the building is damaged or endangered, or fails to regularly refurbish the building's elevation, the district or county administrative department of housing and land shall order the owner to make rush repairs or refurbishment within a time limit. If the owner still fails to do so after the deadline, the district or country administrative department of housing and land shall entrust49 the specialized50 unit determined through public bidding to make the repairs or refurbishment on behalf of the owner of the building, who shall bear the costs needed. Article 35 The owner of an excellent historical building shall entrust specialized design and construction units with appropriate qualification to carry out the repairs on the building.The owner of an excellent historical building shall submit the design and construction scheme for repairs to the municipal administrative department of housing and land beforehand. If any change involves the load-bearing structure of the building's principal part, an application shall be made to the municipal administrative department of planning for the construction project-planning permit. Before issuing the construction project-planning permit, the municipal administrative department of planning shall seek approval from the municipal administrative department of housing and land. Article 36 The repairs on excellent historical buildings shall conform to the State and this Municipality's architectural technology norm and technical provisions governing repairs on excellent historical buildings. If the repairs on the building cannot be done according to the architectural technology norm, the municipal administrative department of housing and land shall organize relevant specialists and relevant administrative departments to coordinate2 in determining appropriate repair plans.The technical provisions governing repairs on excellent historical buildings shall be proposed by the municipal administrative department of housing and land jointly with the municipal administrative department of planning and be determined after solicitation51 of opinions from relevant specialists and relevant administrative departments. Article 37 The filing materials such as writings, drawings and pictures brought about by the building repair project with permission of the municipal administrative department of planning shall be submitted timely to the municipal city construction archives by the owner of the excellent historical building. Article 38 If an excellent historical building is in danger of destruction by force majeure or other effects, the owner of the building shall promptly52 organize rush repairs and protection, take reinforcement measures and report to the district or county administrative department of housing and land. The said administrative department shall supervise and urge and give guidance, and shall timely correct any measure that does not meet the building's specific protection requirements. Article 39 The excellent historical building defined according to law shall not be removed or demolished without authorization. If an excellent historical building must be removed, demolished or duplicated due to special needs, such matters shall be jointly proposed by the municipal administrative department of planning and the municipal administrative department of housing and land and shall be reported to the Municipal People's Government for approval after examination and appraisal by the specialists committee.During the process of implementation53 of the removal, demolition or duplication of an excellent historical building, the building's detailed54 mapping, information recording55, and filing materials preservation56 work shall be done well, and such materials shall be timely submitted to the municipal city construction archives according to relevant provisions of this Municipality on management of files of completion of construction projects. Chapter V Legal Liability Article 40 Violators of the provision of these Regulations, who conducts construction activity arbitrarily or without meeting the approved requirements in the protection area of or limits of peripheral construction control with historical cultural features or of excellent historical buildings, shall be handled by the municipal administrative department of planning or the district/county administrative department of planning according to relevant provisions of the"Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on City Planning"and the"Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Demolishing57 Illegal Buildings". Article 41 Violators of the provision of these Regulations, who set up or reconstruct related facilities without meeting the buildings'specific protection requirements, or arbitrarily change the use nature or use function of internal design of excellent historical buildings, or conduct activities that endanger buildings'safety, shall be ordered by the municipal administrative department of housing and land or the district/county administrative department of housing and land to correct within a time limit, and may be cumulatively58 penalized59 with a fine of between not less than 2 per cent and not more than 20 per cent of the rebuilding cost of the excellent historical building. Article 42 Violators of the provision of these Regulations, who arbitrarily remove an excellent historical building, shall be ordered by the municipal administrative department of planning to correct within a time limit or to restore the building to its original state, and may be cumulatively penalized with a fine of one time to three times the rebuilding cost of the excellent historical building.Violators of the provision of these Regulations, who arbitrarily demolish29 an excellent historical building, shall be ordered by the municipal administrative department of housing and land or the district/county administrative department of housing and land to correct within a time limit, or to restore the building to its original state, and may be cumulatively penalized with a fine of three times to five times the rebuilding cost of the excellent historical building. Article 43 Violators of the provision of these Regulations, who repair an excellent historical building without meeting the building's specific protection requirements or relevant technical norms, shall be ordered by the municipal administrative department of housing and land or the district/county administrative department of housing and land to correct within a time limit, restore the building to its original state, and may be cumulatively penalized with a fine of between not less than 3 per cent and not more than 30 per cent of the rebuilding cost of the excellent historical building. Article 44 Violators of the provision of these Regulations, who fail to timely submit filing materials of the excellent historical building's repair, removal, demolition or duplicate project, shall be ordered by the municipal administrative department of planning to submit these materials within a time limit. Any person who still fails to submit these materials after the deadline shall be handled according to relevant provisions of laws and regulations governing management of archives. Article 45 The administrative department of planning, administrative department of housing and land and other related administrative departments and their working staff members who exercise their functions and powers in violation60 of the provisions of these Regulations in one of the following cases, shall be given administrative punishment according to law by their own unit or higher authorities. If economic losses are caused to the counterpart of their management, compensation shall be made according to relevant State provisions. If the act constitutes a crime, the wrongdoer shall be prosecuted61 for criminal liability according to law:(1) Defining, adjusting or canceling an area with historical cultural features or an excellent historical building in violation of legal procedures or illegally approving the removal or demolition of an excellent historical building;(2) Arbitrarily approving illegal construction activity to be conducted in the scope of protection of an area with historical cultural features or of an excellent historical building, or illegally approving the change of the use nature and use function of internal design of an excellent historical building;(3) Failing to promptly handle illegal acts that do harm to an area with historical cultural features or an excellent historical building;(4) Other acts of dereliction, power-abuse and malpractice for selfish ends Article 46 The party concerned, if he disagrees with the specific administrative act made by an administrative department, may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to the provisions of the"Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Reconsideration"and the"Law of Administrative Litigation of the People's Republic of China". Chapter VI Supplementary62 Provisions Article 47 The protection of renowned towns with historical culture defined by this Municipality's overall city planning shall take the provisions of these Regulations concerning the protection of areas with historical cultural features as reference. Article 48 These Regulations shall become effective on January 1, 2003. Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress 点击 ![]()
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