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表姑Second cousin

  表叔Second cousin

  表兄弟Father's sister's sons; male cousin

  表兄弟Maternal male cousin

  表侄Second cousin

  表姊妹Father's sister's daughters; female cousin

  表姊妹Maternal female cousin

  伯父/大爷Father's older brother; Elder uncle

  伯母/大娘Father's older brother's wife; Aunt

  伯叔祖父Father's father's brother; Great uncle

  伯叔祖母Father's father's brother's wife; Great aunt

  长兄/哥哥Older Brother

  长姊/姐姐Older Sister

  大伯Husband's older brother; brother-in-law

  大姑Husband's older sister; sister-in-law

  弟妇/弟妹Younger brother's wife; sister-in-law



  高祖父Great great grandfather

  高祖母Great great grandmother

  公公Husband's father

  姑夫Father's sister's husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle

  姑母Father's sister; Paternal aunt

  姑爷Father's father's sister's husband; Paternal grandaunt's husband

  继父Step father

  继母Step mother

  襟兄弟Husband of wife's sister

  舅父/舅舅Mother's brother; Maternal uncle

  舅母/妗子Mother's brother's wife; Maternal uncle's wife

  妹夫Younger sister's husband


  内弟/小舅子Wife's younger brother

  内兄/大舅子Wife's older brother


  女婿Daughter's husband; Son-in-law

  婆婆Husband's mother; mother-in-law


  嫂/嫂子Older brother's wife; sister-in-law

  婶母/婶子Father's younger brother's wife; Aunt

  叔父/叔叔Father's younger brother; Uncle

  叔丈母Wife's aunt

  叔丈人Wife's uncle

  孙女Son's daughter; Granddaughter

  孙女婿Son's daughter's husband; Granddaughter's husband

  孙媳夫Son's son's wife; Grandson's wife

  孙子Son's son; Grandson

  堂兄弟Father's brother's sons; Paternal male cousin

  堂姊妹Father's brother's daughters; Paternal female cousin


  外甥Sister's son

  外甥Wife's sibling's son

  外甥女Sister's daughter

  外甥女Wife's sibling's daughter

  外甥女婿Sister's daughter's husband

  外甥媳妇Sister's son's wife

  外孙Daughter's son; grandson

  外孙女Daughter's daughter; granddaughter

  外祖父/外公/老爷Mother's father; Maternal grandfather

  外祖母/外婆/姥姥Mother's mother; Maternal grandmother

  媳妇Son's wife; Daughter-in-law

  小姑Husband's younger sister; sister-in-law

  小叔Husband's younger brother; brother-in-law

  玄孙Great great grandson

  养父Foster, adopted father

  养母Foster, adopted mother

  姨夫Mother's sister's husband; Husband of mother's sister

  姨姐/大姨Wife's elder sister; sister-in-law

  姨妹/小姨Wife's younger sister; sister-in-law

  姨母/姨妈Mother's sister

  姨甥男女Wife's sister's children

  幼弟/弟弟Younger Brother

  幼妹/妹妹Younger Sister

  岳父Wife's father, Father-in-law

  岳母Wife's mother, Mother-in-law

  曾孙Great grandson

  曾祖父/老爷爷Father's father's father; Great grandfathera

  曾祖母/老奶奶Father's father's mother; Great grandmother


  侄女Brother's daughter; niece

  侄女婿Brother's daughter's husband; niece's husband


  侄孙女Grand niece

  侄媳妇Brother's son's wife; nephew's wife

  侄子Brother's son; nephew

  祖父/爷爷Father's father; Paternal grandfather

  祖姑母/姑奶奶Father's father's sister;

  祖母/奶奶Father's mother; Paternal grandmother

  姊夫/姐夫Older sister's husband

  妯娌Brother's wife; sister-in-law
