网球应用词汇 G-S Terms
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-12-14 02:05 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
~ g ~ Grand Slam: (1) One of four major tournaments played once a year - Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, U.S. Open, 世界四大锦标赛之一: 澳洲公开赛,法国公开赛,Wimbledon,和美国锦标赛 (2) Winner of all Grand Slam titles in a calendar year 在以上锦标赛中获胜的队伍 groundies:   Groundstrokes 贴地球 ~ h ~ head:   The portion of a racquet comprising the frame and strings 球拍的头部 hold:   To win a game as the server, to hold serve 发球制胜 ~ l ~ league:   A group of tennis players competing against other groups or teams 比赛团队 ~ m ~ mixed:   See "mixed doubles" mixed doubles:   One female and one male play against one female and one male, sometimes detrimental to a marriage 混双 ~ p ~ poach:   In doubles, to hit a ball (usually with a volley) that would normally be hit by another 在双打中,一方的一个队员抢先打自方的一个队员的球 ~ s ~ seed:   In a tournament, the top players based on previous results 种子选手 side or serve:   To begin a match, the person who wins the toss can select to serve or which side to begin on 在上局比赛中,其中获胜一方可以选择自己发球或者决定由哪放发球的权利 ~ w~ wrong foot:   To hit a shot to the court of an opponent who is leaning or running the opposite direction 向冲向自己的对方选手猛打球
