英文法律词典 S-3
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SAISIE-IMMOBILIERE. A writ1 by which the creditor2 puts in the custody3 of the law the immovables of his debtor4, that out of the proceeds of their sale, he may be paid his demand. The term is French, and is used in Louisiana.

SALARY. A reward or recompense for services performed.

2. It is usually applied5 to the reward paid to a public officer for the performance of his official duties.

3. The salary of the president of the United States is twenty-five thousand dollars per annum; Act of l8th Feb. 1793; and the constitution, art. 2, s. 1, provides that the compensation of the president shall not be increased or diminished, during the time for which he shall have been elected.

4. Salary is also applied to the reward paid for the performance of other services; but if it be not fixed6 for each year, it is called honorarium7. Poth. Pand. h. t. According to M. Duvergier, the distinction between honorarium and salary is this. By the former is understood the reward given to the most ele-vated professions for services performed; and by the latter the price of hir-ing of domestic servants and workmen. 19 Toull. n. 268, p. 292, note.

5. There is this difference between salary and price; the former is the re-ward paid for services, or for the hire of things; the latter is the consideration paid for a thing sold. Lec. Elem. §907, 908.

SALE, contracts. An agreement by which one of the contracting parties, called the seller, gives a thing and passes the title to it, in exchange for a certain price in current money, to the other party, who is called the buyer or purchaser, who, on his part, agrees to pay such price. Pard. Dr. Com. n. 6; Noy's Max. ch. 42; Shep. Touch. 244; 2 Kent, Com. 363; Poth. Vente, n. 1; 1 Duverg. Dr. Civ. Fr. n. 7.

2. This contract differs from a barter8 or exchange in this, that in the latter the price or consideration, instead of being paid in money, is paid in goods or merchandise, susceptible9 of a valuation. It differs from accord and satisfaction, because in that contract, the thing is given for the purpose of quieting a claim, and not for a price. An onerous10 gift, when the burden it imposes is the payment of a sum of money, is, when accepted, in the nature of a sale. When partition is made between two or more joint11 owners of a chattel12, it would seem, the contract is in the nature of a barter. See 11 Pick. 311.

3. To constitute a valid13 sale there must be, 1. Proper parties. 2. A thing which is the object of the contract. 3. A price agreed upon; and, 4. The consent of the contracting parties, and the performance of certain acts required to complete the contract. These will be separately considered.

4. - 1. As a general rule all persons sui juris may be either buyers or sellers. But to this rule there are several exceptions. 1. There is a class of persons who are incapable15 of purchasing except sub modo, as infants, and married women; and, 2. Another class, who, in consequence of their peculiar16 relation with regard to the owner of the thing sold, are totally incapable of becoming purchasers, while that relation exists; these are trustees, guardians17, assignees of insolvents18, and generally all persons who, by their connexion with the owner, or by being employed concerning his affairs, have acquired, a knowledge of his property, as attorneys, conveyancers, and the like. See Purchaser.

5. - 2. There must be a thing which is the object of the sale, for if the thing sold at the time of the sale had ceased to exist it is clear there can be no sale; if, for example, Paul sell his horse to Peter, and, at the time of the sale the horse be dead, though the fact was unknown to both parties: or, if you and I being in Philadelphia, I sell you my house in Cincinnati, and, at the time of the sale it be burned down, it is manifest there was no sale, as there was not a thing to be sold. It is evident, too, that no sale can be made of things not in commerce, as the air, the water of the sea, and the like. When there has been a mistake made as to the article sold, there is no sale; as, for example, where a broker20, who is the agent of both parties, sells an article and delivers to the seller a sold note describing the article sold as "St. Petershurg clean hemp," and bought note to, the buyer, as "Riga Rhine hemp," there is no sale. 5 Taunt21. 786, 788; 5 B. & C. 437; 7 East, 569 2 Camp. 337; 4 Ad. & Ell. N. S. 747 9 M. &, W. 805. Holt. N. P. Cas. 173; 1 M. & P. 778.

6. There must be an agreement as to the specific goods which form the basis of the contract of sale; in other words, to make a perfect sale, the parties must have agreed the one to part with the title to a specific article, and the other to acquire such title; an agreement to sell one hundred bushels of wheat, to be measured out of a heap, does not change the property, until the wheat has been measured. 3 John. 179; Blackb. on Sales, 122 , 5 Taunt. 176; 7 Ham. (part 2d) 127; 3 N. Ramp22. R.282; 6 Pick. 280; 15 John. 349; 6 Cowen, 250 7 Cowen, 85; 6 Watts23, 29.

7. - 3. To constitute a sale there must be a price agreed upon; but upon the maxim24 id certum est quod reddi certum potest, a sale may be valid although it is agreed that the rice for the thing sold shall be determined25 by a third person. 4 Pick. 179. The price must have the three following qualities, to wit: 1. It must be an actual or serious price. 2. It must be certain or capable of being rendered certain. 3. It must consist of a sum of money.

8. - 1. The price must be an actual or serious price, with an intention on the part of the seller, to require its payment; if, therefore, one should sell a thing to another, and, by the same agreement, he should release the buyer from the payment, this would not be a sale but a gift, because in that case the buyer never agreed to pay any price, the same agreement by which the title to the thing is passed to him discharging him from all obligations to pay for it. As to the quantum of the price that is altogether immaterial, unless there has been fraud in the transaction. 2. The price must be certain or determined, but it is sufficiently26 certain, if, as before observed, it be left to the deterimination of a third person. 4 Pick. 179; Poth. Vente, n. 24. And an agreement to pay for goods what they are worth, is sufficiently certain. Coxe, 261; Poth. Vente, n. 26. 3. The price must consist in a sum of money which the buyer agrees to pay to the seller, for if paid for in any other way, the contract would be an exchange or barter, and not a sale, as before observed.

9. - 4. The consent of the contracting parties, which is of the essence of a sale, consists in the agreement of the will of the seller to sell a certain thing to the buyer, for a certain price, and in the will of the buyer, to purchase the same thing for the same, price. Care must be taken to distinguish between an agreement to enter into a future contract, and a present actual agreement to make a sale. This consent may be shown, 1. By an express agreement. 2. By all implied agreement.

10. - 1. The consent is certain when the parties expressly declare it. This, in some cases, it is requisite27 should be in writing. By the 17tth section of the English statute28, 29 Car. II. c. 3, commonly called the Statute of Frauds, it is enacted29, "that no contract for the sale of any goods, wares30, or merchan-dise, for the price of ú10 or upwards31, shall be allowed to be good, except the buyer shall accept part of the goods so sold, and actually receive the same, or give something in earnest to bind32 the bargain, or in part payment, or some note or memorandum33 in writing of the said bargain be made and signed by the parties to be charged by such contract or their agents thereunto lawfully35 authorized36." This statute has been renacted in most of the states of the Union, with amendments37 and alterations38,

11. It not unfrequently happens that the consent of the parties to a contract of sale is given in the course of a correspondence. To make such contract valid, both parties must concur39 in it at the same time. See Letter, com. law, crim. law, §2; 4 Wheat. 225; 6 Wend. 103; 1 Pick. 278 10 Pick. 326.

12. An express consent to a sale may be given verbally, when it is not required by the statute of frauds to be in writing.

13. - 2. When a party, by his acts, approves of what has been done, as if he knowingly uses goods which have been left at his house by another who intended to sell them, he will, by that act, confirm the sale.

14. The consent must relate, 1. To the thing which is the object of the contract; 2. To the price; and, 3. To the sale itself. 1st. Both parties must agree upon the same object of the sale; if therefore one give consent to buy one thing, and the other to sell another, there is no sale; nor is there a sale if one sells me a bag full of oats, which I understand is full of wheat; because there is no consent as to the thing which is the object of the sale. But the sale would be valid, although I might be mistaken as to the quality of the tiling sold. 20 John. 196 3 Rawle, 23, 168. 2d. Both parties must agree as to the same price, for if the seller intends to sell for a greater sum than the buyer intends to give, there is no mutual40 consent; but if the case were reversed, and the seller intended to sell for a less price than the buyer intended to give, the sale would be good for the lesser41 sum. Poth. Vente, n. 36. 3d. The consent must be on the sale itself, that is, one intends to sell, and the other to buy. If, therefore, Peter intended to lease his house for three hundred dollars a year for ten years, and Paul intended to buy it for three thousand dollars, there would not be a contract of sale nor a lease. Poth. Vente, n. 37.

15. In order to pass the property by a sale, there must be an express or implied agreement that the title shall pass. An agreement for the sale of goods is prima facie a bargain and sale of those goods; but this arises merely from the presumed intention of the parties, and if it appear that the parties have agreed, not that there shall be a mutual credit by which the property is to pass from the seller to the buyer, and the buyer is bound to pay the price to the seller, but that the exchange of the money for the goods shall be made on the. spot, no property is transferred, for it is not the intention of the parties to transfer any. 4 Wash. C. C. R. 79. But, on the contrary, when the making of part payment, or naming a day for payment, clearly shows an intention in the parties that they should have some time to complete the sale by payment and delivery, and that they should in the meantime be trustees for each other, the one of the property in the chattel, and the other in the price. As a general rule, when a bargain is made for the purchase of goods, and nothing is said about payment and. delivery, the property passes immediately, so as to cast upon the purchaser all future risk, if nothing remains42 to be done to the goods, although he cannot take them away without paying the price. 5 B. & C. 862.

16. Sales are absolute or conditional43. An absolute sale is one made and completed without any condition whatever. A conditional sale is one which depends for its validity upon the fulfilment of some condition. See 4 Wash. C. C. R. 588; 4 Mass. 405; 17 Mass. 606; 10 Pick. 522; 13 John. 219; 18 John. 141; 8 Verm. 154; 2 Hall 561; 2 Rawle, 326; Coxe, 292; 1 Bailey 563; 2 A.K. Marsh44. 430.

17. Sales are also voluntary or forced, public or private.

18. - 1. A voluntary sale is one made without constraint45 freely by the owner of the thing sold; to such the usual rules relating to sales apply. 2. A forced sale is one made without the consent of the owner of the property by some officer appointed by law, as by a marshal or a sheriff in obedience46 to the mandate47 of a competent tribunal. This sale has the effect to transfer all the rights the owner had in the property, but it does not, like a voluntary sale of personal property, guaranty a title to the thing sold it merely transfers the rights of the person as whose property it has been seized. This kind of a sale is sometimes called a judicial48 sale. 3. A public sale is one made at auction49 to the highest bidder50. Auction sales sometimes are voluntary, as when the owner chooses to sell his goods in this way, and then as between the seller and the buyer the usual rules relating to sales apply; or they are involuntary or foreed when the same rules do not apply. 4. Private sales are those made voluntarily and not at auction.

19. The above rules apply to sales of personal property. The sale of real estate is governed by other rules. When a contract has been entered into for the sale of lands, the legal estate in such lands still remains vested in the vendor51, and it does not become vested in the vendee until he shall have re-ceived a lawful34 deed of conveyance19 from the vendor to him; and the only remedy of the purchaser at Iaw, is to bring an action on the contract, and recover pecuniary52 damages for a breach53 of the contract. In equity54, however, after a contract for the sale, the lands are considered as belonging to the purchaser, and the court will enforce his rights by a decree for a specific performance; and the seller will be entitled to the purchase money. Will. on Real Prop14. 127. See Specific performance.

20. In general, the seller of real estate does not guaranty the title; and if it be desired that he should, this must be done by inserting a warranty55 to that effect. See, generally, Brown on Sales; Blackb. on Sales; Long on Sales; Story on Sales, Sugd. on Vendors56; Pothier, Vente; Duvergier, Vente; Civil Code of Louisiana, tit. 7; Bouv. Inst. Index, h. t.; and Contracts; Delivery; Purchaser; Seller; Stoppage in transitu.


1 writ iojyr     
  • This is a copy of a writ I received this morning.这是今早我收到的书面命令副本。
  • You shouldn't treat the newspapers as if they were Holy Writ. 你不应该把报上说的话奉若神明。
2 creditor tOkzI     
  • The boss assigned his car to his creditor.那工头把自己的小汽车让与了债权人。
  • I had to run away from my creditor whom I made a usurious loan.我借了高利贷不得不四处躲债。
3 custody Qntzd     
  • He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。
  • He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.抢劫案发生后,他立即被押了起来。
4 debtor bxfxy     
  • He crowded the debtor for payment.他催逼负债人还债。
  • The court granted me a lien on my debtor's property.法庭授予我对我债务人财产的留置权。
5 applied Tz2zXA     
  • She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
  • This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。
6 fixed JsKzzj     
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
7 honorarium BcYxb     
  • Travel and hotel costs as well as an honorarium will be provided.我们提供旅费和住宿费以及酬金。
  • A group of residents agreed to conduct the survey for a small honorarium.一部分居民同意去进行这样的一个调查,在支付一小点酬金的情况下。
8 barter bu2zJ     
  • Chickens,goats and rabbits were offered for barter at the bazaar.在集市上,鸡、山羊和兔子被摆出来作物物交换之用。
  • They have arranged food imports on a barter basis.他们以易货贸易的方式安排食品进口。
9 susceptible 4rrw7     
  • Children are more susceptible than adults.孩子比成人易受感动。
  • We are all susceptible to advertising.我们都易受广告的影响。
10 onerous 6vCy4     
  • My household duties were not particularly onerous.我的家务活并不繁重。
  • This obligation sometimes proves onerous.这一义务有时被证明是艰巨的。
11 joint m3lx4     
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
12 chattel jUYyN     
  • They were slaves,to be bought and sold as chattels.他们是奴隶,将被作为财产买卖。
  • A house is not a chattel.房子不是动产。
13 valid eiCwm     
  • His claim to own the house is valid.他主张对此屋的所有权有效。
  • Do you have valid reasons for your absence?你的缺席有正当理由吗?
14 prop qR2xi     
  • A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling.一名工人用东西支撑住隧道壁好使它不会倒塌。
  • The government does not intend to prop up declining industries.政府无意扶持不景气的企业。
15 incapable w9ZxK     
  • He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed.他不会做出这么残忍的事。
  • Computers are incapable of creative thought.计算机不会创造性地思维。
16 peculiar cinyo     
  • He walks in a peculiar fashion.他走路的样子很奇特。
  • He looked at me with a very peculiar expression.他用一种很奇怪的表情看着我。
17 guardians 648b3519bd4469e1a48dff4dc4827315     
监护人( guardian的名词复数 ); 保护者,维护者
  • Farmers should be guardians of the countryside. 农民应是乡村的保卫者。
  • The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是法律和秩序的护卫者。
18 insolvents b09d86d4f2db69b7125931194b2511b3     
19 conveyance OoDzv     
  • Bicycles have become the most popular conveyance for Chinese people.自行车已成为中国人最流行的代步工具。
  • Its another,older,usage is a synonym for conveyance.它的另一个更古老的习惯用法是作为财产转让的同义词使用。
20 broker ESjyi     
  • He baited the broker by promises of higher commissions.他答应给更高的佣金来引诱那位经纪人。
  • I'm a real estate broker.我是不动产经纪人。
21 taunt nIJzj     
  • He became a taunt to his neighbours.他成了邻居们嘲讽的对象。
  • Why do the other children taunt him with having red hair?为什么别的小孩子讥笑他有红头发?
22 ramp QTgxf     
  • That driver drove the car up the ramp.那司机将车开上了斜坡。
  • The factory don't have that capacity to ramp up.这家工厂没有能力加速生产。
23 watts c70bc928c4d08ffb18fc491f215d238a     
(电力计量单位)瓦,瓦特( watt的名词复数 )
  • My lamp uses 60 watts; my toaster uses 600 watts. 我的灯用60瓦,我的烤面包器用600瓦。
  • My lamp uses 40 watts. 我的灯40瓦。
24 maxim G2KyJ     
  • Please lay the maxim to your heart.请把此格言记在心里。
  • "Waste not,want not" is her favourite maxim.“不浪费则不匮乏”是她喜爱的格言。
25 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
26 sufficiently 0htzMB     
  • It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently.原来他没有给房屋投足保险。
  • The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.新政策充分灵活地适用两种观点。
27 requisite 2W0xu     
  • He hasn't got the requisite qualifications for the job.他不具备这工作所需的资格。
  • Food and air are requisite for life.食物和空气是生命的必需品。
28 statute TGUzb     
  • Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.保障消费者利益已在法令里作了规定。
  • The next section will consider this environmental statute in detail.下一部分将详细论述环境法令的问题。
29 enacted b0a10ad8fca50ba4217bccb35bc0f2a1     
制定(法律),通过(法案)( enact的过去式和过去分词 )
  • legislation enacted by parliament 由议会通过的法律
  • Outside in the little lobby another scene was begin enacted. 外面的小休息室里又是另一番景象。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
30 wares 2eqzkk     
n. 货物, 商品
  • They sold their wares at half-price. 他们的货品是半价出售的。
  • The peddler was crying up his wares. 小贩极力夸耀自己的货物。
31 upwards lj5wR     
  • The trend of prices is still upwards.物价的趋向是仍在上涨。
  • The smoke rose straight upwards.烟一直向上升。
32 bind Vt8zi     
  • I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.我让服务生帮你把包裹包起来。
  • He wants a shirt that does not bind him.他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
33 memorandum aCvx4     
  • The memorandum was dated 23 August,2008.备忘录上注明的日期是2008年8月23日。
  • The Secretary notes down the date of the meeting in her memorandum book.秘书把会议日期都写在记事本上。
34 lawful ipKzCt     
  • It is not lawful to park in front of a hydrant.在消火栓前停车是不合法的。
  • We don't recognised him to be the lawful heir.我们不承认他为合法继承人。
35 lawfully hpYzCv     
  • Lawfully established contracts shall be protected by law. 依法成立的合同应受法律保护。 来自口语例句
  • As my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death parts us. 当成是我的合法丈夫,无论疾病灾难,直到死亡把我们分开。 来自电影对白
36 authorized jyLzgx     
  • An administrative order is valid if authorized by a statute.如果一个行政命令得到一个法规的认可那么这个命令就是有效的。
37 amendments 39576081718792f25ceae20f3bb99b43     
(法律、文件的)改动( amendment的名词复数 ); 修正案; 修改; (美国宪法的)修正案
  • The committee does not adequately consult others when drafting amendments. 委员会在起草修正案时没有充分征求他人的意见。
  • Please propose amendments and addenda to the first draft of the document. 请对这个文件的初稿提出修改和补充意见。
38 alterations c8302d4e0b3c212bc802c7294057f1cb     
n.改动( alteration的名词复数 );更改;变化;改变
  • Any alterations should be written in neatly to the left side. 改动部分应书写清晰,插在正文的左侧。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code. 基因突变是指DNA 密码的改变。 来自《简明英汉词典》
39 concur CnXyH     
  • Wealth and happiness do not always concur.财富与幸福并非总是并存的。
  • I concur with the speaker in condemning what has been done.我同意发言者对所做的事加以谴责。
40 mutual eFOxC     
  • We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
  • Mutual interests tied us together.相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。
41 lesser UpxzJL     
  • Kept some of the lesser players out.不让那些次要的球员参加联赛。
  • She has also been affected,but to a lesser degree.她也受到波及,但程度较轻。
42 remains 1kMzTy     
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
43 conditional BYvyn     
  • My agreement is conditional on your help.你肯帮助我才同意。
  • There are two forms of most-favored-nation treatment:conditional and unconditional.最惠国待遇有两种形式:有条件的和无条件的。
44 marsh Y7Rzo     
  • There are a lot of frogs in the marsh.沼泽里有许多青蛙。
  • I made my way slowly out of the marsh.我缓慢地走出这片沼泽地。
45 constraint rYnzo     
  • The boy felt constraint in her presence.那男孩在她面前感到局促不安。
  • The lack of capital is major constraint on activities in the informal sector.资本短缺也是影响非正规部门生产经营的一个重要制约因素。
46 obedience 8vryb     
  • Society has a right to expect obedience of the law.社会有权要求人人遵守法律。
  • Soldiers act in obedience to the orders of their superior officers.士兵们遵照上级军官的命令行动。
47 mandate sj9yz     
  • The President had a clear mandate to end the war.总统得到明确的授权结束那场战争。
  • The General Election gave him no such mandate.大选并未授予他这种权力。
48 judicial c3fxD     
  • He is a man with a judicial mind.他是个公正的人。
  • Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.汤姆对他的父亲正式提出诉讼。
49 auction 3uVzy     
  • They've put the contents of their house up for auction.他们把房子里的东西全都拿去拍卖了。
  • They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。
50 bidder oyrzTm     
  • TV franchises will be auctioned to the highest bidder.电视特许经营权将拍卖给出价最高的投标人。
  • The bidder withdrew his bid after submission of his bid.投标者在投标之后撤销了投标书。
51 vendor 3izwB     
  • She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。
  • He must inform the vendor immediately.他必须立即通知卖方。
52 pecuniary Vixyo     
  • She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.她否认通过欺骗手段获得经济利益。
  • She is so independent that she refused all pecuniary aid.她很独立,所以拒绝一切金钱上的资助。
53 breach 2sgzw     
  • We won't have any breach of discipline.我们不允许任何破坏纪律的现象。
  • He was sued for breach of contract.他因不履行合同而被起诉。
54 equity ji8zp     
  • They shared the work of the house with equity.他们公平地分担家务。
  • To capture his equity,Murphy must either sell or refinance.要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。
55 warranty 3gwww     
  • This warranty is good for one year after the date of the purchase of the product.本保证书自购置此产品之日起有效期为一年。
  • As your guarantor,we have signed a warranty to the bank.作为你们的担保人,我们已经向银行开出了担保书。
56 vendors 2bc28e228525b75e14c07dbc14850c34     
n.摊贩( vendor的名词复数 );小贩;(房屋等的)卖主;卖方
  • The vendors were gazundered at the last minute. 卖主在最后一刻被要求降低房价。
  • At the same time, interface standards also benefIt'software vendors. 同时,界面标准也有利于软件开发商。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓