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第一章 总 则 第一条 为调动科技人员的积极性,促进科技成果商品化,发展高新技术产业,根据国家的有关规定,结合深圳经济特区(以下简称特区)实际,制定本规定。 第二条 本规定所称民办科技企业是指由非在职科技人员依本规定在特区设立的,自筹资金、自愿组合、自主经营、自负盈亏,研究开发和生产高新技术产品,科工贸一体化的经济实体。 第三条 民办科技企业可以采取下列组织形式: (一)独资企业(或无限责任公司)。独资企业是指一个投资主体投资经营的企业,投资者对企业债务负无限责任。 (二)合伙企业。合伙企业是指二人以上按照协议投资、共同经营、共负盈亏的企业。合伙人对企业债务负连带无限责任。 (三)有限责任公司。有限责任公司是指由两个以上五十个以下的股东共同出资,股东以其所认缴的出资额对公司承担有限责任,公司以其全部财产对其债务承担责任的企业法人。 第四条 民办科技企业经深圳市工商行政管理部门(以下简称登记机关)依法核准登记成立。 第五条 民办科技企业的合法权益受法律保护。 民办科技企业应当遵守法律、法规和特区规章。 第二章 民办科技企业的设立、认定与变更 第六条 设立民办科技企业应符合下列条件: (一)企业的主要发起人必须是非在职的科技人员,包括辞职、退职、离退休人员及待业人员和其他符合政策的人员; (二)企业从业人员中应有一定数量的科技人员; (三)发起人或从业人员有合法拥有的专利、科研成果或专有技术; (四)符合特区投资导向目录所确定的产业政策; (五)企业应有自己的名称、固定的生产经营场所和必要的设施; (六)合伙企业应有书面协议,有限责任公司有符合《深圳经济特区有限责任公司条例》的章程; (七)有与其研究开发、生产经营和服务规模相适应的注册资本(金)。 民办科技企业采取有限责任公司的组织形式时,其注册资本不低于人民币三十万元。 第七条 设立民办科技企业按下列程序办理: (一)按照有关规定向登记机关申请办理企业登记; (二)向深圳市税务机关申请办理税务登记; (三)向市科技行政主管部门办理民办科技企业认定手续。 第八条 市科技行政主管部门应当公告民办科技企业的认定条件和程序,并应当自收到书面申请之日起三十日内作出是否认定为民办科技企业的决定。作出不认定的决定时,应当说明理由。申请者对科技行政主管部门的决定不服的,可以向市政府行政复议机关申请复议,也可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。 第九条 民办科技企业的各种变更应向登记机关申请办理变更登记,并向市科技行政主管部门备案。 第三章 鼓励与扶持 第十条 从事科技开发与生产的民办科技企业,经营期限定为十年以上的,经税务机关批准,从获利年度起,第一、二年免征企业所得税,第三年至第五年减半征收企业所得税。 第十一条 民办科技企业正式投产两年以上,管理制度健全、年交税金二十万元人民币以上的,可为符合特区有关规定的员工申请办理特区常住户口。特区常住户口入户指标数额依上交税金额确定。 第十二条 民办科技企业的业务骨干因业务需要出境或出国的,按有关规定优先办理出境或出国手续。企业主要负责人出境或出国的,由科技行政主管部门审定并负责,企业的一般科技人员出境或出国的,由企业负责人审定并负责。 第十三条 在民办科技企业中满一年以上的科技人员,可根据市职称改革领导小组办公室的统一要求,参加市专业技术职务任职资格评审。其专业技术职务的聘任由民办科技企业自行确定。 第十四条 民办科技企业可以向科技行政主管部门申报科研计划和申请高新技术企业认定。经认定为高新技术企业的民办科技企业,可享受国家给予高新技术企业的有关优惠政策。 鼓励境内外的个人以其合法拥有的专利、非专利技术向民办科技企业投资入股。专利、非专利技术折合为股权的比例由投资各方依法协商确定。 第十五条 管理制度健全、有偿还能力的民办科技企业,可按有关规定向银行申请贷款。 第十六条 鼓励归国留学人员来特区创办民办科技企业。创办民办科技企业或在民办科技企业工作的归国留学人员可以根据特区引进人才的有关规定,享受相应的优惠。 第十七条 符合法律、法规和特区有关规定的民办科技企业,可以改组为股份有限公司;经批准可以与外商合资兴办企业,建立海外分支机构或销售网点。 第四章 管 理 第十八条 市科技行政主管部门对特区民办科技企业依法履行认定、监督、协调和服务的职责。 第十九条 民办科技企业可以根据自身发展需要聘用专业人才。已辞去公职在民办科技企业工作的人员,其人事档案可以存放在深圳市人才交流服务中心。 第二十条 民办科技企业聘用人员应当符合深圳市人事劳动部门的有关规定,实行全员劳动合同制。 第二十一条 民办科技企业依照特区的有关规定,对聘用的员工实行社会保险。 第二十二条 科技行政主管部门对新设立的民办科技企业每年进行一次甄别。连续三年不符合本规定条件的民办科技企业,不再享有民办科技企业优惠政策,科技行政主管部门不再按民办科技企业管理。 第二十三条 登记机关依法对民办科技企业实行年度检验制度。民办科技企业申请年度检验登记时,应当提交市科技行政主管部门对其甄别的证明文件。登记机关对符合条件的民办科技企业,应当予以登记,对不符合条件的予以注销。 第二十四条 民办科技企业应当依法经营、按章纳税。 第二十五条 民办科技企业应当依法建立健全财务会计制度,并依照有关规定向有关主管部门按期报送会计报表和统计报表。 第二十六条 民办科技企业解散、宣告破产或被撤销,应当依法进行清算。民办科技企业终止,应当向登记机关办理注销登记并公告。 第二十七条 企业申请办理民办科技企业认定时,弄虚作假,损害国家利益的,科技行政主管部门应当责令其纠正;已经认定为民办科技企业的,撤销民办科技企业的认定并通知工商、税务等部门取消其已享受的优惠政策,追缴其非法所得。 第二十八条 科技行政主管部门及其工作人员在办理民办科技企业认定及其他有关事项时违反法律、法规和本规定,玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,由市监察部门及其他有关部门依法查处。 第五章 附 则 第二十九条 本规定由深圳市人民政府负责解释。 第三十条 本规定自公布之日起施行。 Rules of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Administration of Civilian-run Technology Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to mobilize positivity of science and technology personnel, accelerate the translation of technological1 achievement into commodity, and develop hi-tech industry, taking into account of the specific conditions of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as the"Special Zone"), these rules are hereby formulated2 in accordance with relevant regulations of the state. Article 2 In these rules, civilian-run technology enterprise shall refer to an integrative economic entity3 of researching, producing and trading, which established by non-employed technology personnel according to these rules in the Special Zone according to the principles of self-funded, incorporated voluntary, autonomy in business operation and self-responsibility system of profit and loss to develop and produce hi-tech products. Article 3 A civilian-run technology enterprise may adopt the following forms of organization; (1) A solely-owned enterprise or unlimited4 liability company. A solely-owned enterprise herein referred to an enterprise that invested in by an investment subject, who bears unlimited liability for debt of the enterprise; (2) A partnership5 enterprise. A partnership enterprise herein referred to an enterprise that jointly7 invested according to partnership contract by two or more than two partners, who jointly conduct business and share incomes and risks. The partners shall bear unlimited joint6 and several liabilities for debts of the enterprises; and (3) A limited liability company. A limited liability company herein referred to an enterprise legal person that invested by at least two but no more than fifty shareholders8, the shareholders are liable to the company to the extent of the amount of their capital contribution, while the company is liable for the debts of the company with all its assets. Article 4 After having been examined and approved by the Industrial and Commercial Authority of Shenzhen Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the "Registration9 Authority") according to law, a civilian-run technology enterprise is established. Article 5 The legal rights and interest of a civilian-run technology enterprise shall be protected by law. Any civilian-run technology enterprise shall abide10 by laws, regulations and rules of the Special Zone. Chapter II The Establishment of Civilian-run Technology enterprise and Its Affirmation and Modification11 Article 6 To establish a civilian-run technology enterprise shall meet the following requirements: (1) The initiators of such enterprise shall be non-employed technology personnel, include abdicated12, quit working, retired13 personnel and other personnel who meet the requirements of relevant policies; (2) A certain amount of technology personnel among employees of the enterprise; (3) Any initiator or employee shall have legal paten, scientific research achievement or know-how14 technology; (4) Complying with industrial policies determined15 by the Catalog for Guideline of Investment of the Special Zone; (5) Having a name of its own, a fixed16 site for production and operations and the necessary conditions for production and operations; (6) There shall be a written agreement between the partners in the case of establishing a partnership enterprise, while in the case of establishing a limited liability company, there shall be a constitution which complies with the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Limited Liability Company; and (7) There shall be corresponding registered capital which is suitable for the researching and developing, producing and operating, and scale of services as well. The registered capital shall be no less than 300 thousand in the case that a civilian-run technology enterprise organized into a limited liability company. Article 7 The establishment of a civilian-run technology enterprise shall abide by the following procedure: (1) Applying to the Registration Authority for registration of an enterprise according to relevant rules; (2) Applying to the Taxation17 Authority of Shenzhen Municipality for taxation registration; and (3) Going through procedure for affirmation of civilian-run technology enterprises with the Municipal Technology Authority. Article 8 The Municipal Technology Authority shall announce the requirements and procedure for affirmation of civilian-run technology enterprises to the public, and meanwhile shall make the decision on approval or disapproval18 of affirmation as a civilian-run technology enterprise within 30 days upon the date receiving the written application. The authority shall give reason for those disapproved19 of affirmation. If the applicant20 objects to the decision, he may apply for reconsideration to the Administrative21 Reconsideration Authority of Shenzhen Municipal Government or directly file a lawsuit22 to the people's court. Article 9 All kind of modifications23 of a civilian-run enterprise shall be applied24 to the Registration Authority for the registration of the modifications and be recorded by the Municipal Technology Authority. Chapter III Encouragement and Support Article 10 After having been approved by Taxation Authority, any civilian-run technology enterprise whose operating period is more than 10 years shall be exempted25 of business income tax in the first year and second year from the profit-making year, while exempted of half of business income tax from the third year to the fifth year. Article 11 Those employees of any civilian-run technology enterprise, of which has been put into regularly production for no less than two years, has sound management system and has pay no less than 200 thousand tax for each year, may apply for naturalization of permanent residence of Special Zone according to relevant rules of the Special Zone. The quota26 for naturalization shall lie on the amount of tax paid. Article 12 In case that key members of business of any civilian-run technology enterprise need to leave the country or go abroad, relevant procedure shall be preferential gone through according to relevant rules. The department or going abroad of any chief officer shall be examined and approved with responsibility of the Municipal Technology Authority, while in the same case of the general technological personnel shall be examined and approved with responsibility of the leading official of the enterprise. Article 13 The technology personnel who have worked in any civilian-run technology enterprise for maturity27 of one year may attend the municipal assessment28 of tenancy qualification of professional and technical posts according to the uniform requirements formulated by the Office of Municipal Leading Group of Professional Titles Reform. The appointment of professional and technical posts of those personnel shall be affirmed by the enterprise itself. Article 14 Any civilian-run technology enterprise may apply to the Municipal Technology Authority for declaration of scientific researching project or affirmation of hi-tech enterprise. Those civilian-run technology enterprises affirmed to be hi-tech enterprises may enjoy relevant preferential policies for hi-tech enterprises granted by the state. Article 15 Those civilian-run technology enterprises who have sound management system and capacity of repayment29 may apply for loans to banks according to relevant rules. Article 16 The repatriation30 of returned personnel are encouraged to set up civilian-run technology enterprises in the Special Zone. The returned personnel who establish civilian-run technology enterprises or work in those enterprises may enjoy corresponding preferential policies according to relevant of the Special Zone on introduction of professionals. Article 17 Those civilian-run technology enterprises who meet relevant provisions of laws, regulations and rules of the Special Zone may be reorganized into joint-stock limited companies, while after having been approved, they can establish joint ventures with foreign merchants and establish overseas branches or network for sales. Chapter IV Administration Article 18 The Municipal Technology Authority shall take charge in the affirmation of, supervision31 over, coordination32 with and provision of service for civilian-run technology enterprises in the Special Zone according to law. Article 19 Any civilian-run technology enterprise may retain professional according to need. The personal file of the employee of the civilian-run technology enterprise who has resigned his public office may be registered with the Communication and Service Center for Persons with Ability of Shenzhen Municipality. Article 20 The appointment of personnel by any civilian-run enterprise shall abide by relevant rules of Personnel and Labor33 Affairs Authority of Shenzhen Municipality, and all-employee labor contractual system shall be put into practice. Article 21 Any civilian-run technology enterprise shall adopt social insurance system for its employees according to relevant rules of the Special Zone. Article 22 The Municipal Technology Authority shall implement34 discrimination over newly established civilian-run enterprises once a year. Those enterprises which fail to meet the requirement as stipulated35 by these rules for three continuous years shall not enjoy preferential policies for civilian-run technology enterprises and administrated by the Municipal Technology Authority as civilian-run technology enterprises any more. Article 23 The Registration Authority shall carry out annual inspection36 over civilian-run enterprises according to law. In the case that a civilian-run technology enterprise applies for registration of annual inspection, it shall submit the certificate for having been discriminated37 by the Municipal Technology Authority. For those civilian-run technology enterprises who meet requirements, the Registration Authority shall approve the registration, while for those who fail to meet the requirements shall be canceled of the registration. Article 24 Any civilian-run technology enterprise shall abide by law to carry on its business and pay taxes. Article 25 Any civilian-run technology enterprise shall abide by law to set up and perfect its accounting38 system and submit accounting and statistics report form to relevant authority on schedule. Article 26 The dissolution, declaration of bankruptcy39 and cancellation40 of a civilian-run technology enterprise, the enterprise shall be liquidated41 in advance according to the law. The termination of a civilian-run technology enterprise shall be registered of cancellation by the Registration Authority and announced to the public. Article 27 In case that any applicant stoops to deception42 at the time applying for affirmation of a civilian-run technology enterprise, which results in detriment43 to the interests of the state, he shall be ordered to make rectification44 by the Municipal Technology Authority; in case such application has been approved, such affirmation shall be withdrew and informed to relevant authorities such as Industrial and Commercial and Taxation, etc. for cancellation of preferential policies already enjoyed by the enterprise, meanwhile its illegal gains shall be confiscation45 as well. Article 28 In case the Municipal Technology Authority and its officials, when engaging in affirmation of civilian-run technology enterprises and other relevant matters, in violation46 of laws, regulations and these rules by abusing of authority or practicing favoritism, shall be investigated and prosecuted47 according to the law by the Municipal Supervision Authority and other relevant authorities. Chapter V Supplementary48 Provisions Article 29 The Shenzhen Municipal People's Government shall be responsible for the interpretation49 of these rules. Article 30 These rules shall take effect as of the date of its promulgation50. 点击 ![]()
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