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广东省深圳经济特区金银市场管理暂行规定(1993年10月21日深圳市人民政府令第16号发布,1999年1月26日深圳市人民政府令第82号修订,2002年7月23日深圳市人民政府令第118号第二次修订) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为建立正常的金银市场秩序,对金银经营、交易做到疏管结合,根据《中华人民共和国金银管理条例》、《中华人民共和国金银管理条例施行细则》和《对金银进出国境的管理办法》,结合深圳经济特区(以下简称特区)的具体情况,特制定本规定。 第二条 国家对金银实行统一管理。中国人民银行深圳市中心支行(以下简称深圳人民银行)为深圳市管理金银的主管机关,行使下列职权:金银的收购与配售;会同特区物价主管机关管理金银收购与配售价格;会同市政府经济贸易局、工商行政管理局审批经营(包括加工、销售)金银制品、含金银化工产品以及从含金银的废渣、废液、废料中回收金银的单位;管理和检查金银市场和金银生产加工厂;监督本规定的实施。 第二章 对经营单位和个体银匠的管理 第三条 凡在我市从事生产、销售、加工金银制品(含金银化工产品、金银饰品),改制修理金银首饰以及从含金银的"三废"中回收金银的单位和个人,须向深圳人民银行申报,经银行会同市经济贸易局审查批准后,发给"金银经营许可证".并经工商行政管理机关核准,登记注册,颁发营业执照后方可营业。 第四条 经深圳人民银行批准,在工商行政管理机关登记注册的经营单位,必须按照批准的地点、规定的范围从事经营。 第五条 金银饰品零售单位,须按规定从经中国人民银行批准的有金银饰品批发权的单位进货。任何零售单位均不得从事批发业务(沙头角镇内和免税商品企业公司金饰品销售点的进货渠道另行规定)。 凡内地银行用于有奖储藏前来购买金银饰品的,一律凭所在地中国人民银行省、市、自治区分行的介绍信,经深圳人民银行审核,到指定的有批发权的单位购买。 第六条 经批准,从国外或港澳地区进口金银原料在深圳特区加工金银制品、产品全部返销境外的企业,须按以下规定办理: (一)凭市政府有关批文和深圳人民银行的批准文件、来料加工合同,向海关办理申报进口金银原料手续。 (二)金银原材料进口时,由海关加封,并持来料加工合同,送经深圳人民银行办理登记重量、成色用途的审查手续后方可使用。 (三)加工出口的金银产品,不论含金银量高低,均须由深圳人民银行检查产品所含金银重量、成色,核对合同,填发《金银产品出口许可证》。 (四)海关凭深圳人民银行的《金银产品出口许可证》和有关的报送单查验放行。 第七条 经营加工金银及其饰品、产品的单位,须按深圳人民银行的要求定期报告经营加工情况,接受深圳人民银行及有关部门的监督检查。 第八条 经批准的个体银匠,可以从事代客加工和修理金银制品的业务。 第三章 金银收购管理 第九条 凡经营和使用金银的单位(包括医院、照相馆),应积极从含有金银的"三废"(废渣、废液、废料)中回收金银。无回收能力的单位可将金银"三废"交售给经深圳人民银行批准的回收单位进行回收。 第十条 由中国人民银行总行统一办理的进口金银和矿产品中采炼的副产金银,除经中国人民银行批准留用或按照规定用于进料加工复出口的金银以外,一律交售给深圳人民银行。 第十一条 公安、司法、海关、工商行政管理、税务等国家机关依法没收的金银及其制品,一律交售给深圳人民银行。 第四章 金银配售管理 第十二条 凡需用金银作生产原材料的单位,必须提出申请计划,报经深圳人民银行审核转报中国人民银行总行审批,并按核批的数量,根据生产进度分批供应。 第十三条 特区内的外资企业、中外合资企业以及外商订购金银制品或加工其它含金银产品,要求供给金银的,向深圳人民银行提出申请,经审核后转报中国人民银行总行审批,在批准的数量内,用外汇购买。 第十四条 各使用金银单位,必须建立使用登记制度,严格做到专项使用,结余交回。 第五章 奖励与惩罚 第十五条 有下列情形之一的单位或个人,由深圳人民银行给予表彰或物质奖励: (一)检举揭发违法生产、加工金银及其制品,成绩显著的; (二)检举揭发违法销售、调剂、留用、转让金银及其制品,事迹突出的; (三)为保护国家金银与走私等违法犯罪行为作斗争,对国家有贡献的; (四)向深圳人民银行交售罚没金银的办案单位,按照中国人民银行银发(1988)106号文件的规定,由深圳人民银行补给办案经费。 第十六条 违反《中华人民共和国金银管理条例》、《中华人民共和国金银管理条例施行细则》、《对金银进出国境的管理办法》以及本规定的,视其情节轻重,由深圳人民银行、工商行政管理机关、公安机关或海关给予下列处罚: (一)违反本规定第三条、第八条,未经批准,非法经营金银业务、收购、买卖、加工金银及其制品的,由深圳人民银行或工商行政管理机关处等值金银价款50%以下的罚款; (二)违反本规定第十条,自行销售、交换和留用金银的,由深圳人民银行强行收购或贬值收购;情节恶劣的,并处以违法等值金银价款50%以下的罚款; (三)违反本规定第四条,擅自改变经营范围,套购、挪用、克扣金银的,违反本规定第五条,进货渠道不正当的销售单位和违反金银批发规定的批发单位,由深圳人民银行或工商行政管理机关贬值收购违法金银;情节恶劣的,可并处以等值金银价款20%以下的罚款; (四)违反本规定第七条,不向深圳人民银行报告金银经营活动情况,连续三个月不送报表或弄虚作假的,深圳人民银行予以警告; (五)违反本规定第十一条,自行处理没收金银的,由深圳人民银行强行收购,并处以等值金银价款10%的罚款; (六)违反本规定第十四条,擅自改变用途或者转让金银原材料的,由深圳人民银行予以警告,或者收回已配售的金银,对高价转售的金银原材料,处以等值金银价款10%-50%的罚款,直至停止供应金银原材料; (七)对违反国家进出境管理规定、走私金银的,由海关按照《中华人民共和国海关行政处罚实施细则》第十一条规定处以等值金银价款以下的罚款,并补征税款;在深圳特区内利用金银进行黑市交易的,由深圳人民银行、工商行政管理机关、公安机关处以等值金银价款100%的罚款; (八)违反本规定第六条,拒绝深圳人民银行以及有关部门监督检查,或在加工金银制品过程中弄虚作假,以及未经批准擅自接受内加工和销售任务的,深圳人民银行有权责令其停工检查,情节恶劣的,取消其金银加工业务。 第十七条 违反本规定,已构成犯罪行为的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 第六章 附 则 第十八条 本规定的罚款全部缴交深圳市财政。 第十九条 本规定由中国人民银行深圳市中心支行负责解释。 第二十条 本规定自颁布之日起施行。 Interim1 Provisions of the Shenzhen Economic Special Zone on Control of Gold and Sliver2 Markets(Originally adopted according to No. 16 Decree of Shenzhen Municipal Government on October 21, 1993, firstly revised according to No. 82 Decree of Shenzhen Municipal Government on January 16, 1999, and as secondly3 revised according to No.118 Decree of Shenzhen Municipal Government on July 23, 2002 ) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to establish a formal order of gold and silver market and to combine acceleration4 with control in the operation and business of gold and silver, taking into account of the specific conditions of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Special Zone), these Provisions are hereby formulated5 in accordance with the Regulations of the PRC on Control of Gold and Silver, the Implementation6 Rules of the PRC on Control of Gold and Silver and the Administration Measures for the Import and Export of Gold and Silver. Article 2 The State pursues a unified7 control with regard to gold and silver. The competent agency of Shenzhen Municipality responsible for gold and silver is the Central Branch Bank of Shenzhen Municipality of the People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen People's Bank"). Shenzhen People's Bank implements8 the following duties: to purchase, allocate9 and sell gold and silver; to control purchasing, allocating10 and selling prices of gold and silver in conjunction with the competent agency responsible for commodity prices in the Special Zone; to examine and approve, in conjunction with the Economic and Trade Department of Municipal Government, the Administrative11 Department for Industry and Commerce of Municipal Government, the units which operate (including which process and retail12) gold and silver articles and chemical products containing gold and silver and the units which recover gold and silver from residual13, liquid and solid wastes containing them; to control and inspect the gold and silver market and the factories producing and processing gold and silver; and to supervise the implementation of these Provisions. Chapter Two Control of Business Units and Individual Silversmiths Article 3 All units and individuals that engage in producing, selling and processing gold and silver articles(including chemical products containing gold and silver and the gold and sliver jewelry14), that change their profession to repair gold and silver articles and that recover gold and silver from "three wastes"containing gold and silver in the Shenzhen Municipality must declare to the Shezhen People's Bank and obtain the "Business License15 of Gold and Silver" upon examination and approval by the Shenzhen People's Bank in conjunction with the Economic and Trade Department of Municipality and must obtain the operating license upon examination, approval and registration16 by the administrative department for industry and commerce before they begin operation. Article 4 The business units that has registered with the administrative department for industry and commerce upon approval of the Shenzhen People's Bank must conduct their business within the approved location and scope. Article 5 Retail units of gold and silver articles must purchase their goods, in accordance with the relevant provisions, from the units that are authorized17 by China People's Bank to wholesale18 gold and silver articles. No retail units shall be permitted to do wholesale business (The channels of purchase concerning the sales shops of gold articles which are located in the Shatoujiao Township or owned by the free duty enterprises or companies are regulated separately.) All inland banks which come to purchase gold and silver articles for the purpose of the preservation19 for awards shall hold the letter of introduction issued by the branch banks of the People's Bank of China at province, municipality or autonomous20 region levels, be subject to the examination and approval of the Shenzhen People's Bank, and go to purchase gold and silver articles at the appointed units that are authorized to wholesale. Article 6 The enterprises that, upon the approval, use the raw materials of gold and silver imported from Hong Kong or Macao regions to process gold and silver articles or products in Shenzhen Special Zone and sell all of these articles or products outside the frontier must be subject to the following provisions: 1.going through declaration formalities of importing the raw materials of gold and silver at the Customs based on the relevant approval documents issued by the Shenzhen Municipal Government and the Shenzhen People's Bank, and on the contract of processing on order; 2.letting the Customs seal up the raw materials while importing them, and going through identification formalities of registering heavy, percentage and uses with the Shenzhen People's Bank before begin using them; 3.as to the processed gold and silver products for export, whatever the gold and silver content of them, the heavy and percentage of gold and silver must be inspected, the contract shall be checked, and the "Import License of Gold and Silver Products" shall be filled in and issued by the Shenzhen People's Bank; 4.The Customs inspect and release gold and silver products according to the "Import License of Gold and Silver Products" and the relevant declaration documents. Article 7 The units operating and processing gold, silver and articles or products thereof must report the situation of operation and procession according to the requirements of the Shenzhen People's Bank, and must accept the supervision21 and examination of the Shenzhen People's Bank and the relevant departments. Article 8 Silversmiths may engage in processing and repairing gold and silver articles for clients upon the approval. Chapter III Control of Gold and Silver Purchases Article 9 The units operating and using gold and silver (including hospitals and photo studios) shall positively22 recover gold and silver from "three wastes" ( residual, liquid and solid wastes) containing gold and silver. The units which are unable to recover gold and silver may sell "three wastes" containing sold and silver to the recovery units which are approved by the Shenzhen People's Bank so as to recover gold and silver. Article 10 All gold and silver extracted or refined as a by-product23 from gold, silver and ore products imported through unified handle of the head bank of the People's Bank of China must be sold to the Shenzhen People's Bank, except for the gold and silver kept with the permission of the People's Bank of China or those for re-export following processing of the imported materials in accordance with the relevant provisions. Article 11 All gold and silver confiscated24 by the public security, judicial25, Customs, industry and commerce administration, taxation26 and other State organs according to law must be sold to the Shenzhen People's Bank. Chapter V Control of Allocation and Sale of Gold and Silver Article 12 The units requiring gold and silver as raw materials for productive use must submit an application plan and the Shenzhen People's Bank shall pass on the plan to the People's Bank of China for examination and approval. According to the approved quantity, the Shenzhen People's Bank shall supply gold and silver in turn taking into account of the productive progress. Article 13 Foreign-capital enterprise, Chinese foreign equity27 joint28 ventures and foreign businessmen in the Special Zone ordering and purchasing gold and silver articles or processing the goods containing gold and silver thus wishing to acquire gold and silver supplies shall purchase gold and silver by foreign exchange within the approved quantity upon the examination and approval by the head bank of the People's Bank of China following they make the applications to the Shenzhen People's Bank for examination and check and the application are passed on to the head bank of the People's Bank of China. Article 14 Units using gold and silver must establish their registration systems of utilization29, comply strictly30 with the earmarked utilization, and return any unused portion. Chapter VI Rewards and Penalties Article 15 Units and individuals who make one of the following circumstances shall be commended or given material rewards by the Shenzhen People's Bank: 1.those who have made success in impeaching31 or disclosing illegal production and procession of gold, silver and articles thereof; 2.those who have had outstanding performance in impeaching or disclosing illegal sale, allocation, keeping or transfer of gold, silver and articles thereof; 3.those who have made a contribution to the State in the protection of gold and silver for the State and in the struggle against violation32 of law and criminal acts such as smuggling33 and speculation34; 4.those units handling cases who have sold gold and silver to the Shenzhen People's Bank shall be indemnified the fee of handling case by the Shenzhen People's Bank according to the provisions of No.106 [1988] Document of the People's Bank of China. Article 16 The acts in violation of the Regulations of the PRC on Control of Gold and Silver, the Implementation Rules on the Regulations of the PRC on Control of Gold and Silver, the Administration Measures for Import and Export and these Provisions, shall be subject to a penalty imposed by the Shenzhen People's Bank, the administrative department for industry and commerce, the public security or the Customs in accordance with the severity of the case: 1. For such acts, without authorization35, as illegally dealing36 in gold and silver, purchasing, buying and selling and processing gold, silver and articles thereof in violation of Article 3 and Article 8 of these Provisions, the Shenzhen People's Bank or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall impose a fine less than 50% of the gold and silver value; 2. If gold and silver have been purchased, sold, exchanged or retained without authorization in violation of Article 10 of these Provisions, the Shenzhen People's Bank shall resort to compulsory37 purchase or devalued purchase. In cases of a serious violation, a fine less than 50% of the gold and silver value shall be imposed in addition. 3.For the selling units which alter the approved business scope, straddle, peculate38 or embezzle39 gold and silver, and stock up goods from illegal channel in violation of Article 5 of these Provisions, and for the wholesale units which violate the wholesale provisions of gold and silver, the Shenzhen People's Bank or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall resort to devalued purchase against gold and silver in violation, and in cases of a serious violation may impose a fine less than 20% of the gold and silver value in addition. 4.For such acts as not reporting the operating situation of gold and silver to the Shenzhen People's Bank and not submitting the report form within continuous three months or making a falsification in violation of Article 7 of these Provisions, the Shenzhen People's Bank shall impose a punishment of warning. 5.If forfeited40 gold and silver have been handled without authorization in violation of Article 7 of these Provisions, the Shenzhen People's Bank shall resort to compulsory purchase and impose a fine less than 10% of the gold and silver value in addition. 6. For such acts as altering uses or transferring the raw materials of gold and silver without approval, the Shenzhen People's Bank shall give a punishment of warning or recall gold and silver that have been allocated41 and sold, and for the the raw materials of gold and silver that have been transferred at a high price, a fine from 10% to 50% of such a high value shall be imposed or even the supplies of the raw materials of gold and silver shall be stopped 7. For such acts as smuggling gold and silver in violation of the provisions of the State on import and export, the Customs shall impose a fine less than the gold and silver value according to Article 11 of the Rules for the Implementation Administrative Punishments under the Customs Law of the PRC, and shall levy42 the customs duty in addition; for such acts as dealing gold and silver in the illicit43 market, the Shenzhen People's Bank, the administrative department for industry and commerce or the public security shall impose a fine equal to 100% of the gold and silver value. 8. For such acts as rejecting the supervision and inspection44 by the Shenzhen People's Bank and other relevant departments, making a falsification in the process of processing gold and silver, or accepting the internal processing and selling tasks without approval, the Shenzhen People's Bank has the power to order suspending business operation and accepting inspection, and to revoke45 business operation of processing gold and silver in cases of serious violation. Article 17 If violations46 of these Provisions constitute crimes, the judicial organs shall investigate the criminal responsibilities according to law. Chapter VII Supplementary47 Provisions Article 18 All fines imposed according to these Provisions shall be turned over to the Shenzhen Municipal Finance. Article 19 The power to interpret these Provisions is vested to the Central Branch Bank of Shenzhen Municipality of the People's Bank of China. Article 20 These Provisions shall come into force as of the date of promulgation48. 点击 ![]()
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