| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The existing text of paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
“3 The arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilization1 ofoil used in pressure lubrication systems shall be such as to ensure thesafety of the ship and persons on board. The arrangements made inmachinery spaces of category A, and whenever practicable in othermachinery spaces, shall at least comply with the provisions of paragraphs2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, except that: 。1 this does not preclude3 the use of sight-flow glasses inlubricating systems provided that they are shown by test to have asuitable degree of fire resistance; 。2 Sounding pipes may be authorized4 in machinery2 spaces; therequirements of paragraphs and need not be applied5 oncondition that the sounding pipes are fitted with appropriate means ofclosure.“ Regulation 18 Miscellaneous items The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 2.4 and 8 of this Regulation apply to ships constructedon or after 1 February 1992. Paragraph 7 of this Regulation applies to allships)” The following new paragraph 2.4 is added after paragraph 2.3: “2.4 For the protection of cargo6 tanks carrying crude oil andpetroleum products having a flashpoint not exceeding 60 ℃, materialsreadily rendered ineffective by heat shall not be used for valves,fittings, tank opening covers, cargo vent8 piping, and cargo piping so asto prevent the spread of fire to the cargo.” The following new paragraphs 7 and 8 are added after paragraph 6: “7 Paint lockers9 and flammable liquid lockers shall be protected by anappropriate fire-extinguishing arrangement approved by the Administration. 8 Helicopter decks shall be of a steel or steel equivalentfire-resistant construction. If the space below the helicopter deck is ahigh fire risk space, the insulation10 standard shall be to the satisfactionof the Administration. Each helicopter facility shall have an operationsmanual, including a description and a checklist of safety precautions,procedures, and equipment requirements. If the Administration permitsaluminium or other low melting metal construction that is not madeequivalent to steel, the following provisions shall be satisfied: 。1 If the platform is cantilevered over the side of the ship,after each fire on the ship or on the platform, the platform shall undergostructural analysis to determine its suitability for further use. 。2 If the platform is located above the ship's deckhouse orsimilar structure, the following conditions shall be satisfied: 。2.1 the deckhouse top and bulkheads under the platform shall haveno openings; 。2.2 all windows under the platform shall be provided with steelshutters; 。2.3 the required fire-fighting equipment shall be to thesatisfaction of the Administration; 。2.4 after each fire on the platform or in close proximity12, theplatform shall undergo a structural11 analysis to determine its suitabilityfor further use.“ Regulation 26 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks in ships car-rying more than 36 passengers The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 2.2 (7) and 2.2 (13) of this regulation apply to shipsconstructed on or after 1 February 1992)” The existing text of the third sentence in paragraph 2.2 (7) isreplaced by the following: “Isolated13 lockers and small store-rooms in accommodation spaces havingareas less than 4 square m (in which flammable liquids are not stowed)。” The following sentence is added at the end of paragraph 2.2 (13): “Lockers and store-rooms having areas greater than 4 square m , otherthan those spaces that have provisions for the storage of flammableliquids.” Regulation 27 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks in ships car-rying not more than 36 passengers The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 2.2(5) and 2.2(9) of this Regulation apply to shipsconstructed on or after 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraphs 2.2(5) and 2.2(9) are replaced by thefollowing: “(5) Service spaces (low risk) Lockers and store-rooms not having provisions for the storage offlammable liquids and having areas less than 4 square m and drying rooms and laundries.“ “(9) Service spaces (high risk) Galleys14, pantries containing cooking appliances, paint and lamp rooms,lockers and store rooms having areas of 4 square m or more, spaces forthe storage of flammable liquids, and workshops other than those formingpart of the machinery spaces.“ Regulation 38 Protection of cargo spaces, other than special ca-tegory spaces, intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel intheir tanks for their own propulsion The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraph 1 of this Regulation applies to ships constructed on orafter 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: There shall be provided a fixed fire detection and fire alarm systemcomplying with the requirements of Regulation 13 or a sample extractionsmoke detection system complying with the requirements of Regulation 13-1.The design and arrangements of this system shall be considered inconjunction with the ventilation requirements referred to in paragraph 3.“ Regulation 40 Fire patrols, detection, alarms and public addresssystems The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraph 2 of this Regulation applies to ships constructed on orafter 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: “2 A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system complying with therequirements of Regulation 13 or a sample extraction smoke detectionsystem complying with the requirements of Regulation 13-1 shall beprovided in any cargo space which, in the opinion of the Administration,is not accessible, except where it is shown to the satisfaction of theAdministration that the ship is engaged on voyages of such short durationthat it would be unreasonable16 to apply his requirement.” Regulation 44 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 2.2 (5) and 2.2 (9) of this Regulation apply to shipsconstructed on or after 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraphs 2.2(5) and 2.2 (9) is replaced by thefollowing: “(5) Service spaces (low risk) Lockers and store-rooms not having provisions for the storage offlammable liquids and having areas less than 4 square m and drying rooms and laundries.“ “(9) Service spaces (high risk) Galleys, pantries containing cooking appliances, paint and lamp rooms,lockers and store rooms having areas of 4 square m or more, spaces forthe storage of flammable liquids, and workshops other than those formingpart of the machinery spaces.“ Regulation 50 Details of construction The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 of this Regulation apply to ships constructedon or after 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraph 3.2 is replaced by the following: “3.2 Where non-combustible17 bulkheads, linings18 and ceilings are fittedin accommodation and service spaces they may have a combustible veneerwith a calorific value not exceeding 45 MJ/square m of the area for thethickness used.” The following new paragraph 3.3 is added after paragraph 3.2: “3.3 The total volume of combustible facings, mouldings, decorationsand veneers20 in any accommodation and service space bounded bynon-combustible bulkheads, ceilings and linings shall not exceed a volumeequivalent to a 2.5 mm veneer19 on the combined area of the walls andceilings.” The existing paragraph 3.3 is renumbered paragraph 3.4. Regulation 53 Fire protection arrangements in cargo spaces The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 2.1 and 3 of this Regulation apply to ships constructedon or after 1 February 1992)” In paragraph 1.2 the word “and” between “timber” and “non-combustible”in the third line is replaced by “,”。 An asterisk21 is added at the end of paragraph 1.2 and the followingtext of a footnote is inserted: “ Reference is made to the Code of Safe Practice for Solid BulkCargoes-Emergency Schedule B14, entry for coal.” The existing text of paragraph 2.1 is replaced by the following: “2.1 There shall be provided a fixed fire detection and fire alarmsystem complying with the requirements of Regulation 13. The fixed firedetection system shall be capable of rapidly detecting the onset23 of fire.The type of detectors24 and their spacing and location shall be to thesatisfaction of the Administration taking into account the effects ofventilation and other relevant factors. After being installed, the systemshall be tested under normal ventilation conditions and shall give anoverall response time to the satisfaction of the Administration.” The existing text of paragraph 3 is replaced by the following: “3 Cargo spaces, other than ro/ro cargo spaces, intended for thecarriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their ownpropulsion Cargo spaces, other than ro/ro spaces intended for the carriage ofmotor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion shallcomply with the requirements of paragraph 2 except that in lieu of therequirements of paragraph 2.1 a sample extraction smoke detection systemcomplying with requirements of Regulation 13-1 may be permitted andparagraph 2.2.4 need not complied with.“ Regulation 54 Special requirements for ships carrying dangerousgoods The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraph 2.3 of this Regulation applies to ships constructed on orafter 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraph 1.1 and footnote is replaced by thefollowing: “1.1 In addition to complying with the requirements of Regulation 53for cargo ships and with the requirements of Regulations 37, 38 and 39for passenger ships as appropriate, ship types and cargo spaces, referredto in paragraph 1.2, intended for the carriage of dangerous goods shallcomply with the requirements of this Regulation, as appropriate, exceptwhen carrying dangerous goods in limited quantities unless suchrequirements have already been met by compliance25 with the requirementselsewhere in this Chapter. The types of ships and modes of carriage ofdangerous goods are referred to in paragraph 1.2 and in table 54.1, wherethe numbers appearing in paragraph 1.2 are referred to in the top line.Cargo ships of less than 500 tons gross tonnage constructed on or after 1February 1992 shall comply with this Regulation, but Administrations mayreduce the requirements and such reduced requirements shall be recorded inthe document of compliance referred to in paragraph 3. [ Reference is made to section 17 of the General Introduction to theInternational Maritime26 Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) for operationalmeasures in association with the requirements of this Regulation.] [ Reference is made to section 18 of the General Introduction to theInternational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) for a definitionof the term `limited quantities'“。] The existing text of paragraph 2.3 is replaced by the following: “2.3 Detection system Ro-ro cargo spaces shall be fitted with a fixed fire detection andfire alarm system complying with the requirements of Regulation 13. Allother types of cargo spaces shall be fitted with either a fixed firedetection and fire alarm system complying with the requirements ofRegulation 13-1. If a sample extraction smoke detection system is fitted,particular attention shall be made to Regulation 13-1.1.11 in order toprevent the leakage27 of toxic28 fumes29 into occupied areas.“ Regulation 55 Application The existing text of paragraph 5 is replaced by the following: “5 The requirements for inert30 gas systems of Regulation 60 need not beapplied to: 。1 chemical tankers31 constructed before, on or after 1 July 1986when carrying cargoes22 described in paragraph 1, provided that they complywith the requirements for inert gas systems on chemical tankers developedby the Organization; or [ Reference is made to Regulation for Inert Gas Systems on ChemicalTankers adopted by the Organization by resolution A.567 (14)。] 。2 chemical tankers constructed before 1 July 1986, when carryingcrude oil or petroleum7 products, provided that they comply with therequirements for inert gas systems on chemical tankers carrying petroleumproducts developed by the Organization ; or [ Reference is made to Interim32 Regulation for Inert Gas Systems onChemical Tankers Carrying Petroleum Products, adopted by the Organizationby resolution A. 473 (XII)。] 。3 gas carriers constructed before, on or after 1 July 1986 whencarrying cargoes described in paragraph 1, provided that they are fittedwith cargo tank inerting arrangements equivalent to those specified33 inparagraph 5.1 or 5.2; or 。4 chemical tankers and gas carriers when carrying flammablecargoes other than crude oil or petroleum products such as cargoes listedin Chapters VI and VII of the Code for the Construction and Equipment ofShips Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk or Chapters 17 and 18 of theInternational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships CarryingDangerous Chemicals in Bulk: 。4.1 if constructed before 1 July 1986; or 。4.2 if constructed on or after 1 July 1986, provided that thecapacity of tanks used for their carriage does not exceed 3,000 cubic mand the individual nozzle capacities of tank washing machines do notexceed 17.5 cubic m /h and the total combined throughput from the numberof machines in use in a cargo tank at any one time does not exceed 110cubic m /h. Regulation 56 Location and separation of spaces The existing text of this Regulation is replaced by the following: “(This Regulation applies to ships constructed on or after 1 February1992) 1 Machinery spaces shall be positioned aft of cargo tanks and sloptanks; they shall also be situated34 aft of cargo pump-rooms and cofferdams,but not necessarily aft of the oil fuel bunker tanks. Any machinery spaceshall be isolated from cargo tanks and slop tanks by cofferdams, cargopump-rooms, oil fuel bunker tanks or ballast tanks. Pump-rooms containingpumps and their accessories for ballasting those spaces situated adjacentto cargo tanks and slop tanks and pumps for oil fuel transfer shall beconsidered as equivalent to a cargo pump-room within the context of thisRegulation, provided that such pump-rooms have the same safety standard asthat required for cargo pump-rooms. However, the lower portion of thepump-room may be recessed36 into machinery spaces of category A toaccommodate pumps provided that the deck head of the recess35 is in generalnot more than one third of the moulded depth above the keel, except thatin the case of ships of not more than 25,000 tonnes deadweight, where itcan be demonstrated that for reasons of access and satisfactory pipingarrangements this is impracticable, the Administration may permit a recessin excess of such height, but not exceeding one half of the moulded depthabove the keel. 2 Accommodation spaces, main cargo control stations, control stationsand service spaces (excluding isolated cargo handling gear lockers) shallbe positioned aft of all cargo tanks, slop tanks, and spaces whichisolate cargo or slop tanks from machinery spaces but not necessarily aftof the oil fuel bunker tanks and ballast tanks, but shall be arranged insuch a way that a single failure of a deck or bulkhead shall not permitthe entry of gas or fumes from the cargo tanks into an accommodationspace, main cargo control stations, control station, or service spaces. Arecess provided in accordance with paragraph 1 need not be taken intoaccount when the position of these spaces is being determined37, 3 However, where deemed necessary, the Administration may permitaccommodation spaces, main cargo control stations, control stations, andservice spaces forward of the cargo tanks, slop tanks and spaces whichisolate cargo and slop tanks from machinery spaces, but not necessarilyforward of oil fuel bunker tanks or ballast tanks. Machinery spaces, otherthan those of category A, may be permitted forward of the cargo tanks andslop tanks provided they are isolated from the cargo tanks and slop tanksby cofferdams, cargo pumprooms, oil fuel bunker tanks or ballast tanks.All of the above spaces shall be subject to an equivalent standard ofsafety and appropriate availability of fire-extinguishing arrangementsbeing provided to the satisfaction of the Administration. Accommodationspaces, main cargo control spaces, control stations and service spacesshall be arranged in such a way that a single failure of a deck orbulkhead shall not permit the entry of gas or fumes from the cargo tanksinto such spaces. In addition, where deemed necessary for the safety ornavigation of the ship, the Administration may permit machinery spacescontaining internal combustion38 machinery not being main propulsionmachinery having an output greater than 375 kW to be located forward ofthe cargo area provided the arrangements are in accordance with theprovisions of this paragraph. 4 In combination carriers only: 。1 The slop tanks shall be surrounded by cofferdams except wherethe boundaries of the slop tanks where slop may be carried on dry cargovoyages are the hull39, main cargo deck, cargo pump-room bulkhead or oilfuel bunker tank. These cofferdams shall not be open to a double bottom,pipe tunnel, pump-room or other enclosed space. Means shall be providedfor filling the cofferdams with water and for draining them. Where theboundary of a slop tank is the cargo pump-room bulkhead the pump-roomshall not be open to the double bottom, pipe tunnel or other enclosedspace; however, openings provided with gastight bolted covers may bepermitted. 。2 Means shall be provided for isolating40 the piping connecting thepump-room with the slop tanks referred to in paragraph 4.1. The means ofisolation shall consist of a valve followed by a spectacle flange41 or aspool piece with appropriate blank flanges42. This arrangement shall belocated adjacent to the slop tanks, but where this is unreasonable orimpracticable, it may be located within the pump-room directly after thepiping penetrates43 the bulkhead. A separate pumping and piping arrangementincorporating a manifold shall be provided for discharging the contents ofthe slop tanks directly to the open deck for disposal to shore receptionfacilities when the ship is in the dry cargo mode. 。3 Hatches and tank cleaning openings to slop tanks shall only bepermitted on the open deck and shall be fitted with closing arrangements.Except where they consist of bolted plates with bolts at watertightspacing, these closing arrangements shall be provided with lockingarrangements which shall be under the control of the responsible ship'sofficer. 。4 Where cargo wing tanks are provided, cargo oil lines below deckshall be installed inside these tanks. However, the Administration maypermit cargo oil lines to be placed in special ducts which shall becapable of being adequately cleaned and ventilated and be to thesatisfaction of the Administration. Where cargo wing tanks are notprovided cargo oil lines below deck shall be placed in special ducts. 5 Where the fitting of a navigation position above the cargo area isshown to be necessary, it shall be for navigation purposes only and itshall be separated from the cargo tank deck by means of an open space witha height of at least 2 m. The fire protection of such a navigationposition shall in addition be as required for control spaces in Regulation58.1 and 58.2 and other provisions, as applicable, of this part. 6 Means shall be provided to keep spills away from the accommodationand service areas. This may be accomplished44 by provision of a permanentcontinuos coaming of a suitable height extending from side to side.Special consideration shall be given to the arrangements associated withstern loading. 7 Exterior45 boundaries of superstructures and deckhouses enclosingaccommodation and including any overhanging decks which supper suchaccommodation, shall be insulated to “A60” standard for the whole of theportions which face the cargo area and on the outward sides for a distanceof 3 m from the end boundary facing the cargo area. In the case of thesides of those superstructures and deckhouses, such insulation shall becarried as high as is deemed necessary by the Administration. 8.1 Except as permitted in paragraph 8.2 below, access doors, airinlets and openings to accommodation spaces, service spaces, controlstations and machinery spaces shall not face the cargo area. They shall belocated on the transverse bulkhead not facing the cargo area or on theoutboard side of the superstructure or deckhouse at a distance of at least4% of the length of the ship but not less than 3 m from the end of thesuperstructure or deckhouse facing the cargo area. This distance need notexceed 5 m. 8.2 The Administration may permit access doors in boundary bulkheadsfacing the cargo area or within the 5 m limits specified in paragraph 8.1,to main cargo control stations and to such service spaces as provisionrooms, store-rooms and lockers, provided they do not give access directlyor indirectly46 to any other space containing or provided for accommodation,control stations or service spaces such as galleys, pantries orworkshops, or similar spaces containing sources of vapour ignition. Theboundary of such a space shall be insulated to “A -60” standard, with theexception of the boundary facing the cargo area. Bolted plates for theremoval of machinery may be fitted within the limits specified inparagraph 8.1. Wheelhouse doors and wheelhouse windows may be locatedwithin the limits specified in paragraph 8.1 so long as they are designedto ensure that the wheelhouse can be made rapidly and efficiently47 gas andvapour tight. 8.3 Windows and sidescuttles facing the cargo area and on the sides ofthe superstructures and deckhouses within the limits specified inparagraph 8.1 shall be of the fixed (non-opening) type. Such windows andsidescuttles in the first tier on the main deck shall be fitted withinside covers of steel or other equivalent material.“ Regulation 58 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 2.2(5) and 2.2(9) of this Regulation apply to shipsconstructed on or after 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraphs 2.2(5) and 2.2 (9) is replaced by thefollowing: “(5) Service spaces (low risk) Lockers and store-rooms not having provision for the storage offlammable liquids and having areas less than 4 square m and drying roomsand laundries.“ “(9) Service spaces (high risk) Galleys, pantries containing cooking appliances, paint and lamp rooms,lockers and storerooms having areas of 4 square m or more, spaces for the storage offlammable liquids, and workshops other than those forming part of themachinery spaces“。 Regulation 59 Venting48, purging49, gas-freeing and ventilation The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraph 2 of this Regulation applies to ships constructed on orafter 1 February 1992)” The existing text of paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: “2 Cargo tank purging and/or gas-freeing [ Reference is made to the Revised Standards for the Design, Testingand Locating of Devices to Prevent the Passage of Flame into Cargo Tanksin Tankers (MSC/Circ. 373/Rev.1) and to Revised Factors to be taken intoConsideration when Designing Cargo Tank Venting and Gas-FreeingArrangements (MSC/Circ. 450/Rev.1)] Arrangements for purging and/or gas-freeing shall be such as tominimize the hazards due to the dispersal of flammable vapours in theatmosphere and to flammable vapours in the atmosphere and to flammablemixtures in a cargo tank. Accordingly: 。1 When the ship is provided with an inert gas system, the cargotanks shall first be purged50 in accordance with the provisions ofRegulation 62.13 until the concentration of hydrocarbon51 vapours in thecargo tanks has been reduced to less than 2% by volume. Thereafter,gas-freeing may take place at the cargo tank deck level. 。2 When the ship is not provided with an inert gas system, theoperation shall be such that the flammable vapour is discharged initially52: 。2.1 through the vent outlets54 as specified in paragraph 1.9; or 。2.2 through outlets at least 2 m above the cargo tank deck levelwith a vertical55 efflux velocity56 of at least 20 m/s and which are protectedby suitable devices to prevent the passage of flame. When the flammable vapour concentration at the outlet53 has been reducedto 30% of the lower flammable limit, gas-freeing may thereafter becontinued at cargo tank deck level.“ Regulation 62 Inert gas systems The following text is inserted after the heading: “(Paragraphs 19.1 and 19.2 of this Regulation apply to shipsconstructed on or after 1 February 1992)” The existing text of the first line of paragraph 19.1 is replaced bythe following: “For inert gas systems of both the flue, gas type and the inert gasgenerator type, audible and visual alarms shall be provided to indicate:” The existing text of the first three lines of paragraph 19.2 isreplaced by the following: “For inert gas systems of the inert gas generator57 type, additionalaudible and visual alarms shall be provided to indicate:” CHAPTER III LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES AND ARRANGEMENTS Regulation 41 General requirements for lifeboats The existing text of paragraph 8.18 is replaced by following: “One copy of the life-saving signals referred to in Regulation V/16 ona waterproof58 card or in a waterproof container;” CHAPTER IV RADIOTELEGRAPHY AND RADIOTELEPHONY Regulation 13 Radiotelegraph installations for fitting in motorlifeboats The existing title is replaced by “Radiotelegraph installations forlifeboats”。 In paragraph (a), first line, the existing words “Regulation 14 ofChapter III” are replaced by “Regulation III/6.2.2”。 In paragraph (h), second line, the existing words “Regulation 14 ofChapter III” are replaced by “Regulation III/41.8.29”。 Regulation 14 Portable radio apparatus59 for survival craft In paragraph (a), first line, the existing words “Regulation 13 ofChapter III” are replaced by “Regulation III/6.2.1”。 CHAPTER V SAFETY OF NAVIGATION Regulation 3 Information required in danger messages The reference to “Greenwich Mean Time” in subparagraph (a)(iii),(b)(ii) and (e)(i) is replaced by reference to “Universal Co-ordinatedTime”。 The references to “GMT” under “Examples” is replaced by “UTC”。 Regulation 9 Misuse60 of distress61 signals The existing text of this Regulation is replaced by the following: “The use of an international distress signal, except for the purposeof indicating that a ship, aircraft or person is in distress, and the useof any signal which may be confused with an international distress signal,are prohibited.” Regulation 12 Shipborne navigational equipment The existing text of paragraph (f) is replaced by the following: “(f) Ships with emergency steering62 positions shall at least beprovided with a telephone or other means of communication for relayingheading information to such positions. In addition, ships of 500 tonsgross tonnage and upwards63 constructed on or after 1 February 1992, shallbe provided with arrangements for supplying visual compass readings to theemergency steering position.” Regulation 13 Manning The existing text of Regulation V/13 is renumbered as paragraph (a)。 The following new paragraph (b) is added: “(b) Every ship to which Chapter I of this Convention applies shall beprovided with an appropriate safe manning document or equivalent issued bythe Administration as evidence of the minimum safe manning considered tocomply with the provisions of paragraph (a)。” Regulation 16 Life-saving signals The existing text of this regulation is replaced by the following: “Life-saving signals shall be used by life-saving stations, maritimerescue units and aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations whencommunicating with ships or persons in distress or to direct ships, and byships or persons in distress when communicating with lifesaving stations,maritime rescue units and aircraft engaged in search and rescueoperations. An illustrated64 table describing the life-saving signals shallbe readily available to the officer of the watch of every ship to whichthis Chapter applies. [ Such life-saving signals are described in the Merchant Ship Searchand Rescue Manual (MERSAR) (resolution A. 229VII), as amended65), the IMOSearch and Rescue Manual (IMOSAR) (resolution A.439 (XI), as amended) andillustrated in the International Code of Signals as amended pursuant toresolution A.80(IV)。] CHAPTER VII CARRIAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS Regulation 7 Explosives in passenger ships The existing text of this Regulation is replaced by the following:“Explosives in passenger ships [ Reference is made to class 1 of the International MaritimeDangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)。] 1 Explosives in division 1.4, compatibility group S may be carried inany amount in passenger ships. No other explosives may be carried exceptany one of the following: 。1 explosive articles for life-saving purposes, if the total netexplosives mass of such articles does not exceed 50 kg per ship; or 。2 explosives in compatibility groups C, D and E, if the total netexplosives mass does not exceed 10 kg per ship; or 。3 explosive articles in compatibility group G other than thoserequiring special stowage, if the total net explosives mass does notexceed 10 kg per ship; or 。4 explosive articles in compatibility group B, if the total netexplosives mass does not exceed 5 kg per ship. 2 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, additional quantitiesor types of explosives may be carried in passenger ships in which specialsafety measures approved by the Administration are taken 点击收听单词发音
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