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The detailed1 chemical structure of a single molecule2 has been imaged for the first time, say researchers. 研究人员称,单个分子的详细的化学结构第一次被影象记录下来。 Even the bonds to the hydrogen atoms at the pentacene's periphery can be seen The physical shape of single carbon nanotubes(含碳纳米管) has been outlined before, using similar techniques - but the new method even shows up chemical bonds(化学键). Understanding structure on this scale could help in the design of many things on the molecular4 scale, particularly electronics or even drugs. The IBM researchers report their findings in the journal Science. It is the same group that in July reported the feat5 of measuring the charge on a single atom. In both cases, a team from IBM Research Zurich used what is known as an atomic force microscope or AFM. Their version of the device acts like a tiny tuning fork, with one of the prongs(弹簧) of the fork passing incredibly close to the sample and the other farther away. When the fork is set vibrating, the prong nearest the sample will experience a minuscule7(草写小字的) shift in the frequency of its vibration8, simply because it is getting close to the molecule. Comparing the frequencies of the two prongs gives a measure of just how close the nearer prong is, effectively mapping out the molecule's structure. The measurement requires extremes of precision. In order to avoid the effects of stray(迷途的,偶然的) gas molecules9 bounding around, or the general atomic-scale jiggling(轻摇,微动) that room-temperature objects experience, the whole setup has to be kept under high vacuum and at blisteringly cold temperatures. However, the tip of the AFM's prong is not well-defined and isn't necessarily sharp on the scale of single atoms. The effect of this bluntness(迟钝) is to blur10(模糊) the instrument's images. The researchers have now hit on the idea of deliberately11 picking up just one small molecule - made of one atom of carbon and one of oxygen - with the AFM tip, forming the sharpest, most well-defined tip possible. Their measurement of a pentacene molecule using this carbon monoxide(一氧化碳) tip shows the bonds between the carbon atoms in five linked rings, and even suggests the bonds to the hydrogen atoms at the molecule's periphery(周边). Lead author of the research Leo Gross told BBC News that the group is aiming to combine their ability to measure individual charges with the new technique, characterising molecules at a truly unprecedented13 level of detail. That will help in particular in the field of "molecular electronics", a potential future for electronics in which individual molecules serve as switches and transistors14. Although the approach can trace out the ethereal(轻的,天上的) bonds that connect atoms, it cannot distinguish between atoms of different types. The team aims to use the new technique in tandem15 with(串联,合作) a similar one known as scanning tunnelling microscopy - in which a tiny voltage is applied16 accross the sample - to determine if the two methods in combination can deduce(推论,演绎) the nature of each atom in the AFM images. That would help the entire field of chemistry, in particular the synthetic17(合成的) chemistry used for drug design. The results are of wide interest to others who study the nano-world with similar instruments. For them, implementing18 the same approach is as simple as picking up one of these carbon monoxide molecules with their AFM before taking a measurement. 点击 ![]()
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