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“points”、“scores”、“marks” 都有 “分数” 的意思,它们该怎么区分?“得了多少分” 除了用 “get points” 还能怎么表达?
我们先来看 “point”。在体育运动或竞猜游戏等活动中,“point” 指 “因表现成功或正确回答问题而获得的得分单位或分数”。比如,篮球比赛中的 “三分球” 就可以用 “a three pointer” 来表示。我们可以用 “get”、“earn” 和 “win” 这样的动词与名词 “point” 搭配,表示 “得多少分”。听三个例句。
Answering this quiz question will earn you three points.
That's correct. Fifty points to your team!
The oldest gymnast won the most points in the ribbons event.
接着,来看 “score”。作名词使用时,它既可以用来表示 “游戏或比赛的总分、比分”,也可以指 “考试成绩”,它的形式往往是数字。请听例句。
The club finished on a score of 320 at the end of the tournament.
The final score of yesterday's football game was 6-2.
He passed with a score of 73 out of 100 in his final test.
除了作名词以外,“score” 也可以作动词使用,意思是 “得” 分。比如,“score a point” 就是 “得一分”。你也可以在谈论足球等体育运动时,用 “score” 特指 “进球”。我们来听三个例句。
You scored three points.
The young athlete scored seven out of ten in the diving event.
相比之下,名词 “mark” 更常出现在与学术有关的话题中,表示 “给学生的作文、测验、学科项目等评的分数或成绩”。你得到的 “mark” 通常是成绩所在的等级,比如 “A” 或 “优”,但它也可能是以数字的形式来体现的,比如 “90分” 或 “90%”。
What mark did you get on your test?
I can't believe I got such a high mark. I was expecting a B.
(真不敢相信我得了这么高的分数。我以为我会得 B。)
另外,“mark” 也可以用作动词,意思是 “评分,批改作业或试卷等”,用来谈论检查学习成果是否正确的过程。比如,搭配 “mark down” 的意思是 “给学生的作业扣分,压低分数”。来听两个例句。
The teacher spent all night marking the exam papers.
Please don't mark my essay down for going over the word limit.
上面,我们讲到的 “mark” 常用于英式英语中;那么,在美式英语中,更常用单词 “grade”,两者的含义基本相同。来听两个例句。
I didn't expect such a low grade for my exam. My parents are going to be angry.
Part of your job as a teacher is to grade papers.
总结一下:“point” 是 “因表现成功或正确回答问题而获得的分数”;“score” 作名词时指 “体育赛事的总分或考试总成绩”,作动词时表示 “得分”;“mark” 和 “grade” 作名词时都指 “作业、考试等的成绩”,作动词表示 “评分”。其中,在英式英语中更常用的是 “mark”。
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