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颁布日期:19881028 实施日期:19881028 [Adopted on 28 October 1988 by Resolution MSC. 12(56)] TABLE OF CONTENTS Amendment1 to Chapter II-1, Regulation 8 Stability of passenger shipsin damaged condition Addition of Chapter II-1, new Regulation 20-1 Closure of cargo2 loadingdoor Amendment to Chapter II-1, Regulation 22 Stability information forpassenger ships and cargo shipsAMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA,1974[Adopted on 28 October 1988 by Resolution MSC. 12(56)] 1 Chapter II-1, Regulation 8 Stability of passenger ships in da-maged condition The following text is inserted after the title: “(Paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, 5 and 6.2 apply to passenger ships constructedon or after 29 April 1990 and paragraphs 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 apply to allpassenger ships)” The existing text of paragraph 2.3 is replaced by the following: “2.3 The stability required in the final condition after damage, andafter equalization where provided, shall be determined3 as follows: 2.3.1 The positive residual4 righting lever curve shall have a minimumrange of 15 ° beyond the angle of equilibrium5. 2.3.2 The area under righting lever curve shall be at least 0.015m-rad, measured from the angle of equilibrium to the lesser6 of: 。1 the angle at which progressive flooding occurs; 。2 22 ° (measured from the upright) in the case ofone-compartment flooding, or 27 ° (measured from the upright) in the case of thesimultaneous flooding of two or more adjacent compartments7. 2.3.3 A residual righting lever is to be obtained within the rangespecified in 2.3.1, taking into account the greatest of the followingheeling moments: 。1 the crowding of all passengers towards one side; 。2 the launching of all fully9 loaded davit-launched survival crafton one side; 。3 due to wind pressure; as calculated by the formula: heeling moment GZ(in metres) = —— + 0.04 However, in no case is this righting lever to be less than 0.10m. 2.3.4 For the purpose of calculating the heeling moments in paragraph2.3.3, the following assumptions shall be made: 。1 Moments due to crowding of passengers: 1.1 4 persons per square metre; 1.2 a mass of 75 kg for each passenger; 1.3 passengers shall be distributed on available deck areastowards one side of the ship on the decks where muster11 stations arelocated and in such a way that they produce the most adverse12 heelingmoment. 。2 Moments due to launching of all fully loaded davit-launchedsurvival craft on one side: 。2.1 all lifeboats and rescue boats fitted on the side to whichthe ship has heeled after having sustained damage shall be assumed to beswung out fully loaded and ready for lowering; 。2.2 for lifeboats which are arranged to be launched fully loadedfrom the stowed position, the maximum heeling moment during launchingshall be taken; 。2.3 a fully loaded davit-launched liferaft attached to each daviton the side to which the ship has heeled after having sustained damageshall be assumed to be swung out ready for lowering; 。2.4 persons not in the life-saving appliances which are swung outshall not provide either additional heeling or righting moment; 。2.5 life-saving appliances on the side of the ship opposite tothe side to which the ship has heeled shall be assumed to be in a stowedposition. 。3 Moments due to wind pressure: 。3.1 a wind pressure of 120 N/square m to be applied13; 。3.2 the area applicable shall be the projected lateral14 area ofthe ship above the waterline corresponding to the intact condition; 。3.3 the moment arm shall be the vertical15 distance from a point atone16 half of the mean draught17 corresponding to the intact condition to thecentre of gravity of the lateral area.“ The following new paragraph 2.4 is added after the existing paragraph2.3: “2.4 In intermediate stages of flooding, the maximum righting levershall be at least 0.05 m and the range of positive righting levers shallbe at least 7°。 In all cases, only one breach18 in the hull19 and only onefree surface need be assumed.” In the third sentence of paragraph 5 the phrase “as well as themaximum heel before equalization” is deleted. The following new sentence is added after the third sentence ofparagraph 5: “The maximum angle of heel after flooding but before equalizationshall not exceed 15 °。” The existing text of paragraph 6.2 is replaced by the following: “in the case of unsymmetrical flooding, the angle of heel forone-compartment flooding shall not exceed 7 °。 For the simultaneousflooding of two or more adjacent compartments, a heel of 12° may bepermitted by the Administration.” Existing paragraph 7 is renumbered as paragraph 7.1 The following new paragraphs 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 are inserted after newparagraph 7.1: “7.2 The data referred to in paragraph 7.1 to enable the master tomaintain sufficient intact stability shall include information whichindicates the maximum permissible20 height of the ship's centre of gravityabove keel (KG), or alternatively the minimum permissible metacentricheight (GM), for a range of draughts21 or displacements22 sufficient toinclude all service conditions. The information shall show the influenceof various trims taking into account the operational limits. 7.3 Each ship shall have scales of draughts marked clearly at the bowand stern. In the case where the draught marks are not located where theyare easily readable, or operational constraints23 for a particular trademake it difficult to read the draught marks, then the ship shall also befitted with a reliable draught indicating system by which the bow andstern draughts can be determined. 7.4 On completion of loading of the ship and prior to its departure,the master shall determine the ship's trim and stability and alsoascertain and record that the ship is in compliance24 with stabilitycriteria in the relevant regulations. The Administration may accept theuse of an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent meansfor this purpose.“ 2 Chapter II-1, Regulation 20-1, new Regulation 20-1 Closure ofcargo loading door The following new regulation 20-1 is added after existing regulation20. “Regulation 20-1 Closure of cargo loading doors 1 This regulation applies to all passenger ships. 2 The following doors, located above the margin25 line, shall be closedand locked before the ship proceeds on any voyage and shall remain closedand locked until the ship is at its next berth26: 。1 cargo loading doors in the shell or the boundaries of enclosedsuperstructures; 。2 bow visors fitted in positions, as indicated in paragraph 2.1; 。3 cargo loading doors in the collision bulkhead; 。4 weathertight ramps27 forming an alternative closure to thosedefined in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 inclusive. Provided that where a door cannot be opened or closed or while theship is at the berth such a door may be opened left open while the shipapproaches or draws away from the berth, but only so far as may benecessary to enable the door to be immediately operated. In any case, theinner bow door must be kept closed. 3 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs 2.1 and 2.4, theAdministration may authorize28 that particular doors can be opened at thediscretion of the master, if necessary for the operation of the ship orthe embarking29 and disembarking of passengers, when the ship is at safeanchorage and provided that the safety of the ship is not impaired30. 4 The master shall ensure that an effective system of supervision31 andreporting of the closing and opening of the doors referred to in paragraph2, is implemented32. 5 The master shall ensure, before the ship proceeds on any voyage,that an entry in the log-book, as required in regulation II-1/25, is madeof the time of the last closing of the doors specified8 in paragraph 2 andthe time of any opening of particular doors in accordance with paragraph3.“ 3 Chapter II-1, Regulation 22 Stability information for passengerships and cargo ships The following new paragraph 3 is added after existing paragraph 2: “3 At periodical intervals33 not exceeding five years, a lightweightsurvey shall be carried out on all passenger ships to verify any changesin lightship displacement and longitudinal centre of gravity. The shipshall be re-inclined whenever, in comparison with the approved stabilityinformation, a deviation34 from the lightship displacement exceeding 2% or adeviation of the longitudinal centre of gravity exceeding 1% of L is foundor anticipated.” The following words are added at the end of the first line of existingparagraph 3: “as required by paragraph 1.” Existing paragraphs 3 and 4 are renumbered as paragraphs 4 and 5 点击收听单词发音
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