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草图    sketch
草图画纸    layout paper
草稿    draft
蚀刻术    etching
诱导抗力    induced drag
轴    shaft
轴心车削法    turning between centres
轴功    shaft work
轴承    bearing
轴环;卡圈    collar
轴接    coupling
轻锉法    light filing
退化    degradation
退火    annealing
重力;引力    gravitational force
重心    centre of gravity
重量    weight
重锉法    heavy filing
钝    blunt
钢    steel
钢尺    steel rule
钢丝刷    wire brush
钢夹    steel clip
钢针    spur
钢筋混凝土    reinforced concrete
钢锥    steel pricker
阀门    valve
面    plane
面心;形心    centroid
面材    plane materiel
面板    face plate
面板车削法    face plate turning
面结型晶体管    junction transistor
面罩    face mask
音量    volume
顺磁性    paramagnetic material
首版;原型;雏形    prototype
骨架结构    carcase construction
俯视图;平面图    plan
倒角;去角    chamfer
倒模成形;模塑;铸模成形    moulding
倾角    angle of inclination; rake angle
倾斜面    inclined plane
剖切面    cutting plane
剖切面线    cutting plane line
剖线    hatching line
剖视图    sectional view
剖面;纵切面    section
原子粒;晶体管    transistor
原色    primary colour
原型;雏形;首版    prototype
原料    raw material
哥罗芳;三氯甲烷    chloroform
圆口夹钳    round tongs
圆头弧刀    round nose gouge
圆头铁锤    ball pein hammer; raising hammer
圆头铆钉    conical head rivet; round head rivet
圆头螺丝    round head screw
圆形及椭圆形尺    circle and ellipse guide
圆形开口牙板    circular split die
圆形凸轮    circular cam
圆折边    beaded edge
圆咀钳    round nose pliers
圆底弯刨    round faced spokeshave
圆弧运动    circular motion
圆枝    round rod
圆规    compasses
圆通;圆管    round tube
圆铁砧    bick iron
圆盘锯;风车锯    circular saw
圆凿;弧口凿    gouge
圆锉    round file
圆瓣图    pie chart
埋头直孔    counterbore
埋头钻    countersink drill
埋头钻嘴    countersink bit; rose countersink drill
埋头铆钉    countersink head rivet
埋头锥孔    countersink
埋头螺丝    countersink head screw
埋头螺栓    countersink head bolt
套筒;套管    sleeve
套锤    fullers
家用的    domestic
家俬钉    panel nail
家俬蜡    furniture wax
容差;宽裕度    allowance
宽条芯夹板;大芯夹板    blockboard
宽裕度;容差    allowance
展开图    development
展性    malleability
展性的    malleable
峰至峰值    peak-to-peak value
峰值    peak value
徒手草图    freehand sketch
振动    vibration
振荡    oscillating
振荡运动    oscillatory motion
振荡器    oscillator
振幅    amplitude
换能器;转能器;传感器    transducer
效率    efficiency
样式;模式    pattern
框架    frame
桥式整流器    bridge rectifier
梣木    ash
梨形凸轮    pear-shaped cam
氧乙炔焊接    oxy-acetylene welding
氧化    oxidation; oxidize
流程图    flow chart
浮力    buoyancy
浮雕    relief
海绵状塑料;泡沫塑料;多孔塑料    foam plastics
浸涂    dip coating
涂层金属片    coated metal sheet
涂料;油漆    paint
消失点    vanishing point
消色差    achromatic colour
涡轮机    turbine
涡流    eddy current
润滑    lubrication
润滑剂    lubricant
润滑脂    grease
烧结    sintering
热工及冷工凿刀    hot and cold set
热风炉    hot blast stove
热加工;热作工    hot working
热加工硬化    hot work hardening
热处理    heat treatment
热轧压    hot rolling
热传递    heat transfer
热动式超载继电器    thermo overload relay
热导率    thermal conductivity
热收缩    thermal contraction
热均衡图    thermal equilibrium diagram
热固性塑料    thermosetting plastic
热的特性    thermal property
热绝缘    thermal insulation
热流    heat flow
热浸法    hot dipping
热能    heat energy
热敏电阻    thermister
热塑性塑料    thermoplastic
热膨胀    thermal expansion
特性    property
珠光体    pearlite
瓷釉;搪瓷;珐琅    enamel
瓷漆;磁漆    enamel paint
疲劳    fatigue
真实形状    true shape
真空成形;真空吸塑    vacuum forming
真空成形机    vacuum former
真空吸塑成形法    vacuum moulding
胶片刀;勾刀    plastic cutter
胶合剂;黏结剂    adhesive
胶合板;夹板    plywood
胶纸    adhesive tape; tape
能量守恒    conservation of energy
能量守恒定律    law of conservation of energy
脆性    brittleness
脆弱的;易碎的    brittle
脑力激荡法    brainstorming
衰减    attenuation
调节    regulating
调制解调器    modem
调校    adjustment
调校螺丝     adjusting screw
调校螺母;调校螺帽    adjusting nut
调速器    governor
调谐电路    tuning circuit
起化    magnetization
起动扭矩    starting torque
起动器    starter
起泡剂;发泡剂    foaming agent
起磁;磁化    magnetization
载电    live
透明;通透    transparent
透视投影    perspective projection
透视图    perspective drawing
透视法    perspective
通用面板    universal surface plate
速度    velocity
速度比    velocity ratio
造形    form
造型砂    moulding sand
配件    fitting
钳    pliers
铅    lead
铅笔    pencil
铅笔刨    pencil sharpener
铆钉    rivet
铆钉接合    riveted joint
铆钉模    rivet set & snap
铆接    riveting
陶瓷    ceramics
陶瓷制品    ceramic product
顽磁性铁磁材料    retentive ferromagnetic material
高电压    high voltage
高通滤波器    high-pass filter
高速钢    high speed steel
高密度聚乙烯    high density polyethylene (HDPE)
高碳钢    high carbon steel
偏心凸轮    eccentric cam
偏压    bias
偏向    bias; deviation
偏差    deviation
偏离    drift
偶合;耦合(电工)    coupling
减除作业    reduction process
剪刀    scissors
剪力    shearing force
剪切    shear
剪床;闸床    guillotine
匙孔锯    key-hole saw; pad saw
基尔霍夫定律;克希何夫定律    Kirchhoff's Law
基本设计原理    design fundamentals
基极电流    base current
基准边    true edge
密度    density
常规    conventions
弹性    elasticity
弹性夹头;筒夹    collet
弹性应变能    elastic strain energy
弹性形变    elastic deformation
弹性极限    elastic limit
弹性常数    elastic constant
弹性模量;弹性模数    modulus of elasticity
弹簧    spring
弹簧分规    spring divider
弹簧垫圈    spring washer
彩度    chroma
惯性力矩;转动惯量    moment of inertia
惯性负载    inertia load
接口;界面;分界面    interface
接合    joining
接合工具    joining tool
接地    earthing
接缝    lapped seam; seam
接触角    angle of contact
控制系统    control system
推进器    propeller
推拔车削    taper turning
斜切车刀    skew turning chisel
斜边凿    bevel edged chisel
斜投影    oblique projection
斜纹〈织物的〉    bias
斜角    mitre
斜角;斜面    bevel
斜角规    bevel; sliding bevel
斜角榫    mitre joint
斜身螺丝攻    taper tap
斜钉法    dovetail nailing
斜视图    oblique drawing
斜格纸;等角投影纸    isometric grid paper
斜率    gradient
斜榫尺    mitre square
斜榫规    mitre gauge
斜槽位;鱼尾槽位    dovetail trench
旋扭法    twisting
旋制法    spinning
旋转;转动    rotation
旋转台    rotating platform
旋转运动    rotary motion
旋转轴    rotating shaft
旋钮;球形把手    knob
梁规    trammel
液压    liquid compression
液压机    hydraulic press
液压控制    hydraulic control
液相    liquid phase
液晶体显示    liquid crystal display (LCD)
淬火    quench
淬火液    quenching liquid
淬硬    quench hardening
深拉制法    deep drawing
深度计;深度规    depth gauge
混合胶;二合胶    epoxy glue
添加剂    additive
添加法;加成作业    addition process
清胶    gel resin
清漆    varnish
渗碳    cementation
焊剂    flux
焊枪    brazing torch
焊炉    brazing hearth
焊接    welding
焓    enthalpy
焗炉    oven
球体    sphere
球形把手;旋钮    knob
盘式离合器;碟式离合器    plate clutch
眼罩    goggles
硅    silicon
移印字    dry rub on transfers
窑房干燥法    kiln seasoning
符号    symbol
第一角投影法    first angle projection
第三角投影法    third angle projection
粗刨    jack plane
粗纹    bastard cut
粗削    roughing
维修;保养    maintenance
综合    synthesis
脚掣    footbrake
脱模剂    release agent
脱模腊    mould release wax
脱碳    decarburization
菠萨轻木;飞机木    balsa
虚线;隐线    hidden line
蛋形木槌    bossing mallet
谐振;共振;共鸣    resonance
象限    quadrant
辅助投影    auxiliary projection
铜;红铜    copper
铜焊    brazing
铜焊料;锌焊料    spelter solder
铝    aluminium
铣    milling
铣刀    milling cutter
铣床    milling machine
铬    chromium
铰    hinge
铰刀    reamer
铰孔    reaming
铰接合    hinged joint
铰接式支座    hinged support
银    silver
银焊料    silver solder
阈值;临界值    threshold
随动件    follower
随机存取存贮器;随机存取内存    random access memory (RAM)
随遇平衡;中性平衡    neutral equilibrium
颈轴承    journal bearing
颈缩    necking
麻花钻    twist drill
黄金分割    golden section
黄金比例    golden ratio
黄铜    brass
割线规    cutting gauge
喇叭;扬声器    speaker
喉管    tube
喷咀    nozzle
喷砂    sand blasting
喷射铸造法;注射成形法    injection moulding
喷漆法    spraying
塔轮    cone pulley
奥氏体    austenite
强化    reinforcement
强化塑料    reinforced plastics
循环车削    turning cycle
循环过程    cyclic process
惠斯登电桥    Wheatstone bridge
惰轮    idler
描影;(绘画的)明暗运用    shading
插头    plug
插座    socket
搜集资料;数据搜集    data collection
搭接;叠榫    lap joint
搭焊    lap welding
晶体    crystal
晶体点阵;晶体格构;晶格    crystal lattice
晶体结构    crystal structure
晶体振荡器    crystal oscillator
晶体管;原子粒    transistor
晶粒    grain
暂时接合    temporary joint
最后方案    final solution
棘轮和爪    ratchet and pawl
棘齿    ratchet
棘齿弓钻    ratchet brace
温差电偶    thermocouple
温度调节器;恒温器    thermostat
温度梯度    temperature gradient
温标    temperature scale
滑动件    slider
滑刨;光刨    smoothing plane
滑块曲柄机构    slider crank mechanism
滑枕    ram
滑轮    pulley
滞后现象    hysteresis
焦炭    coke
然纳二极管;齐纳二极管    Zener diode
短路    short circuit
硫化作用    vulcanization
硬化    hardening
硬化剂    curing agent; hardener; hardening agent
硬木    hardwood
硬件〈计算机〉    hardware
硬质纤维板;「快把」板    hardboard
硬质纤维板;「快把」板    hardboard
硬度    hardness
硬度测试    hardness test
硬挺度;刚强度    stiffness
硬胶;聚苯乙桸    polystyrene (PS)
硬焊    hard soldering
硬模铸造;压力铸造;压铸    die casting
稀释剂;天拿水    thinner
程序;程序    program
等角投影    isometric projection
等角投影纸;斜格纸    isometric grid paper
等角投影图;均角投影图    isometric drawing
等角轴    isometric axis
等角圆    isometric circle
等和色;合成色    secondary colour
等焓的过程    isentropic process
筒夹;弹性夹头    collet
筒形线圈;螺线管;电磁线圈    solenoid
缓冲板    buffer board
缓冲器    buffer
编译器;编译程序    compiler
编码    encode
编码器    encoder
葫芦夹钳    pick-up tongs
装订    binding
装拆式结构    knock-down construction
装拆扣件    knock-down fitting
装饰的图案或式样    motif
装配图;组合图    assembly drawing
超声波    ultrasonic wave
超声波测试    ultrasonic test
超载    overload
超塑料    superplastic
釉窑;搪瓷炉    enamelling kiln
量角器    protractor
量度    measurement
量度工具    measuring tool
销    pin
销钉接合;木钉榫    dowelled joint
锉    file
锉刨    surform
锉刨刨刀    surform blade
锉削    filing
锋利工具    edge tool
锌    zinc
锌焊料;铜焊料    spelter solder
锌铸    zinc casting
锐磨    sharpening
隔离开关    isolating switch
隔离器    isolator
隙角    clearance angle
集电极电流    collector current
集成电路    integrated circuit (IC)
黑皮软钢    black mild steel
塑性    plasticity
塑性形变    plastic deformation
塑料    plastics
塑料土;橡皮泥    plasticine
塑料层积片;层叠塑料片    laminated plastic sheet
塑料涂层    plastic coating
塞子    plug
塞状螺丝攻    plug tap
填角焊接    fillet weld
填料;填剂    filler
微分放大器;差动放大器    differential amplifier
微电子学    microelectronics
微调    fine-adjustment
意念;构想    idea
感应电路    sensor circuit
感应器    sensor
感温开关    temperature sensitive switch
搪瓷;珐琅;瓷釉    enamel
搪瓷炉;釉窑    enamelling kiln
摇摆运动    oscillating motion
摇摆钉法    staggered nailing
数字及字母冲    number and letter punch
数字仿真转换;数模转换    digital-to-analogue conversion
数字冲    number punch
数码化仪器;数字式仪器    digital instrument
数码化显示;数字式显示    digital display
数据搜集;搜集资料    data collection
暖色    warm colour
暗接斜角鸠尾榫    secret mitre dovetail joint
楔;劈尖    wedge
楔铁    drift
楔槽榫    barefaced tongue and groove joint
榆木    elm
槌击法    chopping
溜板座;刀座鞍    saddle
滚子轴承    roller bearing
滚动摩擦    rolling friction
滚压;辘压    rolling
滚纹;切辊纹    knurling
滚花身;压花身    knurled shank
滚珠轴承    ball bearing
煤油;火水    kerosene
照明    lighting
硼砂    borax
碎屑;切屑    chip
碎料板;刨花板    particle board
蒸气    steam
蜂鸣器    buzzer
蜗杆    worm gear
蜗杆和蜗轮    worm and worm wheel
蜗轮    worm wheel
解决方法    solution
解决问题    problem solving
跳菲;小型电路断路器    miniature circuit breaker (MCB)
输入    input
输入/输出插座    I/O port
输入特性    input characteristics
输入装置    input device
输出    output
输出特性    output characteristics
输出装置    output device
锡    tin
锡线    solder
锡焊接合    soldering
锡腊    pewter
锡箔    tinfoil
锥子    awl
锥形顶尖    cone centre
锯    saw
锯口罩    gap plate
锯切    sawing
锯木架    saw horse
锯杂纹    interlocked grain
锯床    sawing machine
锯条;锯片    saw blade
锯条导架    saw guide
锯齿波形    sawtooth waveform
锯齿校正器;锯齿修整器    saw set
锯架    frame; saw frame
锯缝    saw kerf
零件;组件    component
零件分散图;爆炸图    exploded drawing (view)
零件图    parts drawing
零件表    parts list
零件详图;详细图    details drawing
零位校正    zero correction
频带宽度    bandwidth
频率    frequency
鼓风炉    blast furnace
鼓式制动器    drum brake
截锥铆钉    pan head rivet
敲打成形    beatening
榫头    tenon
榫规;双线规    mortise gauge
榫眼;卯孔    mortise
榫凿    mortise chisel
榫锯;夹背锯    tenon saw
模    die; former
模子;铸模    mould
模件;模块;组件    module
模式;样式    pattern
模板    template
模型    model; patterns
模型制作    model making
模塑;倒模成形;铸模成形    moulding
模数转换;仿真数字转换    analogue-to-digital conversion
模锻法;锤锻法;冲锻法    drop forging
漏电断路掣;水气掣    earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB)
演绎技术(设计)    rendering technique
熔化    fusion
熔焊接    fusion welding
熔渣    slag
碟式制动器    disc brake
碟式离合器;盘式离合器    plate clutch
碟形凹陷法    sinking
碳化三铁体    cementite
碳化合金    carbide
碳钢    carbon steel
磁化;起磁    magnetization
磁化电流    magnetizing current
磁场    magnetic field
磁场强度    magnetic field strength
磁性    magnetic property
磁铁    magnet
磁漆;瓷漆    enamel paint
端纹    end grain
端视图;侧视图    end view
端面车削    facing
管    pipe
聚乙烯;软胶    polyethylene (PE)
聚丙烯;百折胶;百折胶    polypropylene (PP)
聚四氟乙烯    polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂;压克力;亚加力    polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)
聚合作用    polymerization
聚合物    polymer
聚苯乙烯;硬胶    polystyrene (PS)
聚氨基甲酸乙酯    polyurethane (PU)
聚硅铜橡胶    silicon rubber
聚氯乙烯;PVC胶    polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
聚酯    polyester
聚酯树脂;水晶胶    polyester resin
聚碳酸酯    polycarbonate (PC)
聚醯胺;尼龙    polyamide (PA)
腐蚀    corrosion
腐蚀液    corrosive liquid
蜜胺;三聚氰胺    melamine
蜜胺甲醛    melamine formaldehyde (MF)
遮光物    shade
酸洗    acid pickling
雌雄榫;榫卯    mortise and tenon joint
静态平衡    static equilibrium
静摩擦    static friction
劈刀    riving knife
劈尖;楔    wedge
增强剂    reinforcing agent
增塑剂    plasticizer
摩打;电动机;马达    motor
摩擦力    friction
摩擦焊接    friction welding
槽    groove
槽口    rebate
槽口刨;边刨;子口刨    rebate plane
槽位    trench
槽刨;槽刨机    router
槽沟平接榫    tongue groove joint
槽沟角接榫    tongued trenched joint
槽榫    housing joint
横切面    cross-section
横切面积    cross-sectional area
横向滑座;横刀架    cross slide
横纹刨    block plane
横梁    beam
横锉法    crossfiling
橡木    oak
橡皮泥;塑料土    plasticine
橡皮圈    rubber band
橡皮擦    eraser; rubber
橡胶    rubber
潜变;蠕变    creep
潜热    latent heat
熟铁    wrought iron
箱    carcase
耦合;偶合 (电工)    coupling
趟门    sliding door
踏靴    hold down foot
靠板;导板    fence
整流    rectification
整流子;二极管    diode
燕尾榫;鸠尾榫;鱼尾榫    dovetail joint
磨刀石;油石    oil stone
磨刀机    sharpedge grinding machine
磨石    carborundum stone
磨光剂;金属擦光剂    metal polish
磨光锉法    draw filing
磨床    grinding machine
磨轮    abrasive wheel
磨削;研磨    grinding
磨料    abrasive
磨胶接榫    plain glued & rubbed joint
磨锯锉    saw file
膨胀率;可扩张性    expansivity
雕花锯    fret saw; piercing saw
雕刻工具    engraving tool
雕刻机    engraver
雕塑    sculpture
