日期:2022-08-02 HR也许会这么问你: 1. What kind of salary reviews or progress would you expect in this company? 你对这个公司的薪水和加薪有什么期待? 2. Why do you think youre worth that? 为什么你认为自己应该得到这一水平的薪水? 3. How do you understand a salary in a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-27 向同事道歉的万能句:请接受我诚挚的道歉。 经典表达: Please accept my deep apologies. 请接受我诚挚的道歉。 举一反三: I apologize for what happened. I apologize for my mistake. I must apologize for what I said about that. I want to apologize for bein... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-27 产生矛盾如何解决:我想和你谈谈。 经典表达: I want to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你谈谈。 举一反三: It is not clear to me what you meant. We all have our crosses, I suppose. Let me explain my actions. Its not like that. Its not fair. What do... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-27 感谢同事的万能句:你真是帮了我大忙。 经典表达: You helped a lot! 你真是帮了我大忙。 举一反三: Thanks a million. I really appreciate it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I cantt thank you enough. I want to thank you for your kindness to me. I... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-27 赞美同事的万能句:你真棒! 经典表达: You are looking sharp! 你看上去真棒/真精神/真漂亮!(sharp的意义很多,根据不同情况解释不同) 举一反三: You look great! You look nice in that color. You are really talented. You have a good sense of humor. You d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-25 说法一丨关于职位 The only reason is that I want a higher position. Id like to have a job that is more dynamic and challenging. I want to work in a company where I can display my ability, and I hope to have an opportunity to develop my abilities. 唯... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-25 What are some challenges that will face the person filling this position? 填补这个职位空缺的人将会面临怎样的挑战? You owe it to yourself to know what youre up against. It just gives you a reality check, Palmer says. The drawbacks may differ dependi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-25 What are the qualities of successful managers in this company? 在这家公司的成功管理者的素质有哪些? If youre interviewing for a managerial position, youll want knowledge of the skills and core competencies the company treasures in a leader, says Dav... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-25 What have you enjoyed most about working here? 在这里工作最开心的是什么? Your prospective boss can relay what he or she values most and what led to his or her personal success with the organization. Then, Palmer says, you can internally ruminateabo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-25 How has this position evolved since it was created? 从设立这个职位以来,这个职位发成了怎样的变化? Getting a brief history on the role should clear up whether the position has expanded over the years or has been a dead end for employees, Palmer says... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-25 6. Challenging your manager in front of your managers boss. 在上级的上级前质疑你的上级。 If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager. Dont embarrass or undermine your manager. 如果你对你的经理心存不... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-25 1. Having to be reminded. 你总得催催催 Yes, we all let things slip through the cracks now and then. However, its been my experience that some employees are the same ones that need to be consistently llowed up with when others seem to be able to resp... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-07-06 We have been married for ten years. 我们结婚已经10年了。 My husband died three years ago. 我的丈夫在3年前去世了。 I am unmarried. 我没有结婚。 We got married not long ago. 我们刚结婚不久。 I have a five-year old girl. 我有一个5岁的女儿。 My wife wor... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-22 Congratulate on your promotion. 恭喜你升职了。 Were happy you got the promotion. 很高兴你得到了提拔。 This career move is the right direction. 这次职位变动是你在事业上的一次迈进。 Im so glad that you were elected the leader. 真高兴你被选为领导了。 T... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-05-16 1. Whatever you do, dont lie. 不论怎么回答,都别说谎 Daniel Space, a human resources consultant, said that if you cant draw from personal experience to answer a question, its alright to say something like, I havent been placed in that situation spec... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-03-02 说起办公室里的Secretary,可能我们第一反应出的意思都是秘书,不过下面这个句子要注意了: I chose the tall secretary where mother sat so often writing letters by a sunny window. 翻译这句话时要格外小心,否则就会把tall secretary译成了高个子秘书,岂不闹出... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-02-22 你有没有感到闷得发慌的时候?工作太辛苦会让人身心俱疲,但专家指出,长期感到无聊也会危害健康,让人产生倦怠感。 How bored are you? Having nothing to do, or doing the same task again and again, can certainly be demotivating. And if boredom persists, you... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-02-22 当你需要同事的帮助,希望得到更详细的数据或信息时,这句绝对是最佳选择: Can you email me the details? 你能把这份数据发邮件给我吗? 而当同事需要你提供信息,但你要稍晚才能准备好,就可以用: Can I get back to you on that shortly? 我可以迟点回复你吗?... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-02-22 跟领导可能会有各种场景的话题,但其中有两个是一定会遇到的,其一就是汇报工作,想约一个单独的面谈,这时可以用: Can we arrange a one-to-one, please? 另外一个就是请假,你想请事假,可以用: Can I book some time off? 我可以预订一些休息时间吗? annual leav... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-02-22 新人来到公司,首先要办的就是入职手续,这是很自然的,你就要询问各种表格: Where can I find HR? I need to give them some paperwork. 我在哪里可以找到人力资源的同事?我需要给他们一些文件。 提交完各种材料,填好N张表后,来到办公桌前,发现上面空空如也,没... 阅读全文>>

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